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namavali prayer to devi

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(I edited it just to change the numbers and the subject line)



adi_shakthi16 [mamakumar]

Thursday, September 25, 2003 6:17 PM


ravi ji! here is my list of 5 names!



36)O Mother of dark night , Maha Kali ! drink up all the seeds of

desire with all your might and grant me eternal delight! Om Namo

Namaha !


37)O Mother Matangi ! the dweller of kadamba forest ! Teach me the

vedas so I can become the instrument for imparting wisdom and

knowledge ! Om namo namaha!


38)O sixteen year old Shodashi! Grant me youth and energy so I can

shine as Divine Shakti in the anahata chakra of all devotees in the

sixteen petalled lotus ! Om namo namaha!


39) O Warrior Goddess Durge ! Guard me like a fortress from all evil

tendencies and help me fight all the ashtavargas and help me

transcend tamo and rajo gunas ! Om namo namaha!


40) O lotus faced Kamala ! Let me be like the lotus flower , though be

in the World but not of the World! Om NAMO namaha!



my email is adi_shakthi16

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May I add:


46. O Divine Mother Bala, Make every cell of my being

to constantly remember you! Om namo namaH!


47. Oh Divine Mother Bala, Every scripture says it is

impossible to describe you! When do I see your

splendour! Om namo namaH!


48. Oh Divine Mother Bala, Bless me to realise myself

and merge into you!Om namo namaH!


49. Oh Divine Mother Bala, Let every cell of my body

only resound with the thot it came from you! Om namo



50. Oh Divine Mother Bala, Who is sulabha prasanna, My

salutations to you. Om namo namaH!


Bala Sharanam



[moderator's note: Numbers were changed to be current]


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> 50. Oh Divine Mother Bala, Who is sulabha prasanna, My

> salutations to you. Om namo namaH!



51. O Divine Mother, like Sun light, which falls on a pure river and sewage

drain alike, your grace falls on both saint and sinner alike. To you Om

namo namaH.


52. O Divine Mother, even if I shut myself in the dark room of my bad

qualities, you find small cracks in it to beam your grace to me. To you Om

namo namaH.


53. O Divine Mother, it is a sick person who needs medicine and not a

healthy one. And a sinner like me needs your attention more than a saint. Do

not discard me now when I need you the most. And dont discard me ever. To

you Om namo namaH


54. O Divine Mother, direct your side glance for a second at me and let me

bath in the compassion that drips from your eyes. To you Om namo namaH.


55. O Divine Mother, Teach me to open the door of my heart and receive your

ever present light of grace. To you Om namo namaH.





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> 60. O divine mother! You are not only the Infinite 'That' but also

> the finite 'This'. To You Om namo namah.



61. O Divine Mother, You assume different forms to facilitate the meditation

of your devotees. To you Om namo namaH.


62. O Divine Mother, You are formless. To you Om namo namaH.


63. O Divine Mother, you have form, you are formless, and you are beyond

both form and formless. To you Om namo namaH.


64. O Divine Mother, you are not limited to our anthromorphic conceptions.

To you Om namo namaH.


65. O Divine Mother, you are beyond our limited mental conceptions. To you

Om namo namaH.



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66. O Divine Mother, you are devoid of any trace of hatred. To

you Om namo namaH.


67. O Divine Mother, you are love. To you Om namo namaH.


68. O Divine Mother, your acts of war and punishments are also founded

on love. To you Om namo namaH.


69. O Divine Mother, when you slay asura-s, you are truly saving them

and taking them by a quick route to salvation. To you Om namo



70. O Divine Mother, Fill my heart with love for all beings. To you Om

namo namaH.



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[Moderator: this list has 102 names. Whoever adds next, kindly fill in 3 more to

make it a multiple of 5. I hope I counted it right and I numbered some names to

make it easier for counting. This list has names from 406 -- 507].


406. Mother, whose breasts filled with amrita, and willing to feed the entire

world with vatsalya, to thee our infinite gratitude.


407. Mother, who fed the great children like ganapati, shanmukha and tirugnana

sambanda, because of which they never got the feeling of lust, to thee our

infinite gratitude.


408. Mother, who is fast in bestowing boons to thee our infinite prostrations.


409. Mother, who takes pleasure in listening to namaparayana of sadAsiva, to

thee our infinite gratitude.


