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NindA-stuti (Praise thro. criticism) refd. to in Sundaryalahari Digest (DPDS-15)

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Namaste all.

In DPDS-15 of Soundaryalahari Digest, there was a mention about

‘nindA stuti’ , that is, a poem of praise through an apparent

criticism. There are several examples in the literature but

adi_shakthi16m produces an excellent example from the Telugu

compositions of Sri Thyagaraja of the famous music Trinity of

South India of the early nineteenth century. I reproduce below

the two posts of ‘adi_shakthi16m’ in this connection.





Who has achieved happiness by asking anything of you O




O sun to the dark cloud like innumerable incurable sins! Supreme


Monarch! Lotus eyed! Home to good attributes! Who has attained

happiness by asking anything of you O primordial Rama?


Sita took refuge in you thinking she was blessed with a good

life and

immediately had to leave for the forest! O slayer of Rakshasas,

Surpanakha on falling in love with you lost her nose! Who has

attained happiness by asking anything of you O primordial Rama?


Narada approached you asking for enlightenment and was


transformed into a woman! Durvasa eagerly expected food and lost


appetite! Who has achieved happiness by asking anything of you O


primordial Rama?


Devaki prayed for the joys of raising you as son, but Yashoda

experienced it instead! The chaste Gopis craving for union with


had to abandon their own husbands! Who has experienced happiness


asking anything of you O primordial Rama?


Who knows if compassion will ever surge in you and whether you


protect or not? Your secret is now out! O resident of Ayodhya!


of Tyagaraja's worship! What illusion is this? Who has


happiness by asking anything of you O primordial Rama?




This is a classic example of nindA stuti, where the Lord is


praised but overtly reproached. In the pallavi, the saint has

questioned Rama's capability to do any good to his devotees. In


very next lines in the anupallavi, he reverses his stance and


the Lord as one who destroys sins and is home to all the good

attributes. In the charanam he cites examples of the Lord's

(ostensibly) strange behaviour towards his devotees.


1. Sita, his wife, went to the forest twice. The first time with


Rama, where she was abducted by Ravana. This was the catalyst


vanquishing the great evil King and countless demons. In the


instance she was banished in an advanced stage of pregnancy.

This was

the catalyst for Valmiki who composed the Ramayana and also

taught it

to Rama's sons.



2. Surpanakha was inflamed with passion for Rama and had her


lopped off. This was the catalyst for Ravana's destruction.



3. Narada approached the Lord with a request to be made immune


Maya. The story goes that Narada boasted to Brahma and others


since he was such an ardent devotee of Vishnu, he was immune to


Having said this he left and was floating about when he saw a


lake on Earth. He came down and bathed in it and was immediately


transformed into a young maiden called Sudati who had no memory


having been Narada. As she wandered in the forest, King Nikunda


Peethikapuri (modern Pitthapuram in AP) saw her and fell in love


her. Narada (or rather Sudati) reciprocated and they were


Sudati bore Nikunda sixty children, after whom the sixty years

of the

Hindu calendar (Prabhava, Vibhava etc are named). One day,


the neighbouring king waged war on Peethikapuri and killed


and his sixty sons. Queen Sudati ran to the battlefield and wept


days. Then one day, she was overcome with hunger and looked

about for

food. The only edible item there was a fruit that hung high on a


tree. To reach it, Sudati used the skeletons of her sons to make


ladder. Lord Vishnu, now taking pity on her appeared and asked

her to

take a dip in a second lake nearby for her children's sake. She


so and was transformed back into Narada, but with a set of

bangles on

his left hand. These bangles served to bring to his memory the

happenings of the past years and helped him realise that he had

become a victim of Maya. The two lakes Narada Gundam and Mukti


are at Sarpavaram near Pithapuram. There is also a temple to


Bhavanarayanaswamy here. Narada is said to have undertaken


here and was then blessed with enlightenment and was freed of


bangles.This was the catalyst to his becoming a renunciate.


