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Guru + Ambaal -- Guru Pournima 13 th July 03

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July 13th 2003


Guru brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devoh Maheswaraha

Guru Saakshaat Para Brahma Tasmai Shree Guruve Namaha


Guru is Brahma; Guru is the Vishnu; Guru is Shiva

Guru is the Absolute Brahman incarnate. Obeisance to Guru.








Respected members ,




There is a saying in Tamil which says " Guru Arul ellayel thiru arul Ellai " --

which means that how can one get the Bliss without Guru's grace.




The ultimate purpose of Sri Vidya upaasana is to perceive that Ambaal, manthra,

Guru and Self are ONE. Therfore it is important to know one's guru Parampara and

it is only in this upasana that the three generations of Guru Viz -- guru --

parama guru -- parameshti guru are invoked in the sahasrara chanting guru paduka

manthram showing the Mrugi mudra.Ultimately for a Mumukshu the end of his cycles

of birth comes before dying as a split on the Sahasrara of the head.




The Brahma Vidya guru stotram which is recited by every upasaka links our guru

to the chain of links going back ultimately to the Parabrahma -- who is known by

Sakthas as Lalitha Para Bhattarika.




In view of this the guru pournima on 13th july 03 is very important to every

Devi devotee. The Indian heritage has sent me a mail with a request to send it

to all my contacts who are interested in our Great heritage. I hope the mail

would be useful.




Mail from Indian Heritage :




The full-moon day in July is the auspicious (Poornima) day when Guru Poornima is

celebrated by worshipping our Guru, the spiritual master, who taught us divine

love, by performing poojas performed in prostration to him.


A qualified spiritual master is essential to learn self-realization.

Bhagavadgita (Ch.4.34) asks one to learn the truth through a Guru or spiritual

master, inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The

self-realized soul imparts knowledge as he has seen the truth. A real Guru

imparts gynana (true knowledge) and teaches how to raise one's consciousness

beyond material physical boundaries. He teaches meditation to attain real peace

of mind, true self-knowledge, eternal happiness, liberation from karmas, develop

true love for God.


Achieving spiritual perfection by oneself through yoga (meditation) is

impractical. One must learn spiritual practices under the guidance of a genuine

spiritual master. We repose our faith in a Guru whose feet are roots of worship

and the root of liberation. He opens our eyes blinded by ignorance and darkness

and guides us to our goals.


How is a guru identified from the array of Gurus and spiritual teachers?

Bhagavadgita gives guidelines and qualities of a genuine Guru. A true Guru has

credentials to impart true knowledge free from speculation and never claims he

is god. He knows god is supreme and we are subordinate to him. He knows the

truth and lives it, is free from lust, anger, and greed. He exemplifies wisdom,

peacefulness, self-control, austerity, piety , tolerance and strong faith in

god. He must be from a succession (eg.Brahma, Narada, Vyasa, Shankaracharya).


At the time of deeksha (initiation), the Guru absorbs the past sins and karmas

of his disciplies and reveals true spiritual knowledge. The disciple develops

strong love for the Guru who delivers him from the bondage of birth and death.

Bhagavadgita shows that when Arjuna was confused about his duties, put his faith

in Krishna, regarded him as his Guru and Krishana showed him the right path. The

Guru is a man of profound intellectual and spiritual sensitivity and compassion.

The scriptures state that initiation must be taken from a Guru. On Guru Poornima

day, we pray "Oh Guru, you are father, mother, brother, friend, knowledge and

wealth. You are to me everything and god of all gods.