410. Mother, who is in the form of kundalini, to thee our infinite gratitude.


411. Mother, who tears the obstacles (grantis) in the path of realizing that

one is already realized (already the Self), to thee our infinite



412. Mother, who is the alknowing (having the complete knowledge of knowledge

and complete knowledge of our ignorance) to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is the form of a sumangali, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who takes pleasure in suvasini puja, to thee our infinite



Mother, who is the bestower of nirvana sukha, to thee our infinite



Mother, who is the bestower of sivagnana, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is the goal of nadopasana, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, whose pAdarENu is used by chaturmukha brahma to create the

universe, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, whose padadhooli (the universe burnt) is smeared all over the body

as ash by sadasiva, to thee our infinite gratitude.


420. Mother, whose padadhooli is to the wise, the chintAmaNi for the poor, to

thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who bestows the nijasAyujya padavi (the greatest post from where

they is no retrenchment/retirement/expiry), for merely uttering bhavani

tvam (out of infinite compassion), to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, by holding whose hands sadasiva (who was called the wanderer in

the smashana with the skeleton in hand and having the directions as his

dress) became the lord of the world, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, whose compassion is so great that you let the credit for what ever

you did (buring Kama with the third eye means that half of that is your

and kicking yama with the left leg actually means that you did it) to

acrue upon sadasiva, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who does not sport vara or abhaya mudra (unlike other gods) in

Madurai (even your feet are specialists in bestowing them), to thee our

infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is the satyakamA, to thee our infinite gratitude.


426. Mother, who is the bestower of sathsangha(not the duality like some are

good people, some are bad, but the association with SAT, the real which is

only one, nothing but the SELF), to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is the bestower of satgati because of satsangha, to thee our

infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is firm to terminate the ones cross the tenets of dharma, to

thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who protects the devotees, to thee our infinite gratitude.


430. Mother, who erases the enemies within and without, to thee our infinite



Mother, who resides in the city of tripura, to thee our infinite



Mother, who has the red eyes signifying veera rasa, to thee our infinite



Mother, who has endeared by listening to the exploits of sadasiva to thee

our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is the loving consort of sadasiva to thee our infinite



435. Mother, who desists the approach of other men (for you are the pinnacle of

chastity that the title umApati can been given to sadasiva unlike

the title vidyapati which is conferred to the one who has mastered one or

several of the 64 vidyas and the title lakshmipati being conferred upon

someone who has one or all of the ashta aishwaryas), to thee our infinite



Mother, who displays fear (as a part of love prank with sadasiva) on

looking at the snake coiling around the neck of sadasiva, to thee our

infinite gratitude.


Mother, who displays hAsya bhava and playfully jokes with the sakhis like

mantrini, varahi, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who displays jealously towards ganga, thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who displays shanta rasa in the form the my preceptor immeresed in

the Self, to thee my infinite gratitude.


440. Mother, having displayed different emotion to different people at

different time, look at me with compassion, hey embodiment of compassion,

to thee infinite gratitude.


Mother, who takes pride in wearing the mangalya tied by sadasiva, to thee

our infinite prostrations.


Mother, who is the medicine for sadasiva, to the our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is the cause of the creation, sustenance and destruction, to

thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, from whose nails (of hands) the ten avatarams of vishnu were

generated, to thee our infinite gratitude.


445. Mother, who manifests in satbrahmanas, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who dances in the thoughts of the seers of truth (for you are the

only truth), to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who takes in sacrifice, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who manifests in virgins and chaste ladies, to thee our infinite



Mother, who manifests in all things becasue of which they appear

beautiful, to thee our infinite gratitude.


450. Mother, who is the goal of ashtangayoga, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who likes honey, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who like lemon-rice, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who takes delight in tasting the vada made of uraddal, to thee our

infinite gratitude.


Mother, who relishes sakkarai pongal, to thee our infinite gratitude.


455. Mother, who relishes curd rice, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, whose waits has the three lines like the rope tied during the

wedding, to thee our infinite prostrations.


Mother, who has the naval like that of the pond from which the lotus like

breasts have sprouted, to thee our infinite prostrations.


Mother, who has the lines on the neck like to scar born out of

continuously wearing the mangalyam tied by sadasiva from time immemorial,

to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who has the hair streak from the naval like the stream of yamuna,

to thee our infinite prostrations.


460. Mother, who has shining nails (of feet) which drive the moon to hide his

face, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is chewing the beetle-leaves, nuts, cloves etc, because, of

which sweet smell continously emanates from the already sweet smelling

mouth, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who has the pleasant breath which sadasiva constantly tries to

smell and take delight, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who has the red tounge and lips because of chewing the

beetleleaves etc, to thee our infintite gratitude.


Mother, who is in the form of blood circulation in the body of all beings

(arohanam and avarohanam), to thee our infinite gratitude.


