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Sri Suktham

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Dear Friends,

I had purchased the book Mantra

Pushpam and the casstt Vedic Suktas from Sri

Ramakrishnamath. A doubt has come up in my mind while

chanting Sri Suktam in the

following verse.


## The fifth mantra… ##

cha\_ndraaM pra\`bhaa\_saaM ya\_shasaa\_


shriyam\` lo\_ke de\_vaju\`ShTaamudaa\_raam

taaM pa\_dmane\`miiM\_ shara\`Na\_mahaM prapa\`dye

ala\_kSmiirme\` nashyataaM\_ tvaaM vR^i\`Ne


Please clarify whether to chant "alakshmi" or

"lakshmi" in the last line. Please help me to chant


correct one

Thanking you and seeking the blessings from Mother







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Respected shri t,s, ramachandra iyer ,


namaskarams !


here is the fofth verse of sri suktam as per my records ...


Souh: Chandrám prabhásám yaœhasá jvalantím œhriyam lóke deva justám


Tám padminim-ím saranam aham prapadye' alakshmír me naœyatám tvám

vrne| (5)


I resort to that Lakshmi for shelter in this world, who is beautiful

like the moon, who shines bright, who is blazing with renown, which

is adored (even) by the gods, which is highly magnanimous, and grand

like the lotus. May my misfortunes perish. I surrender myself to You!


if you will notice , the translation for the word - alakshmir is

misfortune (which is the opposite of fortune - lakshmi- the opposite

is alakshmi) !


another translation also says the samething ...


Candraamprabhassaam Yasasaajvalantim Sriyamloke Devajustamudharam Tam

Padmineemim Saranamaham Prapadye Alakshmeerye Nasyatam twaam vrine


Sloka 5: I invoke Mahalakshmi Who shines like the full moon and like

lightning. Her fame is all-pervading. Denizens of heaven constantly

worship Her. She is minificent. Her benevolent hands are like

lotuses. I take refuge in Her lotus feet. Let Her destroy my poverty

forever. O Mother Mahalakshmi, I take shelter at Your lotus feet.


here alakshmir is tranlated as poverty !


hope this helps !


Om sree Lakshmi devyaii namo namaha!


happy deepavali !














, "T.S.Ramachandran"

<tsramachandraniyer> wrote:

> Dear Friends,

> I had purchased the book Mantra

> Pushpam and the casstt Vedic Suktas from Sri

> Ramakrishnamath. A doubt has come up in my mind while

> chanting Sri Suktam in the

> following verse.


> ## The fifth mantra… ##

> cha\_ndraaM pra\`bhaa\_saaM ya\_shasaa\_

> jwala\`ntii\_m

> shriyam\` lo\_ke de\_vaju\`ShTaamudaa\_raam

> taaM pa\_dmane\`miiM\_ shara\`Na\_mahaM prapa\`dye

> ala\_kSmiirme\` nashyataaM\_ tvaaM vR^i\`Ne


> Please clarify whether to chant "alakshmi" or

> "lakshmi" in the last line. Please help me to chant

> the

> correct one

> Thanking you and seeking the blessings from Mother







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1. There are rules with regard to who and how one can chant shruti.

Technically, you should learn from a guru and there are standard

methods by which chanting shruti is taught.


2. Even if we disregard #1, we should atleast understand what we are

saying before we say it.


3. Please see http://www.kamakoti.org/hindudharma/part6/chap9.htm

for what aacharya has to say on this matter.


<begin quote


"You must not go wrong either in the enunciation or intonation of a

mantra. If you do, not only will you not gain the expected benefits

from it, the reslut might well be contrary to what is intended. So

the mantras must be chanted with the utmost care. There is a story

told in the Taittiriya Samhita(2. 4. 12) to underline this.


Tvasta wanted to take revenge on Indra for some reason and conducted

a sacrifice to beget a son who would slay Indra. When ne chanted his

mantra, "Indrasatrur varddhasva. . ", he went wrong in the

intonation. He should have voiced "Indra" without raising or lowering

the syllables in it and he should have raised the syllables "tru"

and "rddha"(that is the two syllables are "udata"). Had he done so

the mantra would have meant, "May Tvasta's son grow to be the slayer

of Indra". He raised the "dra" in Indra, intoned "satru" as a falling

svara and lowered the "rddha" in "varddhasva". So the mantra meant

now: "May Indra grow to be the killer of this son (of mine)". The

words of the mantra were not changed but, because of the erratic

intonation, the result produced was the opposite of what was desired.

The father himself thus became the cause of his son's death at the

hands of Indra.


<end quote>


That is, the matter is more than getting the words correct and it is

quite serious one too.



