Guest guest Posted October 16, 2003 Report Share Posted October 16, 2003 Namaste,my request was to know about the birth of mahalakshmi,mahasaraswati,mahagowri.their birth stars and mahavishnu's star they say is sravana, lord shiva is arudra,kartikeya is krittika,lord rama is punarvasu,lord krishna is rohini, maha ganapathi is satabhisha,like that.and also i want to know that what ever i know is right or wrong. and secondly i also wanted to know about navagrahas and why do they have adhidevatas and prathyadhidevathas and why not any body else have them like indra varuna etc.what are the gayathris of ashhatadikpalas i.e. indra,agni, and why only for satyanarayana puja we perform panchdevata, navagraha dikpalaka puja ,and why not in any other puja like varalakshmi vratam.please do not laugh at my ignorance,because if mother is "aakeeta brahma janani" then i am a keetaka in her creation.i am slowly trying to know my mother,her love towards me and her compassion and her beauty through your beautiful list.thankyou,malladi madhavi. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 26, 2003 Report Share Posted December 26, 2003 may i know the meaning of sarvatobhadra mandala-how is it drawn and what are its uses and where is it used(i have searched on the web and failed to get an answer that is why iam bothering you.) and also about yogini mandala,navagraha mandala,kshetrapalaka mandala. sriram sir you spoke about the lengthy puja vidhi and i am intrested in it .i want to know/learn the correct(even if it is lengthy)poojavidhi.please will you let me know the details either of any url of a site or the author and address of the publishing house (in telugu or english )or if you can e-mail me the detailed poojavidhi,i will be eternally gratefull to you. thank you malladimadhavi. Note : post edited by moderator Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 18, 2004 Report Share Posted January 18, 2004 ||Jai Sadguru Dutta|| Madhaviji, Kindly refer to the following URL and have a look at the different mandalas: I will try to give a description of these in the next few days. regards , malladimadhavi <srims@e...> wrote: > may i know the meaning of sarvatobhadra mandala-how is it > drawn and what are its uses and where is it used(i have searched on > the web and failed to get an answer that is why iam bothering you.) > and also about yogini mandala,navagraha mandala,kshetrapalaka > mandala. > > sriram sir you spoke about the lengthy puja vidhi and i am > intrested in it .i want to know/learn the correct(even if it is > lengthy)poojavidhi.please will you let me know the details either of > any url of a site or the author and address of the publishing house > (in telugu or english )or if you can e-mail me the detailed > poojavidhi,i will be eternally gratefull to you. thank you > > malladimadhavi. > > Note : post edited by moderator Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 26, 2004 Report Share Posted January 26, 2004 || Jai Sadguru Dutta || " Adhau brahmA harErmaDhyE anthyE dhEva sadhAshivah | moorthi thraya swaroopAya dhatthAthrEya namOsthuthE ||" Namasthe Srinivasji/madhaviji. I am very happy that you could draw the sarvathobhadra mandalam. I highly appreciate your enthusiasm and eagerness in learning the elements of practical hinduism. Although such things are by themselves don't form the core of spiritual knowledge, they are part of the evolution process of an individual soul. As an young lad, I too used to nag my gurus to teach me something new everyday. Many a time I had behaved rudly with them out of frustration and openly exhibited my discontentment. Later, I realized how silly and foolish I was. They were infact testing my sincerity, dedication and commitment. I have seen the "shiva panchayathan" you have mentioned. It looks like a miniature model of a shiva temple. But going by the shasthra vAkya and the sampradaya given to us by the DakshniNAmnAya ShrngEri ShAradhA peeTam, it does not form the Shiva panchayathana. It is only a depiction of the "shiva parivAra" - shiva's family. The same holds good for the the vishnu panchayathana and krShNa panchayathan you have described. For panchayathan pujas, only symbols (formless) of the 5 facets of the parabrahman should be used. For example: Shiva = bAna linga, ganapthay = shONiBhadhra stone, viShNu = sAligrAma etc. The respective parivar deities of the 5 main deities can be worshipped while worshipping a main deity individually i.e., while worshipping viShNu (rAma aspect), for example, in the Shiva panchayathan, you can add his parivar deities