465. Mother, who comes rushing forth to save the devotees, to thee our infinite



Mother, who is moved by bhakti or uncontrollable love, to thee our

infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is aparna (devoid of debts, quick to respond to even a small

cry of the devotee, even for a small thing he has done, considering

yourself to be indebted) to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is aparna (who as kanyakumari performed extreme austeries to

wind the hand of sadasiva not even eating the dried leaves(the normal food

for the great tapasvis), to thee our infinite prostrations.


Mother, who is the bestower of paravidya, to thee our infinite



470. Mother, who is bestower of aparavidya, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who takes delight in music to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who manifests in all arts and sciences, to thee our infinite



Mother, who is seated in sukhasana, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who makes the sudhadhara (nectar stream) to flow from the

sahasrara, to thee our infinite gratitude.


475. Mother, who makes the lotus of the various chakra bloom, to thee our

infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is endowed with various sastras to decimate the gross enemies,

to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is endowed with various astras to terminate the subtle

enemies, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is the almighty, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is omniscient, to thee our infinite gratitude.


480. Mother, who is omnipresent, to thee our infinite prostrations.


Mother, who is omnipotent, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who sports with sadasiva at the time of destruction, to thee our

infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is the cause of the entire universe, to thee our infinite



Mother, who is beyond casue, to thee our infinite gratitude.


485. Mother, who is the sarvasAskhi (witness to all), to thee our infinite



Mother, who is capable of curing all diseases, to thee our infinite



Mother, who is capable of curing all death to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is the bestower of release from the vicious cycle of birth and

death, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is beyond time and space, to thee our infinite gratitude.


490. Mother, who purifies our nadis, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who is eternally pure, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who by being red in colour, overshawdows sadasiva (who is like

spatika), to thee our infinite.


Mother, who has eyes like nIlotpala, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who has got the gift of heaviness and majesticity from

Himavan (signified by the huge gait), to thee our infinite prostrations.


495. Mother, whose waist is slightly bent as if unable to bear the weight of

the breasts, to thee our infinte gratitude.


Mother, who has hair like that of the dark clouds, to thee our infinite




Mother, who sports flowers like champa, ashoka etc on her hair, to thee

our infinite gratitude.



Mother, whose forehead is like the moon of the eight night(ashtami

chanra), to thee our infinite gratitude.



Mother, who has kasturi tilakam on the forehaad which resemble the scar on

the moon, to thee our infinite gratitude.


500. Mother, whose eyebrows resemble the bow of cupid, to thee our infinite



Mother, whose nose is like a champaka flower, to thee our infinite



Mother, who wears ear rings and bracelets made of flowers like kadamba, to

thee our infinite prostrations.


Mother, who sports a smiling face, to thee our infinite gratitude.


Mother, who has the teeth like pearls, to thee our infinite gratitude.


505. Mother, whose cheeks are as soft as silk, to thee our infinite gratitude.



506. Mother, whose cheeks shine like the mirror, to thee our infinite



507. Mother, whose nose rings shine like the stars, to thee our infinite


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om shri maatre namaha .

om bham bhadrakaalyaii namaha.


namavali prayer to devi :



oh! divine mother, you are ever ready to

bless me with your ocean of compassion,

unto you maathe, namo namaha.



oh! devi mother bhadrakaali of RAMAPURAM,

you have answered every one of my distress calls;

o devi who responds instantaneously to the call

of the bhakta, unto you ,my mother, namo namaha.

[ vilichhaal vili ketkkum ammae!]



oh! devi, in my yearning for the GURU, you have

become my GURU, and shown me the path to

guruthwam. o devi , who is the personification

of GURU, unto you, my mother, namo namaha.



at KODUNGALLOOR, o! devi, the harried bhaktha

performs your archana with the choicest abuses.

me too, o mother, how i have misused your

compassion by calling you to come to my rescue

at every little "trouble", and devi, you have

responded always!! o devi, who sustains me

with your milk of utmost compassion and

forgiveness, unto you, mother divine, namo




o! devi, you have given me the freedom to

cushion my forehead ,hot with worries and

inadequacies, on your lotus feet; and to

cry helplessly at your compassionate lap.

you have forgiven my aberrations like the

mother supreme that you are. source of my

sustenance, oh mother, namo namaha.


prostrate at your lotus feet,








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> > Infinite thanks to all the contributors. Ravi and I will get back

> to

> > you all after some editing and organization is done on this

> > sahasranamavali.






Updated text is here:



On behalf of all the devotees of ambaa, I would like to thank the

contributors and more importantly Prof. V. K. It was his valuable

leadership and motivation that saw this project through. Prof. V. K. has

also kindly consented to edit and organize the text to make it uniform. It

is indeed a great gift from him to all devotees of ambaa and my humble

namaskarams to him.


Thank you.


With love and respects to you all,



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