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forms of God (Shanmatham)

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I would like to comment on your observation that GOD CAN BE WORSHIPPED IN ANY

FORM. Prior to Adi Sankara's time as people were meditating various forms, Adi

Sankara re-established the " Shanmatham" -- Worship limited to six forms as

revealed in our Vedas and as per this the PARA BRAHMAN can be mediated only in

any of these SIX FORMS. They are ;


1. Ganapathyeem : Worship of Maha Ganapathy -- This is popular in Maharashtra


2. Kowmaram : worship of Lord Subramanya -- This is popular in Tamil Nadu


3. Sowram : The god apparent before us -- The SUN Worship -- Popular in

Gujarat (Sowrashtra)


4. Vaishnavam ; Taking any of the avathar or Mahavishnu -- Vaishnavites are all

over India.


5. Shaivam : Meditating on Shiva --Most popular all over India. ( Muscat has a

shiva temple which is more than 125 years old.


6. Shaktham : Mediating On the forms of Devi or Ambaal.


These are the only MAIN forms revealed in our scriptures and followed by any

Sanathana Dharmi .





In my 1paise opinion the Hindus can not mediatate God as a wild Boar or a tree

or anything like that though the TRUTH is " SARVAM BRAHMA MAYAM " -- God is not

different from its creation and so everything is holy for a hindu --a river, a

mountain or anything naturual-- just because Everything is holy , God can not be

meditated in any form other than what is permitted.


I invite Comments from members on this.


Ganapathy = = = Vijayalakshmi


> wrote:

One cannot limit the forms God can assume and not even specifically

to our anthropomorphic conception. He has taken the form animals

(such a Wild Boar, in one of the leela-s). And he can assume any form

he chooses. God is beyond such conceptions. But as shankara states in

the commentary on the name kalaavaatii, to enable the meditation of

his devotee God assumes different aspects. As the needs and tastes

differ, so does the forms he chooses. This is due to his boundless








> >, "Alexandra Kafka"

> <alexandra.kafka@a...> wrote:

> > How many forms has Shiva?

> > Are there also forms that show Him as an old man, and as a man of

> middle age, or is He always portrait as young?

> >

> >






sudhaasuuteshcandropalajalalavairarghyaracanaa .

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Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari "


" Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagath "





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I have read that "the meditator eventually becomes the meditated" and the

difference ceases

to exist, he takes on the qualities of the meditated.


it seems to me that this contradicts the "one can worship anything as he

likes" theory ... can someone

illuminate ?


Thank you.



adi_shakthi16 [adi_shakthi16]

Saturday, June 28, 2003 8:11 AM

Re: forms of God (Shanmatham)



Respected devotees,


Shri vijaya ganapathy writes...


" Adi Sankara re-established the " Shanmatham" -- Worship limited to

six forms as revealed in our Vedas and as per this the PARA BRAHMAN

can be mediated only in any of these SIX FORMS. They are ;

Ganapathyeem, Kowmaram , Sowram, Vaishnavam , Shaivam and

Shakthm " .


True, the first major classification of hinduism was made by shri

Adi shankara Bhagvadapda. but only in a larger framework of hinduism.


but, there are many other indigenous forms of worship among Hindus -

there are village gods/goddesses ( grameen devatas and devis) and

there are kula devatas and kula devis (clan deities) so, we have

hindus worshipping 'madurai veeran' or 'muneeshwerar' etc....or annai

velanganni amman etc!


so, i do agree with Ravi when he says "One cannot limit the forms God

can assume and not even specifically to our anthropomorphic

conception. He has taken the form animals (such a Wild Boar, in one

of the leela-s). And he can assume any form> he chooses."


we cannot ignore the worship of

1) minor deities

2) clan deities (kula devatas)

3) village deities ( grameen devatas)

4) avatars etc....

The 'sun' god is mot just worshipped in saurashtra alone! during the

festival of 'pongal' in south india, the sun god is worshipped as

part of 'thanksgiving' for the bounty of harvest.


there are the clan deiies for example-madurai veeran who are

worshipped for their heroic deeds.


then what about avatars.... the thiruviladiyil puranam elaborates



and lord rama and lord krishna are such avatars too! (avatars of lord

narayana) divine manifestations who took human form to

establish 'dharma' !


Sanatana dharma is so called only because it is full of 'compassion' -

all forms of worship are allowed... to each according to his/her

disposition... thus you have devotees worshipping 'Manasi'

(nageshweri devi) for 'progeny ! devotees worshipping 'ala maram' or



Hari AUM!




















sudhaasuuteshcandropalajalalavairarghyaracanaa .

svakiiyairambhobhiH salilanidhisauhityakaraNaM

tvadiiyaabhirvaagbhistava janani vaacaaM stutiriyam.h


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Dear Devotees,


I read only this mail and not the main one.


However since the member has sought for opinions , I wish

to give.


GOD can be meditated in any form.Adhishankara established

shanmatha only to Organize the hinduism more systematically

and not to say that these are only allowed six forms.


