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namavali prayer to devi

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, "ammamaha" <ammamaha> wrote:

> Namaste

> I would like to add these five personal prayers to the namavali



> 1) Oh mother! you see all my mistakes. Yet you shower your

> blessings on me. Salutations to you.


> 2)Oh mother! you give me everything I want and even more.

> Salutations to you.


> 3)Oh mother! you create in me the desire to know more about you.

> Please accept my salutations.


> 4) Oh mother! you give me happiness and freedom from worries when


> think about you, hear your glories or read about you. Please


> my salutaions.


> 5) Oh mother! you make me think of you. Please accept my

> salutations.




Namaste all.

May I make the following plea to all who contribute to the namavali

prayer to devi:

1. Let us accept the subject heading "namavali prayer to devi" given

by 'ammamaha' to this post. It seems to be very suitable.

2. Let us agree to sequentially number them so that each

contribution of five names will start numbering from where it was

left by the previous contributor. By this scheme, the above numbers

would be: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 since Prasad Reddy left it at 15 in

Message No.5515.


Now I am making my today's contribution of five names.I request

every one to take it up following the leader Ravishankar's start-off!


21. Oh Divine Mother, You nodded your head to the Vasini devatas to

recite the Lalita Sahasranama; Om namo namah.

22. O Divine Mother, You brought forth the eight-fold prakRti, to

you Om namo namah.

23. O Divine Mother! You gave darshan to Muthuswamy Dikshidar. To

you my Om namo namah

24. O Divine Mother, You appeared as if you were the eighth child of

Devaki. To you Om namo namah

25. You are the chief deity in the Temple of Madurai. To you Om namo




Once again, when you reply and continue this namavali, please do it

under the same subject heading "namavali prayer to devi". Thanks

PraNAms to all devotees of Mother Goddess.



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, "M. S. Ravisankar" <ravi@a...> wrote:




> 30. O Divine Mother, your law of karma is founded on love and it

is not a

> judgemental tool. It ensures the welfare of all beings. To you Om


> namaH.

> --

> Ravi


> (I have posted the 30 posted thus far on

> http://www.ambaa.org/download/namavali.txt I will update it once

in a while.

> Even if there are some errors in numbering while posting, we can

correct it

> as we go along. Thanks a lot to Prof. VK for starting this nice



Namaste. Wonderful, Ravi, for posting all the namas on a single


Now, folks, come on, one and all. Follow it up now. We should have

1000 names by 5th of October (Vijaya Dasami day). We have got only

30 names now. Hurry up. Girdle your loins and contribute. Let it

come from the bottom of your heart. Don't worry about whether it

could be a repetition or not. We shall correct it at the end when we

have all the 1000 with us.

Mark it. This will be a record. In the 21st century, by the efforts

of several devotees, we would be creating a sahasranamam in English

for Devi. It will be the first internet-created sahasranamam. We may

even call it ambaa-sahasranamam. As far as I know, there is none so

far by that name. So don't bother whether you need to have

scholarship or not. Whatever you feel about devi, pour it out.


Let me now contribute five more, so that you can pick up the ball

from there.

31. O divine mother, You are both nirguna and saguna. To you Om namo


32. O divine mother, Come and live in my heart to fight my internal

enemies on their own ground. Om namo namah

33 O divine mother, You caused a downpour of golden Amalakas at the

request of your foremost devotee. Om namo namah.

34. O divine mother, How many darshans you must have given to Saint

Ramakrishna. To You Om namo namah.

35. O divine mother, You caused this sahasranamam to start; it is

now in your court. Om namo namah.


PraNAms to all devotees of Mother Goddess.


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> 55. O Divine Mother, Teach me to open the door of my heart and

receive your

> ever present light of grace. To you Om namo namaH.



Namaste all


56. O Divine mother! Did you not give darshan to Poet Kalidasa? Om

namo namah.

57. O Divine Mother! You manifested yourself to Lopamudra. To You my

Om namo namah

58. O Divine Mother! Don't you live outside of your temples? Om namo


59. O divine mother! Grant me the advaita of not distinguishing

between different forms of God. Om namo namah.

60. O divine mother! You are not only the Infinite 'That' but also

the finite 'This'. To You Om namo namah.


PraNAms to all devotees of ambaaL


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> 70. O Divine Mother, Fill my heart with love for all beings. To

you Om

> namo namaH.


> Ravi



71. O Divine Mother, You are the proof that scriptures are right. Om

namo namah.

72. O Divine Mother, You are the meeting path of Karma, Bhakti,

Jnana and Yoga. Om namo namah.

73.O Divine Mother, Grant me the faith that Logic about you would

not be logical. Om namo namah.