4. Durvasa was sent by Duryodhana to the forest to meet the


The brothers and their wife Draupadi were living off the bounty


the Akshaya Patra, a vessel gifted by Surya to them which would

continuously have food in it till Draupadi had her meal


Duryodhana sent Durvasa to them, timing his arrival in the

forest so

that the food would have been exhausted. When Draupadi saw


she was in panic for the sage's curses were well known. She


him to proceed to the river for his bath while she prepared the


Krishna in answer to her prayers arrived there and asked her to


the magic vessel. He picked up a tiny morsel that was sticking

to it

and swallowed it. At once the appetites of all living beings


quenched. Durvasa, his hunger gone could not face Draupadi and


hurriedly. This was the catalyst to Draupadi and the Pandavas

receiving the blessings of the Sage.



5. Devaki, who had begged to have the Lord as her son, was not

allowed to witness his pranks at Gokula. This was the catalyst


the death of Kamsa.



6. The Gopis, all chaste women, were so enamoured of the Lord,


they forgot their own husbands. This was the catalyst for their



The saint therefore points out the greatness of the Lord while


sarcasticabout His achievements.



this song was composed by saint Tyagaraja, a great devotee of





The original composition of Shri Thyagaraja is also reproduced

below with the translation.





the song is the following in Telugu!!


aDigi sukhamu

Raga: madhyamAvati



Tala: misra cApu



aDigi sukhamulEvvaranubhavincirirA? AdimUlamA rAma!



saDalani pApatimirakOTisUrya! sArvabhauma ! sArasAksha ! sadguNa





C1: Ashrayinci varamaDigina sIta, aDavi bOnAyE !

AsharaharaNa rakkasiyishTamaDuga, apuDE mUkku pOyE ! O rAma!


C2: vAsiga nAradamauni varamaDuga, vanitarUpuDAyE

Ashinci durvAsu laDannamaDuga, apuDE mandamAyE; O rAma ! ninnu

C3: sutuni vEDuga jUDa dEvaki yaDuga, yaShOda sUDanAyE!

satulElla ratibhikshamaDuga vArivAri patula vIDanAyE ! O rAma !


C4: nIke dayabuTTi brOtuvo ? brOvavO ? nIgu TTu bayalAyE !

sAkEta dhAma ! srI tyAgarAjanuta ! svAmi ! eti mAyA ? O rama !




Word by word meaning


Evvaru - Who

anubhavinciri - Has experienced

sukhamu - Happiness?

aDigi - (by ) Asking anything

ninnu - (of) You

AdimUlamA - O primordial



sUrya - Sun

saDalani - (to) irremovable

pApatimirakOTi - darkness that comes from millions of sins

sArvabhauma - Supreme monarch

sArasAksha - Lotus eyed one

sadguNa - Possessor of good attributes


sita - Sita

Ashrayinci - who took refuge in you

aDigina - and asked for

varamu - a good life

aDavi (ki) bOnAyE - had to go to the forest

AsharaharNa - O slayer of Rakshasas

rakkasi - (when) the Rakshasi (Surpanakha)

aDuga - expressed

iShTamu - her liking (for you)

apuDe - immediately

mUkku pOyE - lost her nose


nArada mauni - Sage Narada

varamaDuga - asked for

vAsiga - understanding (your creation)

vanita rupuDAyE - transformed into a woman

durvAsulu - Durvasa

Asinci - eagerly

annamaDuga - asked for rice

appuDE - immediately

mandamAyE - became stupefied


dEvaki - Devaki

aDuga - asked for

sutuni vEDuga jUTa - the joys of bringing up children

yashOda - Yashoda

sUDanAyE - was given them by you

sadulella - The chaste Gopis

rati bhikshamu aDuga - begged for your passion

viDanAye - (they) had to leave

vAri vAri - their respective

patula - husbands


ETi mAya - What illusion

sAkEtadhAma - O resident of Ayodhya

daya puTTi - when compassion is born

nIkE - to you

brOtuvO brOvavO - will you protect or maybe not

tyAgarAjanuta svAmi - O Lord of Tyagaraja's worship

nI - your

kuTTu - secret

bayalAyE - is out


The total meaning has already been given above.



praNAms to adi_shakthi16 for allowing me to post it here

And praNAms to all advaitins and Devotees of Mother Goddess.








Prof. V. Krishnamurthy

My website on Science and Spirituality is http://www.geocities.com/profvk/

You can access my book on Gems from the Ocean of Hindu Thought Vision and

Practice, and my father R. Visvanatha Sastri's manuscripts from the site.





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