So what happens to those who worship Anjaneya and so on and

so forth.


Next Sthalavrikshas are worshipped as God only and is given

importance in our temples.


Then Vahanas are also treated as Gods.


Ex:nandhi and Garuda hence God can be worshipped in any




Venkata Ramanan L.R

> ganapathy = = vijaya <srividya101 wrote:


> I would like to comment on your observation that GOD CAN BE

> WORSHIPPED IN ANY FORM. Prior to Adi Sankara's time as people

> were meditating various forms, Adi Sankara re-established

> the " Shanmatham" -- Worship limited to six forms as revealed

> in our Vedas and as per this the PARA BRAHMAN can be

> mediated only in any of these SIX FORMS. They are ;



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Respected Sri Ganapathyji:


First of all you misquote me. When you say I make a such and such

observation, you should use the exact words in my e-mail. The following

sentence in your mail is


"I would like to comment on your observation that GOD CAN BE WORSHIPPED IN



is not correct. I have left my original e-mail intact below, please see

that. I make no such observation. Please note that when you capitalize a

whole sentence, it equivalent to shouting out loud. Next time when you

quote, kindly use the words in the original e-mail and not your

interpretation of it.



You certainly draw the above quoted conclusion from my extract of the name

kalavaatii -- where shankara says God assumes different aspects (kala-s) to

enable the meditation of bhakta-s. I did not quote that to authenticate the

worship of every form of God. I added that to say, that some of the forms

taken by God are to enable meditation of bhakta-s and they are different

because the tastes and needs differ. I understand that some forms are more

conducive and efficient to worship than others.


In my opinion, worship is better if it is rooted in abheda bhaava, for

instance, as highlighted in texts like bahvRchopanishad. It is even better

if less emphasis is placed on a particular form (for it might become an

obstacle). More than the form of choice, it is the attitude of upAsana that

is more important. Attitude should be rooted in abheda bhaava and not for

karma phala.



Coming back to the points your post,


1) Even today within the framework vaishhNavam, people worship Lord as

varaaha and nR^isimha, even though his other forms of matsya and kuurma is

not so popular, they are there. Even shankara himself has sang hymns on

nR^isimha. These are not entirely human forms. nR^isimha is half human and

half lion. varaaha is a wild boar. This is well within the shaNmatha.


2) Even in SriVidyopaasaka-s worship hayagreeva and vaarahii. Lord

hayagreeva is horse faced.


3) Within vedic religion, worship of many other devata-s, such as varuNa,

agni navagraha-s, etc. are sanctioned. In fact, smArtha-s worship many

things like tulasi plant, etc. One of five abodes of mahalakshmi is

considered as cow and for that reason, many worship cow. We also worship

rivers (even in sandhya we say narmaadaayai namaH praataH". Well all this is

also within smArtha sampradaya. Not only the 6 major devata-s, their

parivaara-s also worshipped. And our achaarya-s themselves promote the

worship of devata-s such as hanumAn. One can go on and on with such a list.



3) As per advaita-vedAnta, upaasana can never directly give final

emancipation. The only way final emancipation is attained is via jnAna. At

the best, upaasana can lead only to krama mukti. Sankara takes up this

matter in brahma suutra bhaashhya and says that upasana can give things like

aishvarya praapti, krama mukti etc (depending on the situation). Immediate

emancipation (sadyo mukti) is only by jnAna. And not all upasana-s will also

lead to krama mukti. Hence, there is no guarantee that even upaasana of the

six you stated will lead to krama mukti. Lot has to go with the attitude of

upAsAna than the form chosen for the upAsana.






> ganapathy = = vijaya [srividya101]

> Saturday, June 28, 2003 6:37 AM


> Re: Re: forms of God (Shanmatham)



> I would like to comment on your observation that GOD CAN BE

> WORSHIPPED IN ANY FORM. Prior to Adi Sankara's time as people

> were meditating various forms, Adi Sankara re-established the "

> Shanmatham" -- Worship limited to six forms as revealed in our

> Vedas and as per this the PARA BRAHMAN can be mediated only in

> any of these SIX FORMS. They are ;






> In my 1paise opinion the Hindus can not mediatate God as a wild

> Boar or a tree or anything like that though the TRUTH is " SARVAM

> BRAHMA MAYAM " -- God is not different from its creation and so

> everything is holy for a hindu --a river, a mountain or anything

> naturual-- just because Everything is holy , God can not be

> meditated in any form other than what is permitted.


> Ganapathy = = = Vijayalakshmi


> > wrote:

> One cannot limit the forms God can assume and not even specifically

> to our anthropomorphic conception. He has taken the form animals

> (such a Wild Boar, in one of the leela-s). And he can assume any form

> he chooses. God is beyond such conceptions. But as shankara states in

> the commentary on the name kalaavaatii, to enable the meditation of

> his devotee God assumes different aspects. As the needs and tastes

> differ, so does the forms he chooses. This is due to his boundless

> compassion.