viz sIthA, lakShmaNa, Bharatha, shathrGna, hanumantha, jAmbava, viBheeshana etc; And, all the deities should be collectively addressed as "shiva panchAyathana dhEvathABhyO namah" (or "viShNu panchAyathana dhEvathABhyO namah" as the case may be)- otherwise, the worshipper earns the "dhOsha" (mistake/sin) of leaving out the names of other deities. Hope you have also gone through my posting on "shiva panchAyathana". I have tried to explain there why gaNapathy puja comes twice. Please refer to the article again for details. I had anticipated the question regarding the worship of the Sun god first. In reality, the worshipper is required to contemplate on the "Adhithya mandalam" first, for, the seers of the "sanAthana Dharma" have realized that the Adhithya mandalam is the abode of all divinities. As you have rightly mentioned, Sun is the sustainer of life not only on earth but in the whole universe (solar system). He is described as the the "soul of the universe": "soorya AthmA jagathasThah ushascha" --- "aruNa prashnah", yajurvEdha thaitthareeya AraNyaka. For the same reason, in JyOthisha shAsthra, soorya is described as "Athma kAraka" - the deity presiding over the soul. "AdithyO vA ESha Ethan-mandalam thapathi thathra - thA Rcha- sthadrchA mandalagam RchAm sa lOkOTha ya ESha Ethasmin- mandalEr - chir-dheepyathE thAni sAmAni sa sAmnAm lOkOTha ya ESha Ethasmin - mandalEr- chiShi puruShasthAni yajooganShi sa yajuShA mandalagam sa yajuShAm lOkassaiShA thraiyyeva vidyA thapathi ya EShOntharAdhithyE hiraNmyah puruShah ||" --- Adhithya mandala mantra, yajna nArAyaNa upanishad, yajurvEdha. [ The Adhithya mandala is the source of heat and light. His core (the white shining core) is the abode of the divine Rk (RgvEdha) verses. The flames of this core are verily the Sama chants. The Supreme Person (Parama PuruSha - ViShNu) within this core (orb) is to be meditated as the collection of Yajus. Thus He who is shining within the sun is the "HiraNmaya Purusha" - the Golden Person ] "AdhithyO vai thEja-OjO-balam yashah chakShuh shrOthrmAthmA manO manyur mrthyur sathyO mithrO vAyurAkAshah prANo lOkapAlah kah-kim- kam thath sathyamanyamamrthO jeevO vishwah kathamah swayamBhu brahmai thadhamrtha ESha BhoothAnAmaDhipathir brahmaNah sAyujyagam salOkathA mApnOthi ya yEm vEdhEthyupaniShath || " --- Adhithya upAsana mantra, yajna nArAyaNa upanishad, yajurvEdha. [ The Sun alone is verily all these: energy, splendour, strength, renown, sight, hearing, body, mind, anger, Seer, the Deities, Death, Sathya, MithrA, Wind, Ether and Breath, the Rulers of the world, PrajApathi - the indeterminable One, happiness, that which transcends the senses, truth, food, life span, liberation (mukthi), individual Soul, the Universe, the acme of bliss and the self-born Brahman. This Person in the Sun is eternal. He is the Lord of all creatures. He who meditates thus upon Him attains union with Brahman and lives in the same region of ejoy-like- enjoyment with these gods in their worlds. This is the secret vEdha vidhya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!] [Does anyone out there need any more "Scientific proof" or evidence for the Supremacy of the Vedas ?. I seriously doubt that the "scientists" who proposed the Big-Bang theory to explain how creation took place, borrowed the idea from our VEdhAs only.] Further, the Vedas proclaim that this Supreme Divine power - the main source is called as "gAyathri" or the "parabrahma vasthu", which is nothing but the Divine Mother Goddess herself. Observe: "bhAnumanDala maDhyasThA Bhairavee BhagamAlinee" AND "mArthAnda BhairavArADhyA manthriNeenyasTha rAjyaDhooh" --- LalithA sahasranAmam. [mArthAnda Bhairava = Soorya; mArthya + anda = mArthAnda --->the origin of all mortals] The entire Shree sooktham which starts with "hiraNya varNAm hariNeem ..." is describing the same Parabrahma vasthu dwelling in the soorya mandala as the Divine Mother. I want to make this clear with the help of an analogy. Suppose that there is a 1000 watt electrical lamp glowing in full brightness. If we look at it, all that we see is only light and nothing else. But somehow if we manage to find out what is that is glowing, we will find the lamp. Probing further, we find that it is the filament that is burning and giving out the brightness. At last, we realize that it is the electric power that is primarily responsible for all the glory of light. If we map lamp to the Sun, filament to His core (orb), then the electrical power is GAyathri - the Parabrahma vasthu. This same parabrahma vasthu is also called as "nArAyaNa". Please