5. maahalakshmi is our mother. We can talk to her in the language we

understand and pray in the same way. IMO, she would prefer that to we

saying a vedic suuktam incorrectly. THat is my opinion. I may be



6. Theres are good books, which translate this suukta and others. It

is sometimes better to read translation than trying to chant the

original incorrectly.


Please note that I am not trying to discourage you. I understand that

shrii suuktam is so beautiful, any one would want to say it. But

think of the consequence of you asking "lakshmi should be destroyed"

instead of "alakshmi should be destroyed". This is probably, only

the tip of the iceberg.


My 2c. I may be wrong, if so, apologies.







, "T.S.Ramachandran"

<tsramachandraniyer> wrote:

> Dear Friends,

> I had purchased the book Mantra

> Pushpam and the casstt Vedic Suktas from Sri

> Ramakrishnamath. A doubt has come up in my mind while

> chanting Sri Suktam in the

> following verse.


> ## The fifth mantra… ##

> cha\_ndraaM pra\`bhaa\_saaM ya\_shasaa\_

> jwala\`ntii\_m

> shriyam\` lo\_ke de\_vaju\`ShTaamudaa\_raam

> taaM pa\_dmane\`miiM\_ shara\`Na\_mahaM prapa\`dye

> ala\_kSmiirme\` nashyataaM\_ tvaaM vR^i\`Ne


> Please clarify whether to chant "alakshmi" or

> "lakshmi" in the last line. Please help me to chant

> the

> correct one

> Thanking you and seeking the blessings from Mother


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I formally request the closure of this thread as I feel it will be no

longer productive to carry on this discussion. If you wish to

communicate further on this topic, please send private messages to

respective members.


Thank you.



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  • 3 weeks later...

dearest devotee!


thank you for this wonderful explanation and the book references ...


so, it is "alakshsmirme" as per your understanding not 'alakshmim' as

was pointed out earlie by kochuji !(verse 5) here, we are not

addressing "alaksmi" rather we are requesting that "alakshmi" be

eliminated !


aum! hari aum!









-- In , Gadiyaram Tulasidas

<gadiyaramtulasi> wrote:

> Dear Devotee,


> I suggest that you please get hold of a copy of "SRI SUKTAM" BY

Shri B.B.Konnur (Panduranga) where he has given the English

translation with word for word meaning, his explanation, and

transliteration of the SRI SUKTAM.This is possible the only one book

available for devotees who depend on English as means of

communication. The book is published by BHARATYA VIDYA BHAVAN,

MUMBAI. The few lines below are extracted from this book.


> Word Alakshmi occurrs THRICE in the SRI SUKTAM.


> ## The fifth mantra… ##

> cha\_ndraaM pra\`bhaa\_saaM ya\_shasaa\_

> jwala\`ntii\_m shriyam\` lo\_ke de\_vaju\`ShTaamudaa\_raam taaM

pa\_dmane\`miiM\_ shara\`Na\_mahaM prapa\`dye ala\_kSmiirme\`

nashyataaM\_ tvaaM vR^i\`Ne


> In the First time ALAKSHMI occurs in the fifth

mantra ,explanation is that devotee is not seeking to destroy

LAKSHMI but is approaching Godess LAKSHMI for protection so that the

devotee's material and mental poverty is exterminated. So he prays "

I seek thee ".


> In the second instance i.e ALAKSHMI occurs in the sixth mantra, he(

devotee) is praying to Godess Lakshmi to drive away or

remove ,misfortunes or destitution (brought about by)his internal

organs,( mind,and intelligence) as well as external organs such as

hands,feet,mouth,eyes and generating organs.


> In the third instance i.e ALAKSHMI occurs in the eighth mantra he

explains " I shall destroy the misery caused by hunger and thirst (Oh

Lakshmi) drive away from my house all my wretchednes and



> Alakshmi is called elder sister of Lakshmi because at the time of

churning of the occean of milk by devas Alakshmi came first followed

by Lakshmi.


> Note (1) Esoterically, churning of milky occean means practising of

sever penance or austerity as a result of which inherent ignorance

denoted by Alakshmi in this mantra is expelled from the sea of

conciousness whereafter the godess of fortune emerges smiling in all

her splendour.


> (2) The second line of the mantra indicates that the aspirant after

making rightful resolution (samkalpa) to drive away the misfortunes,

earnestly invokes devine mother . Her mery is infinite.


> Shri B.B.Konnur has observed and commented that Original SRI

SUKTAM was a Samhita of only sixteen rcas and remaining eleven or so

are presumably from other upanishad.He has commented on 27 TWENTY

SEVEN rcas. It is my observation that some books contain more than 27

rcas covered by Shri B.B.Konnur.and some words are also replaced.


