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Sri Vidyaarnava tantra




First Chapeter Slokas 71 to 76




shree vishnu sharmana shishyahaha pagalbhaacaarya panditaha.71


tacChishyena mayaaprokte granthe asmin poornataamgate.


Aaviraaseejagaddhaatree mahaamaayaa mamaagrataha..72..


Iti provaaca bho vatsa vruneeshwa varameepsitam.


Tadoktwaanaham maatatmatkrutam grandhamuttamam..73..


Drushtwaa gurukrama mantraan gurutwena vibhaavya maam.


Deekshaam vinaapi bhaktyaa tu ye japanti ca saadhakaah..74..


Teshaamatitaraam siddhirbhavatwiti mamepsitam.


Suprasnnaa tadaa devi tattadhaiva bhavatwiti..75..


Varam datwaa mudaapyantrhitaato gurusantate.


Jnaanamaatrena saa devee tushtaa bhavati nishcayam..76..






Is it that Sri Vidyaranya who lived about 1000 years was not aware of the

situation of need for personal instructions? Then why did he say what he said





Similarly Lakshmidhara also said this “Consider me the Guru”.








Is it because Guru parampara had become diluted even then? We know of people who

say they have this Guru and that and when the lineage is spoken of the listener

knows its all wrong.




It is also said


Guravo bhahavassandi shishya vithaapahaaraka


Durllabham jneyo guru shishya santaapahaarakah




The present situation is of the seeker running hither and thither without

getting a proper Guru and gullible people taking on the “guruship”.




If as you say Nyasa etc have to be learnt from Guru Mukha, then why did

Vidyaaranya give all that in detail?




I remember reading this in a few other places as well.




The whole secrecy has destroyed a lot of all this!!




Only a few months ago I had the fortune / misfortune to see a “secret text”

called “Saubhagya Manjari”. It was a whole Sri Vidya Pooja, obviously unique.

The namboodiri who had it did not know anything. Was keeping it like a genie

guarding gold. After great persuasion it was shown. Before it could be copied,

it was taken away and placed in Pooja where water seeped in and almost destroyed

it. Now it is in the process of being restored at great expense and time.




Why? Because they took the statements Swa matru jaaravat gopyataa and rajyam

deyam shirodeyam na deyam shodashaaksharee etc. without understanding or caring

to analyse the context in which it was said.




Is not EVERYTHING available in print? Then whats the “untouchability” attached

to the Net?




In Nityaashodashikarnava even prayogas with Panchadashi are given. Are we saying

that a person with Sri Vidyaarnava, Ratnakara and Nitaashodashikarnava cannot do

the prayogas?




At all times there have been people who misused these and other things. When you

MISUSE the results are BAD. These are all aupasanas not Prayoga mantras. No

proayogas are taught.




Bala, Ganapathi and panchadashi with or without Nyasas etc. when used PROPERLY

will give results.




Are we saying that a great soul like Vidyaranya is a Kula Drohi? I doubt indeed.




I can go on and on but I think this will suffice.Does not we all know Gurus

without authorisation creating shishyas? Every Guruhood is fraught with danger.

I think Gurus without proper authorisation are greater danger than these books.




When what is being published is ALREADY in print I do not see what the problem

is. Lalita Sahasranama and Trishati are available in print and literally

millions recite it daily. Many have got benefits too. I have not heard one case

of LS causing harm. That’s despite Hayagriva’s statements. There are gurus who

say recite LS. Amritananda Mayi is one of them and MILLIONS follow her.




For everything there is a time and place. Maybe its time all these “secret”

knowledge become public. Otherwise like Pranava, Panchagavya etc. westerners

will patent them!! We will sit here talking about “secrecy”.




Why is it assumed that there was no urge in doing this? Why is it assumed that

there is no authorisation? Could there not be “guruaadesha?




One does not become a Guru by publishing what’s already published.




Well *smile* I think that’s enough rambling for the time being. There are topics

and sub topics in this with authorities. But then the post will become an





I hope I am not hurting anyone. This maybe taken as an intellectual discussion.

Nothing more. Let learned members contribute. may be I am all wrong. I also want

to learn.






harshanand_16 <harsha_ramamurthy wrote:

shivAdi gurubhyo namaH !


With apologies in advance to all the learned

members who may feel offended or hurt by this post, I would like to

bring a very important issue before the group. `Should mantras be

given out on the internet'? I happened to read on the web some views

which in essence may be summed up as follows:


`In these busy times where it is very difficult to find a competent

guru, Internet and books can substitute for this need. Lakshmidhara

in his commentary on Saundaryalahari has done this and we could

follow his footsteps to do the same'.