74. O Divine Mother. Grant me the constant remembrance of japo

jalpah shloka. Om namo namah.

75. O Divine mother, Your one-ness is primary; Your plurality is

secondary. Om namo namah.


praNAms to all devotees of Mother Goddess.



Important Postscript : Dear friends. Please join this yajna. We have

to get 1000 names in 9 days. On the first day we have reached only

upto 75. This does not cost you anything. Pour out your heart to the

Mother. This is the navaratri puja that we should all do. Thanks.


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, "V. Krishnamurthy" <profvk>


>> Important Postscript : Dear friends. Please join this yajna. We


> to get 1000 names in 9 days. On the first day we have reached only

> upto 75. This does not cost you anything. Pour out your heart to


> Mother. This is the navaratri puja that we should all do. Thanks.

> VK


Respected Prof. VKji


I agree with you. We have 400+ members. Even if 100 of them send just

10 each we will be there. I request members like Satishji, Sridharji,

Vishvarupaji, Aravindji, Vijaya-Ganapathyji, Savithriji,and others to

kindly step in and contribute.



Om shrimaatre namo namaH





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------------- Forwarded message follows from adi_shakti16@ --------



76. O Divine Mother! You are indeed the celestial wish-fulfilling

Kalpavriksha tree who grants the boons of all devotees! ! Om Namo



77.O Divine Mother ! You are indeed the celestial cow Kamadhenu

overflowing with the milk of Compassion, Kindeness and knowledge (

jnana paal) ! Om Namo Namaha !


78.O Divine Mother ! You are indeed the mother of all Mantras , the

veda mata Gayatri ! By chanting the Gayatri mantra three times a

day,one is situated in pure consciousness ! Om Namo Namaha!


79. O Divine Mother ! Among the rivers , you are the Sacred Ganga !

By taking a dip in your holy waters, all sins are removed! Om Namo



80. O Divine Mother ! Among the Vidyas, you are Indeed Sree Vidya ,

the supreme of all vidyas! Having learned this sacred Vidya, what

more is there to learn? Om Namo Namaha!

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------------- Forwarded message from adi_shakti16@-------------

{numbers should be from 81 - 85, unless I missed something, in any case

I will correct while compiling}


81. O Divine Mother ! Bhagwati Amman of Chottanikkara ! You are the

four armed deity holding the discus in your upper right hand and in

conch in the left hand! in this form you are worshipped as Lakshmi-

Narayani, the comsort of Lord Vishnu! Om Namo Namaha!


82. O Divine Mother ! Kanaka Durga of Vijayawada! You are

Simhavahini (mounted on a lion) holding different weapons in your

mighty hands ! You are the slayer of Mahisasura, the demon and hence

you are called Vijaya! Adi shankara installed a Sri Chakra in your

shrine! Om namo namaha!


83. O Divine Mother! Mookambike of Kollur! Devi you made the

eloquent Kamasuran dumb so he became mukasuran and could not ask for

the boon of immortality! Adi shankara composed the

divine 'Saundarya lahari' in your divine presence! Devi, you have

the power to make dumb eloquent as in the case of Mukakavi! Om Namo



84. O Divine mother! Sharade of Sringeri Peteham! Adi Shankara

installed YOUR image of over a Sri Chakra! In YOUR four hands ,

Devi YOU hold a jar of the nectar of immortality ( amrita kalasham),

a book of braamha vidya , a rosary to meditate on the bija akshara

of 'Aim', and display the chin mudra of 'awaremess' ! Om Namo



85.O Divie Mother ! Sri AAndaal of Villiputthur! AAndaal woke up the

Sri Ranganathar from his slumber with HER devotional compositions !

In the month of Marghazi ,hymns from Thirupavai composed by Aandaal

are sung in South india with devotion by young girls so they can

also get grooms of their choice ! Om Namo Namaha!

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[this post contains 30 names. hope it is ok]


86. O Divine Mother, you are All pervading. Teach me to see you in

everything. To you Om namo namaH


87. O Divine Mother, you are Bliss, unalloyed pure joy. Teach me to

realize that it is indeed my true nature. To you Om namo namaH


88. O Divine Mother, you are Compassion. Have mercy on me. To you Om

namo namaH.


89. O Divine Mother, you are Desireless. Destroy the fire of desires

that scorch my heart. To you Om namo namaH.


90. O Divine Mother, you are Excellence. Help me to excel in your

service. To you Om namo namaH.


91. O Divine Mother, you are Fullness (puurnam). Without you, I feel

so incomplete. To you Om namo namaH.


92. O Divine Mother, you are Great. Wherever there is greatness, I see

your glory there. To you Om namo namaH.


