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the true meaning of ashta-siddhi -- And Purpose

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While you have given the true meaning of Ashtama Siddhi , May I add the true

purpose of such siddhies. The purpose of upasana is not to acquire Siddhies and

one can say it is a Bye - product of upasana.


A Siddha is a person who has achieved through intense upasana the eight

siddhies which enables Him to win over the Character of elements such as

space,water,air, fire ether etc.As a result of siddhies , such a person would be

able to walk over water, get into burning fire as if he wouldn't be burnt , Fly

physically and similar siddhies.


I have witnessed a Video recently H.H Ganapathy Sachhithananda Swamygal of

Mysore physically entering the Agni Kunda to offer the Purnahuthi to Devi.

Attention is also invited to Bagwaan Ramana's experience of how He flew on the

Air from Thiruvannamalai to Chennai to clarify a doubt of Ganapathy Muni .This

only proves that these are all possible, defying the Physical laws.


Such siddhies should be utilized to further enhance the tapasya and should not

be used to acquire materialistic benefits. If one gets into the wrong track they

would be pushed further deeply into the Samsara Sagara. The moment one uses for

his personal benefit the " Ego " factor comes into play and would do havoc on

the life of the individual.


Therefore the Main purpose of such siddhies is for enhansing the control of mind

to unfold the Advaitha Bhava .


LS praises HER as " SIDDESWARI " namavali 471 as She is Eswari to all Siddhas.







Arjuna Taradasa <saidevi55 wrote:


The vision of 8 siddhis in Kashmiri Shaivism

(according to Mahartha-manjari and Paratrimshika-vivarana).


aNimA (becoming small) – the capacity of awareness of your own

presence in objects

mahimA (becoming large) – the capacity of consciousness to permeate

all things

laghimA (becoming light) – the capacity to go above the gross world of


garimA (becoming heavy) – the capacity of getting gross forms from own

undivided consciousness

prApti (achieving) – the capacity to follow your own true nature

prAkAmya (fulfilling of desires) – the capacity to realize the

multitude of the existence

vashitvA (control) – the capacity to do your will

IshitvA (ownership) – the perfect freedom


(Compiled by Fr. ZChL

Translated by Fr. B.N.)






sudhaasuuteshcandropalajalalavairarghyaracanaa .

svakiiyairambhobhiH salilanidhisauhityakaraNaM

tvadiiyaabhirvaagbhistava janani vaacaaM stutiriyam.h


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Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari "


" Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagath "





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