> Ravi




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To be realistic, mumukshutwam and gnana-vairagyam are

being difficult things now for most in the current

world (state of affairs). A person, though interested

in doing saadana at young age, is to cope up with his

studies, get to work, earn and progress in his work,

help parents in fulfilling their duties (bringing up

sisters/brothers), get married (bring up the wards)

and finally fulfil his responsibilities towards them,

and along side do all the dharmic duties to the

society -- one compulsorily lives with. In this long

transition, if a person is able to do upaasana, bakthi

in any manner, is a great thing (or, it is all one can

do under the present world). If a person does all

this, he will surely have become a mumukshu in due

course. From here, may be (let me put an age say

60+), he can pursue moksham and obtain it.


In other words, pooja, upaasana, bakthi, all these

will definitely shape a person from young to reach his

loving deity's feet happily. So, let people at first

take up upasaana (japa, maanasa pooja, krama poooja

whatever possible) and attain mukti in due course.

The deity worshipped will take care of this.


My humble opinion !!!



L Vaidyanathan



--- seeksha <seeksha wrote:


, "M. S. Ravisankar"

<ravi@a...> wrote:



> 3) As per advaita-vedAnta, upaasana can never

directly give final

> emancipation. The only way final emancipation is

attained is via

jnAna. At

> the best, upaasana can lead only to krama mukti.

Sankara takes up


> matter in brahma suutra bhaashhya and says that

upasana can give

things like

> aishvarya praapti, krama mukti etc (depending on the



> emancipation (sadyo mukti) is only by jnAna. And not

all upasana-s

will also

> lead to krama mukti. Hence, there is no guarantee

that even

upaasana of the

> six you stated will lead to krama mukti. Lot has to

go with the

attitude of

> upAsAna than the form chosen for the upAsana.





The role of upasana and bhakti were very confusing to

me until I read

the Gita commentary of Acharya. Not that it's all

clear now; at least

I have a better understanding than before.


As Ravi has stated, Upasana can act as a means to

obtain a variety of

results. Any dharmic puruShartha is not condemned by

the Vedas.

That's the reason why we see a lot of kaama and artha

pradaana wishes

listed in the phalashruti; even in hymns like



Technically moksha is possible only though GYana. The

problem of

samsaara is unique and cannot be solved either by

sat-karma or



For a mumukshu the role of upasana is totally

different. The moksha

formula being

"karmaNaa chitta shuddhiH , upaasanayaa chitta

ekagrataa or chitta

samskaaraH GYaanena shoka nivR^itiH" once we obtain

purity of mind

through right action; practicing spiritual meditation

or Upasana

gives a steadfast mind (ekagra chittam) where enquiry

is possible.


Until a worldly gain is sought, Upasana becomes a

means to fulfill

that. But when we don't see any value in worldly

things (vairagya)

and seek Ishvara alone, we get two things, freedom

from rebirth and a

steadfast mind. The reason why we are freed from

rebirth is because

of the acquisition of Vairagya.


If one does not engage in the acquisition of GYana

after acquiring

chitta-ekagrata, he gets to Brahma-loka after death

(you can also

call it Kailasa, Vaikunta , Manidvipa etc..).


It is here that we have an option. Once a person

attains chitta

ekagrata through upasana he can either do the enquiry

here or in

brahma-loka. To get to brahma-loka and do the enquiry

and get

liberated is called `krama mukti' and to do it here in

this world and

in this birth is termed `sadyo mukti'.









sudhaasuuteshcandropalajalalavairarghyaracanaa .

svakiiyairambhobhiH salilanidhisauhityakaraNaM

tvadiiyaabhirvaagbhistava janani vaacaaM stutiriyam.h


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi anaashrita,


With respect to Nadopaasanaa. You dont need to be a

musician to do nadopaasanaa. I urge senior members of

our group to discuss naadopaasanaa for the benefit of

naive members like me.







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Dear Shri Ravi,and dear ambaal devotees




Infact this is a good suggestion.


Nadabrahmam Thyagaraja and other two Muthuswamy Dikshithar and

Syama sastri had blessings of God throgh music.


Sangeetham is a route to reach God.


The very reason a good music giving curative effect tells us

the power of music.


Nayanmars and Alwars used music as a route.


Arunagirinadhar gave us Thirupugazh and reached God through

Music and we can expand list as Purandharadasa, Meera and so

on and so forth.


Hence in Kaliyuga I have heard Sri Haridoss Giri Shishya of

Sathguru Gnananda of Thrikoilur and a great Mahan spreading

Bhajan as a great solutions of problems in Kaliyuga saying

that singing and chanting and doing namajapa is the way

suggested as a best route for kaliyuga.


Hence I invite all to participate in this session on




Venkata Ramanan L.R


Ravi Ramaswamy <nsrravi wrote:

Hi anaashrita,


With respect to Nadopaasanaa. You dont need to be a

musician to do nadopaasanaa. I urge senior members of

our group to discuss naadopaasanaa for the benefit of

naive members like me.




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