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namavali prayer to devi

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191) Oh mother, you are the sweetness of honey, the fragrance of

flowers , the brilliance of the sun. My salutations to you.


192)oh mother, you are the knower and you are the knowledge. My

salutations to you.


193) Oh mother, you take pleasure in creation which is your sport.

My salutations to you.


194) Oh mother, may your feet rest in my heart. My salutations to



195) Oh mother, make me see you in the food I eat, the water I drink

and the air I breathe. My salutations to you.

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A few more contributions....


191. To you who is INDU....the ONE moon visible to us. Om Namo Namah.

192. To you who is NETRA...the TWO eyes which enable us to see you. Om Namo


193. To you who is AGNI...the THREE fires that quench. Om Namo Namah.

194. To you who is VEDA...the FOUR vedas the are your creation. Om Namo Namah.

195. To you who is BANA...the FIVE baNas of manmatha. Om Namo Namah.

196. To you who is RUTHU...The SIX seasons showing the cycle of change in

nature. Om Namo Namah.

197. To you who is RISHI.... the SEVEN Maha-Rishis who are your dear children.

Om Namo Namah.

198. To you who is VASU...the EIGHT children of brahma blessed by you. Om Namo


199. To you who is BRAHMA...the NINE brahma's or prajapathi's protecting all

under your guidance. Om Namo Namah..

200. To you who is DISHI...the TEN directions all of which merge into you. Om

Namo Namah.

201. To you who is RUDRA...the ELEVEN rudra's. Om Namo Namah.

202. To you who is ADITYA....the TWELVE Sun's as bright and luminous as you. Om

Namo Namah.


Oh Divine Mother, you are immeasurable ,you grace is unparallel, your blessings

are all I seek.


To you are my thousand pranams...


Lalitha Ramani.






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, Lalitha Ramani <varamala> wrote:

> A few more contributions....


> 218.Oh Divine Mother, you are immeasurable ,you grace is

unparallel, your blessings are all I seek.


> To you are my thousand pranams...


> Lalitha Ramani.




Namaste (Please note that I have corrected the numbering).


I post below five names supplied by Sunder Hattangadi:


219. Mother! O Refuge of the protectionless, may we always be


in meditating on your lotus-feet.


220. Whose compassion is boundless, may we always be engrossed in

meditating on your lotus-feet.


221. Who rescues and revives, may we always be engrossed in


on your lotus-feet.


222. Who blesses without delay Her devotees with the knowledge and

wisdom that even the Vedas and Darshanas failed to exhaust,may we

always be engrossed in meditating on your lotus-feet.


223. Who snaps the noose of the misery of the cycles of births and

deaths for Her devotees, may we always be engrossed in meditating on

your lotus-feet.



The following are fiv e names contributed by Madathil Nairji


224.Oh Mother! Like a thousand suns rising always abide in all my

thoughts as the light of enlightenment. Om UdyatbhAnusahasrAbhAyai



225. Oh Mother! Always impart the sanguine splendour of your

incomparable beauty to my chidAkAsha. Om SarvArunAyai Namah!


226. Oh Mother! Dwell all around me so that the worlds I see are


without wants. Om Sampalkaryai Namah. Om DhanAdhyakshAyai Namah!


227. Oh Mother! Make me realize that all that have taken forms and


around me – all the beings – are none other than you. Om BhavAnyai



228. Oh Mother! Who said you are beyond imagination!? You are

very much

around me and in me that I see you everywhere in everything. Kindly

remain so for ever. Om BhAvanAgamyAyai Namah!




The following two are to bring the number to a multiple of five.


229. O Divine Mother. I am taking your name now. Grant me the rain

check that it will be registered by you at my last breath in case I

may not be able to remember you at the time.


230. O Divine Mother. Grant me the memory of your name even if I am

born as an insect or a worm.



PraNAms to all devotees of Mother Goddess.


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> 230. O Divine Mother. Grant me the memory of your name even if I


> born as an insect or a worm.



> PraNAms to all devotees of Mother Goddess.

