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Sumeru Yantra (some more considerations )

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Sub : S U M E R U Y A N T R A ( some more considerations )




In response to the request of a devotee, few members responded as to the place

where Sumeru yanta can be procured. Before buying some of the few points which

has come to my mind are given below ( which is not exhaustive ).




Meru is available in Panchalokam ( alloy of 5 metals ), in spatikam, in silver

and in gold. Meru made of very precious metals have to be ordered specifically.




Some of the possible defects in the workmanship especially when the meru is

small and which should be taken care of are:




Tiny Air bubbles in the casting.




Micro cracks on the yantra at the time of grinding.




Minute Chipping on the edges of meru.




Improper alignment of Shakthi charkas and Shiva charkas.




The asymmetrical sizes of Dhalam and the triangles , though not noticeable





The Bidu must be prominent. I have noticed in some meru even the absence of





It should be procured on an auspicious day and preferably, the Guru should

arrange for it or a prior permission be obtained for buying it and should be

taken from the Guru’s hands.




The prana prathishta is to be done as per procedures on the Yantra by Guru or a

very elderly Sadhak .






Some persons buy the Salagramas in the hope it would bring material benefits or

prosperity. This is just like the wishful thinking that a mere registration in a

university would earn him a degree or the required knowledge. It is regrettable

that nowadays yantras are distributed as promotional items for boosting the

sales of some spiritual Tamil magazines and advertised before the issues.




Salagrama and yantras must be obtained from a guru or from the hands of the guru

along with the appropriate mantras. Otherwise one should possess it as a

hereditary property and do the obligatory pujas and upacharas after learning the

procedures from parents.


Many orthodox families give away the ancestral yantras and salagrama to temples

if they find an indifferent attitude in their offspring or the western

influences taking priorities.


Having an yantra is just the beginning and requires a daily routine worship with

at least five upacharas in the mornings to be done at the appropriate chosen

time . One is supposed to fast on the day if events force him to skip the puja .

He is supposed to take the yantras and salagrama along with him wherever he is

forced to travel.


The mantra and yantra are described in the Tantric works. The mantra after

proper initiation repeated with intense faith and devotion, is capable of

revealing the form of the deity by setting up appropriate vibrations in the

ether or akasha which pervades everywhere including the body and mind. The

yantra when drawn properly and installed, gets charged as it were, binding the

contemplated deity to itself. Ramakrishna Parmahamsa used to discourage having

big photos of the deity in the houses, if one is not regular in puja.




We, ordinary mortals that we are, with extraordinary attachment to our bodies

and minds. are like bubbles in a mighty ocean. It is only when this little

bubble attaches to the big wave –called the upasana that it becomes conscious

of its unity with the ocean. The power of the wave – The upasana is through the

mantra,yantra and the tantra. (dissolution of our little selves in the universal

self )




Ganapathy = = = vijaya



sankara menon <kochu1tz wrote:the best I have seen are at

Murugabhooshanam 9, Llods Road, Chennai. Phone No.28114013/28131254.



arun_k_naik <arun_k_naik wrote:Namaskar.


Can anyone please tell me where I can get a Sumeru Sriyantra in metal

in India?






sudhaasuuteshcandropalajalalavairarghyaracanaa .

svakiiyairambhobhiH salilanidhisauhityakaraNaM

tvadiiyaabhirvaagbhistava janani vaacaaM stutiriyam.h


www : http://www.ambaa.org/

Contact: help







sudhaasuuteshcandropalajalalavairarghyaracanaa .

svakiiyairambhobhiH salilanidhisauhityakaraNaM

tvadiiyaabhirvaagbhistava janani vaacaaM stutiriyam.h


www : http://www.ambaa.org/

Contact: help






Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari "


" Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagath "






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