93. O Divine Mother, you are Honorable. May I honor you by honoring my

fellow beings. To you Om namo namaH.


94. O Divine Mother, you are known as "I am". Glory to you, who

declared to Moses when he asked your name, as I am that "I am". To

you Om namo namaH.


95. O Divine Mother, you are Joy. This life is a celebration and joy

when I keep you as my goal. To you Om namo namaH.


96. O Divine Mother, you are Knower, known, and the act of

knowing. You witness everything. To you Om namo namaH.


97. O Divine Mother, you are Life. The beingness in all beings. To you

Om namo namaH.


98. O Divine Mother, you are Mother of all. To you Om namo namaH.


99. O Divine Mother, you are Nameless. Yet you respond to all the

names with which we call you with love and sincerity . To you Om

namo namaH.


100. O Divine Mother, you are Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and

Omniscient. To you Om namo namaH.


101. O Divine Mother, you are Pure. Wash me with the waters of wisdom

and make me pure again. To you Om namo namaH.


102. O Divine Mother, you are the Queen of this cosmos. To you Om namo



103. O Divine Mother, you are Radiant like thousand crore rising Suns.

Yet, my veil of ignorance is so dense, I am still in dark. To you

Om namo namaH.


104. O Divine Mother, you are Space. You can see nanometer to terra

miles, without batting your eyelid. You are larger than the

largest and tinier than the tiniest. To you Om namo namaH.


105. O Divine Mother, you are Time. You can see micro second and eons

at the same time. That is why Deborah* cried out "O Lord ountains

melt and flow before thee". To you Om namo namaH.


[Deborah is a biblical saint and there is a number in Rheology

called Deborah number, which talks about relaxation time of a

material in comparison with a process observation time. Since

Solid have a very large relaxation time, only God can see them



106. O Divine Mother, you are the Universe. You are everything here

and that which is beyond this. To you Om namo namaH.



107. O Divine Mother, you are ever Victorious. We celebrate you as

Vijaya. To you Om namo namaH.


108. O Divine Mother, you are Wisdom. It is only through your grace

one can gain wisdom. To you Om namo namaH.


109. O Divine Mother, you are X, the greatest unknown in the cosmic

equation. To you Om namo namaH.


110. O Divine Mother, you are eternally Youthful. For you transcend

time. Restore the spirit of youthfullness in me, which does not

cease to learn. To you Om namo namaH.


111. O Divine Mother, you are Zeal. May I be zealous in my spiritual

goal. To you Om namo namaH.


112. O Divine Mother, you are everything. You are A-Z, alpha to omega,

and a to xa. To you Om namo namaH.


113. O Divine Mother, you are axara, the indestructible. To you Om

namo namaH.


114. O Divine Mother, you are varNa. teach me your letters and I

will weave you a garland out of them. To you Om namo namaH.


115. O Divine Mother, you are inseparable from Shiva, like the word

and its meaning. To you Om namo namaH.



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Om Sri Ganeshaya Namaha



>115. O Divine Mother, you are inseparable from Shiva, like the word and its

meaning. To you Om namo namaH




116. O Divine Mother! Shailaputri! You are the guiding star to us lost

souls. To you om namo namaH


117. O Divine Mother! Brahmacharini! Dweller in every heart. To you om

namo namaH


118. O Divine Mother! Chandragantha! The mother of mother’s. The mother

of every being. To you om namo namaH


119. O Divine Mother! Meenakshi! You nourish, protect and watch us all

the time. To you om namo namaH


120. O Divine Mother! Balipriya! As the sugarcane bow in your hand

representing my ego. To you om namo namaH


121. O Divine Mother! Kushmanda! Ever forgiving, loving mother. To you

om namo namaH


122. O Divine Mother! Skanda Matha! Mother of Skandha, Pampering me

always. To you om namo namaH


123. O Divine Mother! Kathyayini! Your sweet voice tranquilized

kachhapi. To you om namo namaH


124. O Divine Mother! Kalaratri! Your grace is ever upon us. To you om

namo namaH


125. O Divine Mother! Maha Gouri! Ever beautiful amma. To you om namo







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> 115. O Divine Mother, you are inseparable from Shiva, like the word

> and its meaning. To you Om namo namaH.


> ravi@a...



Here are 15 names:


116. O Divine Mother. You are atomic as well as macrocosmic. Om namo


117. O Divine Mother. You have the power to become light or heavy.

Om namo namah.

118. O Divine Mother. You are both omniscient and omnipotent. Om

namo namah.

119. O Divine Mother . Grfant me the steadfastness of Prahlada's

faith. Om namo namah.

120. O Divine Mother, You need no support, but you support

everything. Om namo namah.

