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Respected Sri MN Namboodiriji,


Thank you very much for your help.



---- Forwarded message from Sri MN Namboodiriji follows -------------


Dear Ravi


Om Maatre namah



Regarding your post in the Advaita list on ‘vairochaniim’:


As I had mentioned in an earlier email to you a few days ago (sent to

miinalochani), Durga suktam is contained in Mahanarayana upanishad

(also known as Yajniki Upanishad).



This upanishad is the last prasna or prapathaka in Taittiriya Aranyaka

(belonging to the Krsna Yajurveda). The RK Math publication on this has

commentary by Sw. Vimalananda who gives a brief explanation of each

mantra in sanskrit. These sanskrit commentaries are not apparently

direct quotations from earlier masters, but he says that he that he has

consulted the commentaries on Taittiriya aranyaka by SaayaNa and




I reproduce below the commentary for the second mantra in Durga suktam.

I have not signed up on this elist, so I am sending this to you. If

this is useful, please do post it:



taamagnivarNaa.n tapasaa jvalantii.n vairochanii.n karmaphaleshhu

jushhTaam.h .

durgaa.n deviim sharaNamahaM prapadye sutarasi tarase namaH .. 2..




jyotiruupaam tapassaamarthyena diipyamaanaam vividharochanasya arthaat

naanaaruupeNa aavirbhavatah devasya svabhuutaam paraprakrtiruupaam

karmasu tatphaleshu cha saamarthyaadhaayakatveNa sthitaam taam durgaam

deviim aham sharaNam prapadye | he sutarasi tarasvini taraNakushale

tvameva asmaan samsaaragartaat sushhTu taarayasi | tasyai tubhyam namah

astu |



vairochaniim – belonging to him who shines variously through




I take refuge in Her, the Goddess Durga, who is fiery in lustre andd

radiant with ardency, who is the power belonging to the Supreme who

manifests Himself manifoldly, who is the Power residing in actions and

their fruits rendering them efficacious (or the Power that is

supplicated to by devotees for the fruition of their work). O Godess

skilled in saving, Thou takest us across difficulties excellently well.

Our salutations to Thee!






MN Namboodiri






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Please see Jaldhar Vyas' post which gives the commentary from sAyana

and bhaTTa bhAskara.






, "Ravi" <ravi@a...> wrote:

> ---- Forwarded message from Sri MN Namboodiriji follows ------------



> jyotiruupaam tapassaamarthyena diipyamaanaam vividharochanasya


> naanaaruupeNa aavirbhavatah devasya svabhuutaam paraprakrtiruupaam

> karmasu tatphaleshu cha saamarthyaadhaayakatveNa sthitaam taam


> deviim aham sharaNam prapadye | he sutarasi tarasvini taraNakushale

> tvameva asmaan samsaaragartaat sushhTu taarayasi | tasyai tubhyam


> astu |



> vairochaniim – belonging to him who shines variously through

> manifestations


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