> profvk


The following are from Adi_Shakti


231. O the presiding deity Of Madurai ! O Meenakshi Devi! During the

pan- grahanam ceremony, Your Divine Brother Lord VISHNU gave away

your hand in marriage to LORD SYNDERESHWERA! it was your divine habd

that forged a bond between Dwaita and advaita?! why should we

devotees quarrel over spiritual paths? All paths lead to You Devi ,

the abode of braHman and shAkti! Om Namo Namaha!


232. O Madurai Meenakshi! It was in your Divine SANNADHI, the great

Doyen of Karnatic music Shri MUTHUSWAMY Dikshitir ATTAINED SAMADHI

With your Divya nama on his lips! Let your name be on my lips too

while quitting this mortal body! OM Namo NAMAHA !


233. O MEENAKSHI ! One of your names is "sree vidya" ! This is an


description of ambaal! For SHE is the embodiment of Supreme

knowledge! Once She is KNOWN, there is no 'knower'! On Namo NAMAHA!


234. O Fish Eyed Goddess ! You never blink yur eyes because once you

close your eyes, WHat will happen to your children? Let this devotee

keep her Eyes open so she can always see your beautiful vision in

both the dream and waking states! Om NAMO namaha!


235. O Meenakshi Devi! Accept this small garland of fragrant flowers

as a token of my infinite love and devotion for you! Om namo


236. O devi Mahalakshmi! Chatur-bhuje , the four armed deity! Your

Four hands represent the Wisdom in the Four vedas ! Atharva veda,

Yajur veda , Sama veda abd Rig VeDA! O Divine Mother ! Let your

divine hands guide us to this Ancient Wisdom Of HINDUS! OM NAMO



237. O DEVI Mahalakshmi! Your FOur hands also represent the fpur

directions (chatur dishas) ! East, west, north, south - all

directions lead to the same destnation of 'Brahma -GyANA.' 'om NAMO



238. O Devi Mahalakshmi! Your four hands also represent the four

*purusharthas' of life - aRtha, kama, Dharma and moksha! devi!


accept the first three flowers (artha, kama, dharma) as my humble

offering and grant me the fourth flower 'moksha' as your gift! Om

namo namaha!


239. O Devi Mahalakshmi ! THe number four also represents the four

ashramas in one's life! Bramhacharyam, Grihastashram , vanaprastam

and sanyasA! Devi! at this stage in this devotee's Life, guide her


the sanyashrama dharma- a stage of renunciation! Om namo namaha!


240. O Devi MAHALAKSHMI! The number four also stands for Varnashrama

dharma - Brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas and Shudras! Devi! THe time

is now ripe for a classless society and by your grace let all these

distinctions vanish ! Om namo namha!


The following are from Muruganandam. angu84 |

241. Divine Mother you are Red like rising sun, pomagranade


Amba our pranams to you.


242. Divine Mother you are Green as Meenakshi, Raja Mathanki our

paranams to you.


243. Divine Mother you are Black as Kali who saved the worls by

destroying the

asuras, Amaba pranams to you.


244. Divine Mother you are white, Amba our pranams to you.


245. Divine Mother you are Shyamala, our pranams to you.


246. Divine Mother you are Komala , our salutations to you.


247. Divine Mother you are remover our sorrows and remover of our

sins , Ambaa our

pranams to you.


248. Divine Mother you slained Mahishsura, Mahisasura Mardhini

our pranams to you.


249. Divine Mother you vanquished Rakthabija Maa our pranams to



250. Divine Mother you slained Sumba and Nisumbha Maa our Pranams

to you.


251. Divine Mother you slained Chamunda, Chamundeswri our pranams

to you.


252. Divine Mother you voice is very very sweet Pranams to you.


253. Divine Mother you are Kadambavana Sundari our Pranams to you.


The following two are to update the number to a multiple of five


254. Divine Mother, Grant me the privilege of having the memory

of all the sat sangh of the present janma in the next janma also. Om

namo namah

255. O Divine Mother Grant me the insight of Yudhishtira of

seein only good everywhere and with everybody. Om namo namah.


PraNAms to all devotees of Mother Goddess


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