note that "nArAyaNa" and "hari" are different: "nArAyaNI nAdha-roopa nAma roopa vivarjitha" AND "hari-brahmEndhra sEvithA" --- LalithA sahasranAmam. Hence, in the "saura panchAyathana" puja, the representation of Sun in the middle is addressed to as "soorya nArAyaNa". The main spirit and essence of "sanDhyA vandhana" which is an essential duty for all Brahmins is nothing but this " soorya nArAyaNa upAsana." While some sadhaks contemplate on the Physical Sun that is visible to the naked eye, others contemplate on the "Inner Sun" - the "Athma jyOthi" dwelling deep inside the "hrdhayAkAsha" - the heart region: "padhma kOsha pratheekAshagam hrdhayam chApyaDhOmukham" AND "thasya maDhyE vanhi shiKhA aNIyOrDhwA vyavasThithah" --- "nArAyaNa sooktham", yajna nArAyaNa upanishad, yajurvEdha. Both are equally valid from the upAsana shasthra point of view. The following Vedic mantras can be chanted while contemplating on the Athma jyOthi in the heart-space : "Ardhram jwalathi jyOthirahamasmi | jyOthir jwalathi brahmAhamasmi |yOhamasmi brahmAhamasmi | ahamasmi brahmAhamasmi | ahamEvAham mAm juhOmi swAhA(ha)||" --- mantra 67, yajna nArAyaNa upanishad, yajurvEdha. [i am that Supreme Light which shines as the substratum of the liquid element. I am the supreme light of Brahman which shines as the inner- most essence of all that exists. In reality, I am the same infinite Brahman even when I am experiencing myself as a finite self owing to Ignorance. Now by the onset of knowledge I am really the Brahman which is my eternal nature. Therefore I realise this identity by making myself, the finite self, an oblation into the fire ("juhOmi swAha-ha") of the infinite Brahman which I am always. May this oblation be well made.] Next, you can give the form of your "iShta dhEvatha" to the Athma jyOthi by chanting the respective DhyAna shlOka. For example, to invoke the Divine Mother, take flowers in "koorma mudhra" and place the mudhra near the heart and chant the following shlOka: "mahA padhma vanAnthasthE kAraNAnandha vigrahE sarva Bhootha hithE mAthAh EhyEhi paramEshwari dhEvEshi Bhakthi sulaBhE parivAra samanvithE yAvathwAm pUjayiShyAmi thAwathwAm susThirO Bhava ||" [i invoke you, O Divine Mother ! - the one dwelling in the divine lotus of my heart; you who are verily the epitome of bliss and the presever of all living beings. O Supreme amongst the Gods - the one who gets easily pleased with devotion, kindly arrive here along with your family and get well installed all along till I worship you to my heart's content !!!] (Kindly forgive me for my childish style of translation) Contemplating and praying thus, imagine that the divine power in you has got trasnferred into the flowers. Offer those flowers on the Shree Yantra and proceed with the pooja. To make it still more clear, the correct order of invocation and worship is: 1. contemplation of Adhithya mandalam 2. offering "arGhya" to Soorya nArAyaNa with the purpose of warding off the darkness of ignorance 3. meditating on the Supreme Divine Force dwelling in the Adhithya mandalam and invoking the same 4. Attracting the Supreme Divine Force into the "hrdhayAkAsha" (heart- space) to enrich the "Athma jyOthi" and brightening it. This procedure helps us to realize that the Sun is verily the brahma ("asAvAdhithyO brahma" - yajurvEdha) and that we are an integral part of Him. 5. Meditating on the "Athma jyOthi" and giving it the form of our "iShta dhEvatha". 6. Invoking the iShta and installing it in the external medium of worship (ex. Shree yantram) 7. Offering the upacharas (normally 16 upacharas) 8. Installing the iShta back into the throne of heart and imagining that the form of the iShta is melting back into Athma jYothi. It is clear that in principle, the purpose of puja is to attain cosmic realization and enriching the power of our spirit ("Athma"). Hope I have answered your queries. || gAyathreem vandhE VEdha mAtharam || , Srinivas <srims@e...> wrote: > sata koti pranamams to you sriram sir. iam very happy with your answer. > thank you very much. i drew it on a cardboard and painted it with coloured > rice and framed it (sarvatobhadramandala) i hope that you will send me its > uses also very soon.sir i have a doubt about panchayatana puja. i have a > panchloha article from is like a small fort,in the centre there is a > sivalinga and on the eastern side ganga ,gouri images,on northern side > ganesh and on southern side skanda and at the entrance on western side there Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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