· This is a sacred day. It is the day when we honour Sage

Vyasa, who gave mankind the precious gem of Saguna worship (worship of God with

Form) and the hope and assurance that Manava (man) can become Madhava (God),

that Nara can become Narayana, that Jeeva can become Brahman or rather that

Jeeva (individual soul) is Brahman (Universal soul)


· Guru poornima is sacred for many reasons. This day, the

seeker who suffers from identification with the false objective world is

initiated into the reality of the ‘Unseen Motivator’ within him. This day, those

who have no urge to tread the spiritual path are inspired to seek the bliss

which that path will confer; and aspirants are helped to achieve the

consciousness of the One; which is known by many names and though many forms, in

various languages and land. With the rise of sun, the world is bathed in light

and heat. So too, the oncoming of Guru Poornima, the human heart is bathed in

peace and security. Guru poornima is not just one day in the year, marked out in

the calendar. It is all days when the mind of man becomes full of pleasant

wholeness, fully illumined with the light from the moon.


· The Guru is the teacher who removes the fundamental

ignorance, which hides the knowledge of this truth form us. The poornima or the

full moon day has been fixed for revering him, for, the effect of the knowledge

is to put an end to scorching agony and to shed cool comfort on the mind of man.

Vyasa is reversed as Narayana Himself, for who but God can inspire such



· Vyasa was a great Rishi (sage). He is described as an

incamation of Lord Narayana. He set down in writing the Vedas which previously

were known only in the form of sound. He was the great grandson of Arundhati

(wife of Vasishta). He codified the Vedas. As he was born on the full moon day

in the month of Aashaada, this day is celebrated as Vyasa-poornima. Vyasa

glorified the divinity that is equally present in all human beings and

propagated this truth to the world. After writing the eighteen puranas, he

summed up their message in one line : "Paropakaraha Punyaya, Paapaaya

Parapeedanam"(Helping others is meritorious harming other is sinful). "Help

ever, hurt never". Vyasa was the great teacher who gave many profound and sacred

truths to mankind. Hence his birthday is celebrated as Guru Poornima.


· On the Guru Poornima day, people generally take initiation into

spiritual life from some preceptor or get some directions for some law and fast

or vigil. These preceptors can not claim the status of the guru as delineated in

the sloka, Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheswara Guru Sakshath Para Brahma

Thasmai Shri Gurave Namaha. The Guru extolled there is the sage who as

transcended name and form and beyond the effects of the three Gunas or

attributes, he is neither enthusiastic nor uninterested. He is unaffected, clam

and contend. He is the Atma, having realised that the Atma is the one and only

one. He makes you cast off the fear of birth and death; he renders you for the

vision of the eternal absolute truth.


Today’s festival is called Guru Poornima It is a name full of meaning. Poornima

means, the effulgent full moon. Guru means (Gu- ignorance, Ru-destroyer) he, who

removes the darkness and delusion from the heart and illumines it with the

higher wisdom.


· There is no guru other than the one divine as along as you

consider yourself as a disciple. But when you realise that you are the

embodiment of the Atma, you become you own Guru.


· What is real Guru Poornima day? Is it simply the full moon

day in the month of Aashaada (4th month in the Telugu Calendar)? This is the

common view. But the great ones have given other meanings to it. One meaning is

that it was on this day Vyasa began writing the Brahma Sutra. It was also on

this day that the Buddha attained enlightenment and taught his disciples, "All

is sorrow All is transient; All is void". For these reasons, the day is known as

Guru poornima. On this day, one should try to transform his heart making it pure

and sacred. The realisation of that wholeness is the real guru poornima not the

offering of pada puja to some guru and obtaining a mantra from him. One should

resolve today to turn his thoughts to God; to strive for the purification of his

heart and to seek self-realisation.


· There is only one guru. He is God. That Guru is within

you. You are seeking the guru all over the world. Your qualities are in you in

the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara and can protect you, elevate you or

ruin you. when you act righteously and pursue the right path, they will protect

you by their divine potency


· The real significance of Guru poornima does not consist in

worshipping the guru (preceptor) with some offerings, but in getting rid of the

darkness of ignorance. "Poornima" refers to the full moon, but the full

symbolises the mind filled with delight. There is a close association between

the mind and the moon. Guru poornima signifies the elimination of all darkness

and evil from the mind. The true Guru is in our heart. Purify the heart to let

the Divinity dwell in it. Guru poornima is an occasion for cleaning the mind to

make it absolutely pure.





Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari "


" Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagath "





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