> Personally I feel one should get hold of a good book by a competent

author preferable with word by word meaning and commentary based on

the situation to get a proper understanding. There is a lot of

interest in the public to learn Vedic Hyms in Sanskrit like SRI


this is complimented with a Good Book with meaning we will feel lost

or be misled.


> Mr Ravi has covered the above points in his reply, This could at

best be an explanation in detail.






> Hari OM






> "T.S.Ramachandran" <tsramachandraniyer> wrote:

> Dear Ravi,


> Thanks for your message.

> As I know sanskrit, this doubt came up in my mind "why

> some one should destroy Lakshmi?",after hearing the

> chanting from the cassts. You had earlier mailed about

> the true incident narrated at Kanchi Math regarding

> the wrong chanting.

> As I could find the differences , I sought your

> opinion and guidance to be on the right path.

> Thanks once again,


> Wish You All " A Very Very Happy & Prosperous

> Deepavali"



> --- "M. S. Ravisankar"

> wrote:

> > namaste

> >

> > 1. There are rules with regard to who and how one

> > can chant shruti.

> > Technically, you should learn from a guru and there

> > are standard

> > methods by which chanting shruti is taught.

> >

> > 2. Even if we disregard #1, we should atleast

> > understand what we are

> > saying before we say it.

> >

> > 3. Please see

> > http://www.kamakoti.org/hindudharma/part6/chap9.htm

> > for what aacharya has to say on this matter.

> >

> > >

> > "You must not go wrong either in the enunciation or

> > intonation of a

> > mantra. If you do, not only will you not gain the

> > expected benefits

> > from it, the reslut might well be contrary to what

> > is intended. So

> > the mantras must be chanted with the utmost care.

> > There is a story

> > told in the Taittiriya Samhita(2. 4. 12) to

> > underline this.

> >

> > Tvasta wanted to take revenge on Indra for some

> > reason and conducted

> > a sacrifice to beget a son who would slay Indra.

> > When ne chanted his

> > mantra, "Indrasatrur varddhasva. . ", he went wrong

> > in the

> > intonation. He should have voiced "Indra" without

> > raising or lowering

> > the syllables in it and he should have raised the

> > syllables "tru"

> > and "rddha"(that is the two syllables are "udata").

> > Had he done so

> > the mantra would have meant, "May Tvasta's son grow

> > to be the slayer

> > of Indra". He raised the "dra" in Indra, intoned

> > "satru" as a falling

> > svara and lowered the "rddha" in "varddhasva". So

> > the mantra meant

> > now: "May Indra grow to be the killer of this son

> > (of mine)". The

> > words of the mantra were not changed but, because of

> > the erratic

> > intonation, the result produced was the opposite of

> > what was desired.

> > The father himself thus became the cause of his

> > son's death at the

> > hands of Indra.

> >

> >

> >

> > That is, the matter is more than getting the words

> > correct and it is

> > quite serious one too.

> >

> >

> > 5. maahalakshmi is our mother. We can talk to her in

> > the language we

> > understand and pray in the same way. IMO, she would

> > prefer that to we

> > saying a vedic suuktam incorrectly. THat is my

> > opinion. I may be

> > wrong.

> >

> > 6. Theres are good books, which translate this

> > suukta and others. It

> > is sometimes better to read translation than trying

> > to chant the

> > original incorrectly.

> >

> Please note that I am not trying to discourage you. I understand

that shrii suuktam is so beautiful, any one would want to

> > say it. But

> > think of the consequence of you asking "lakshmi

> > should be destroyed"

> > instead of "alakshmi should be destroyed". This is

> > probably, only

> > the tip of the iceberg.

> >

> > My 2c. I may be wrong, if so, apologies.

> >

> >

> > Ravi

> >

> >

> >

> > , "T.S.Ramachandran"

> > wrote:

> > > Dear Friends,

> > > I had purchased the book Mantra

> > > Pushpam and the casstt Vedic Suktas from Sri

> > > Ramakrishnamath. A doubt has come up in my mind

> > while

> > > chanting Sri Suktam in the

> > > following verse.

> > >

> > > ## The fifth mantra… ##

> > > cha\_ndraaM pra\`bhaa\_saaM ya\_shasaa\_

> > > jwala\`ntii\_m

> > > shriyam\` lo\_ke

> > de\_vaju\`ShTaamudaa\_raam

> > > taaM pa\_dmane\`miiM\_ shara\`Na\_mahaM prapa\`dye

> >

> > > ala\_kSmiirme\` nashyataaM\_ tvaaM

> > vR^i\`Ne

> > >

> > > Please clarify whether to chant "alakshmi" or

> > > "lakshmi" in the last line. Please help me to

> > chant

> > > the

> > > correct one

> > > Thanking you and seeking the blessings from Mother

> > >

> >

> >

> >





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