121. O Divine Mother. Let not my fate make my prayer useless. Om

namo namah.

122. O Divine Mother. Show me how to imagine something outside of

Space (AkAsha). Om namo namah.

123. O Divine Mother. You are the Divine Preceptor facing south. Om

namo namah.

124. O Divine Mother. Make me sama-loshhTa-kAnchanah. Om namo namah.

125. O Divine Mother. You are the past, present and future. Om namo


126. O Divine Mother. May the whole universe be happy, ever. Om namo


127. O Divine Mother. Convince me that I am neither the doer nor the


128. O Divine Mother. Rukmini prayed to you before her marriage and

you helped her. Om namo namah.

129. O Divine Mother. May all the religions of the world unite to

honour the Ultimate. Om namo namah.

130. O Divine Mother. May those who want riches get them by Your

Grace, irrespective of their faith in You. Om namo namah.


PraNAms to all devotees of Mother goddess.


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shubh navarAtri,


O divine Mother, seated in the lotus of my heart, zap my outgoing

mind and draw me inside, to you hrIm namo namah


O divine Mother, you are the eternal witness within me, help me

realize that, to you hrIm namo namah


O divine Mother, let me truely be an instrument in thy hands, help

me lose my ego, to you hrIm namo namah


O divine Mother, grant me that I don't fail you as your daughter,

that I always endorse you in my thoughts, words and actions, to you

hrIm namo namah


O divine Mother, an epitome of compassion, grant me a fraction of

thy compassion, to you hrIm namo namah



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, "Durga Prasad S.P.N"

<spndurgaprasad@h...> wrote:


> 160. Salutations to my mother VaagruupiNii, these words are born


> of you to describe thee. You are the divine sound indicating

> Siva. O compassionate one, quell this ego of mine that may have

> come out of these words without harming me.




161. O Divine Mother, May you be in my memory at the very last

moment of my breath. Om namo namah.

162. O Divine Mother. There is no heavier sorrow than separation

from you. Grant me the freedom from that sorrow. Om namo namah.

163. O Divine Molther, You manifest out of your own free will,

for the good of the world and in the manner you choose. Om namo


164. O Divine Mother, You have both dharmas inherent in you, that

gives a temporal spatial benefit and that gives a permanent

immutable benefit.

165. O Divine Mother, all beings are drawn to you in dissolution,

as the original source. Om namo namah.

166. O Divine Mother, all beings emeanate from you in whom they

are latent after the last dissolution. To you my prostrations.

167. O Divine Mother You are that which encompasses my mind. To

You my prostrations

168. O Divine Mohter, You are that which my mind cannot

comprehend. To You my prostrations.

169. O Divine Mother, there is nothing more supreme than You. Om

namo namah.

170. O Divine Mother, there is nothing larger, nothing smaller

than You. Om namo namah.

171. O Divine Mother, You are the only one who can destroy my

blemishes. Om namo namah.

172. O Divine Mother, none can point you out as `this' or `that'.

Om namo namah.

173. O Divine Mother, You are the One who grants an issue to

issueless couples. Om namo namah.

174. O Divine Mother, You are the One who grants a faithful

husband to women devotees. Om namo namah

175. O Divine Mother, You are the One who grants a lovable wife

to men devotees. Om namo namah

176. O Divine Mother, Your brilliance is more than thousand suns.

Om namo namah.

177. O Divine Mother, Your compassion is boundless and

causeless. Om namo namah.

178. O Divine Mother, You are the dirfector of happenings in the

fourteen worlds. Om namo namah.

179. O Divine Mother, You are the Queen of Food and Health. Om

namo namah.

180. O Divine Mother, You are the Queen of Valour and Bravery. Om

namo namah.

181. O Divine Mother, You are the Queen of Fortune and Happiness.

Om namo namah.

182. O Divine Mother, You are the Queen of Wealth and Prosperity.

Om namo namah.

183. O Divine Mother, Give me the mental strength never to bow

and bend to adharma.Om namo namah.

184. O Divine Mother, Give me the stamina to bear the cruelty of

Fate. Om namo namah.

185. O Divine Mother, Give me the presence of mind to rise to

every occasion. Om namo namah.

186. O Divine Mother, Give me the wisdom to know the difference

between what can be cured and what cannot be. Om namo namah.

187. O Divine Mother, Give me the insight to see you inside me.

Om namo namah.

188. O Divine Mother, Give me the will power to worship you every

early morning and invite you into my heart.

189. O Divine Mother, Give me the buddhi to tolerate intolerance.

Om namo namah.

190. O Divine Mother, Give me the courage to face faceless

enemies. Om namo namah.



PraNAms to all devotees of Mother Goddess.


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