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Respected devotees,


On this auspicious day of Guru Purnima , join me in offering humble

prostrations to the Lotus feet of Jagadguru , shri shri Adi Shankara



Just on a dark night , the full moon shines brightly on a starlit sky

with brilliance and dazzling radiance, similarly, on whomever the

grace of guru descends such a disciple also shines brightly with

divine knowledge and enlightenment.


Today, it is my pleasure to bring to you the eight verses composed by

Adi shankara's disciple Totakacharya.


please read ....


swaminarayantirtha.org/ashram/ashlinge.htm cached

Bhakti List, February 2001: Totakacharya-


Totakacharya is the essence of pure devotion, devoid of intellectual

capacities. He never could understand the deep intellectual

discourses Shankara conducted with the other disciples. Yet one day

while washing his masters clothes in the river, Shankara would not

begin the discussion until Totakacharya was present. The other

disciples could not understand why as Totakacharya would not benefit

from these talks anyway. Suddenly from the river bank they heard

Totakacharya chanting self-composed poetry about his love for

Shankara, reflecting the wisdom shared by the intellectual disciples.

Self-realization is not only for the intellectual but for all

devotees of God.


now, please read the devotional verses composed by Totakacharya!


www.svbf.org/sringeri/journal/vol1no1/totakashtakam.html cached






A hymn of eight verses by

Totakacharya - disciple of Adi Sankara)



mahitOpanishatkathitArthanidhE |

hridayE kalayE vimalam charaNam

bhava sankara dEsika mE saraNam ||


Oh, Thou, the knower of the entire ocean of milk of scriptures, He

Who teaches the truths found in the great treasure chest of the

Upanishads ! I meditate on Thy faultless feet. Be Thou my refuge, Oh,

Master Sankara.



karuNAvaruNAlaya pAlaya mAm

bhavasAgara dukhkha vidUnahridam |


bhava sankara dEsika mE saraNam ||


Oh, Thou Ocean of compassion ! Save me whose heart is tormented by

the misery of the sea of birth. Make me understand the truths of all

schools of philosophy ! Be Thou my refuge, Master Sankara !




bhavatA janatA suhitA bhavitA

nijabOdhavichAraNa chArumatE |

kalyEsvara jIvavivEkavidam

bhava sankara dEsika mE saraNam ||


By Thee the masses have been made happy, Oh, Thou of noble intellect,

skilled in the quest of Self-Knowledge ! Enable me to understand the

wisdom relating to God and the Soul. Be Thou my refuge, Oh, Master




bhava Eva bhavA niti mE nitarAm

samajAyata chEtasi kowtukitA |

mama vAraya mOhamahAjaladhim

bhava sankara dEsika mE saranam ||


Knowing that Thou art verily the Supreme Lord, overwhelming bliss

arises in my heart. Protect me from the vast ocean of delusion. Be

Thou my refuge, Oh, Master Sankara!




sukritE(a)dhikritE bahudhA bhavatO

bhavitA samadarsanalAlasatA |

atidInamimam paripAlaya mAm

bhava sankara dEsika mE saraNam ||


Desire for the insight in unity through Thy Grace will grow only when

virtuous deeds are in abundance - and in all directions. Protect this

extremely helpless person. Be Thou my refuge, Master Sankara !



jagatImavitum kalitAkritayO

vicharanti mahAmahasachalata: |

ahimAmsurivAtra vibhAsi gurO

bhavasankara dEsika mE saraNam ||


Oh Teacher ! For the purpose of saving the world the Great Ones take

various forms and wander in disguise. Of these great Ones, You shine

like the sun ! Be Thou my refuge, Oh, Master Sankara!




guru pungava pungava kEtanatE

samatAmayatAm nahi kOpi sudhIhi |

saraNAgatavatsala tattvanidhE

bhavasankara dEsikamE saraNam ||


Oh, Best of Teachers ! Supreme Lord Who has the sacred bull as His

banner ! None of the wise Ones is equal to Thee! Thou are

compassionate to those who take refuge in Thee! Thou treasure chest

of Truth! Be Thou my refuge, Oh, Master Sankara!



(viditA na mayA visadaikakalA

na cha kinchana kAnchana masti gurO |

drutamEva vidhEhi krupAm sahajAm

bhava sankara dEsika mE saraNam||


I do not understand correctly even a single "branch of knowledge". I

do not possess even the least bit of wealth, Oh Teacher, quickly

bestow on me Thy Grace. Be Thou my refuge, Oh, Master Sankara!



It is obvious that when one is blessed with Guru kripa, even the dumb

become eloquent. , Totakacharya was so blessed that because of his

guru's infinite mercy , he was able to compose this famous tribute to

his guru.


we are also familiar with the story of the famous poet Kalidasa. His

wife ridiculed him for being 'dumb' but with the grace of the divine

mother, kalidasa was able to compose a beautiful poem 'Shyamala

dadakam' - not only that, he went on to write some of the greatest

works in sanskrit.


What about Ekalaya? Dronacharya refused to accept him as a disciple.

BUT, simply by accepting Dronacharya as his maansika guru and by

offering prayers to the 'idol' of his maansika guru Dronacharya ,

EKALAYA acquired mastery in the science of archery (dhanur-vidya) and

was an expert in that art! in fact, he was even declared superior to

arjuna, a favorite disciple of dronacharya!


Devotees, do not despair! if you do not have a guru! accept sree

Lalitha as your own Guru! when the sisya is ready,, the guru will

appear! Sree lalita devi herself will appear in 'guru' form!


Aum shri Dakshnamurthaye namaha!


Jaya jaya shankara!



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