Unfortunately my personal feeling is completely contradictory to the

above expressed thought.


First of all, the Kalpasutra clearly mentions that the secrets

of Kula Dharma (i.e. the mantra, Chakra and Pooja Sanketas) should be

given only to a deserving disciple. Publishing it on the internet

would go exactly against this rule, which every Kaula is expected to

follow to the core.

A lot of preparation is required before taking up an advanced

practice like Srividya, which can be determined and taught by one's

own Guru. Thus, like the truths of nature which never change, so also

the necessity for personal instruction very much remains in present

times. By publishing mantras without discrimination on the net, the

Sadhaka would actually be committing Kula Droha and Guru Droha. Does

not Hayagriva Bhagavan's message in the Lalita Trishati Pithika

deserve any respect?

The reply to this could be: `Only if a person is worthy shall

he be guided to the site which hosts the Vidya. So what is the big

deal?' Accepted! If so much faith is placed in the fool-proof nature

of Amba's scheme of things, then why bother to take the extra trouble

of revealing the Vidya when the deserving shall any way obtain it, no

matter if it is unpublished in a book or the web.

Mantra manuals themselves mention that after Diksha from a Guru,

they may be consulted for further reference. They are in no way a

substitute for the Guru. The Tantras, Saundaryalahari or any other

scripture takes care to see that the Vidyas are not explicitly

mentioned. An aspirant who has received guidance from the Guru only

will become capable of decoding the Sandhabhasa verses.


When a mantra is indiscriminately put on the web, the

person responsible for it shall bear all the Karmas of people who

begin to use it and the use will be improper in all probability. A

person picking it from the net will never get the information



1. The Nyasa.

2. Mantra Tatva

3. Mantraartha

4. Associated Mudra

5. Correct pronunciation.

6. Kundalini Yoga aspect of the mantra dealing with the

associated Chakras etc., which happen to be the essential parts of

any mantra.


Before taking up a mantra, Siddhaadi Shodhana

etc. are required. An Ari mantra causes more damage than good. When a

person thinks he can do Loka Kalyana by giving Mantras and is not

capable of the same, he is only whipping up his own ego. A person

should think carefully about the huge amount of Karma he shall be

creating for himself when he tries to become a `guru' figure. It

would be best to let HER scheme of things unfold rather than to use

our limited intellect to `do good' to the society. The effect of

publicly speaking about the Vidya and its Paduka are described at

length in Rudrayamala and it even instructs other Sadhakas to keep

away from such a `Kula Drohi'. My earnest request to all the learned

members of the group is: Please do not publish mantras on the web. It

will cause more harm than good. Also, please do not pick mantras from

the web. It will do no good either.


The moderators are free to delete this message if they feel it

violates the ethics of the group.


Apologies once again!


gurubhyo namaH!






sudhaasuuteshcandropalajalalavairarghyaracanaa .

svakiiyairambhobhiH salilanidhisauhityakaraNaM

tvadiiyaabhirvaagbhistava janani vaacaaM stutiriyam.h


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I do take great offence to your statements, agamas are highest authority

and some people including myself follow the divya bhairava agama path

and in respect to that such trivial rules do not apply. God is God no

matter how you invoke him. He will not smite you if you just want to

pray to him. It is only desire that ruins things. I am not questioning

the significance of guru and its importance.. This something of great

offence since I among other kaulacharas spread the mantras of Goddess to

people through this medium.


It works and if she doesn't complain then why do you? Lets not forget

how the mantra Hari Om came to this world and there are many shastras

some contradict other the authors of the texts or the publishers and

phase great inaccuracies.


Kula Dharma is guhya yes and with that I also agree. Mother Kali would

not have given me and the people I gave the sadhanas to Darshan and

blessings if she thought it wrong. When will this realization come that

there is not limitations and restrictions in invoking the divine mother.

The only prerequisite is selfless unconditional love. Sadhana varies

from type to type and sri vidya is not higher or lower then the sadhanas

of any of the other maha vidyas. As long as the sadhana does not cause

any harm or isn't of a volatile nature, it is said that it can be given

to BHAKTHAS of devi.


Such is the maha mantras like Kungika, Uddissa Bhutini mantra, Yogini

vidya as apposed to KarAlini vidya and KamAkhya vidyas that are indeed

only given to the most eligible of sadhakas. You are generalising too

much since many sadhanas I know do not come under this most of Sri

Sundari since she is carefree to who invokes her and she gives that same

love to all her bhakthas it is a matter of the bhakthas realising this!

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