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Combined meaning of names

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This is from the book I recently quoted.


In lalita-sahasranamam, the names have wonderful meanings explaining

and illuminating the supreme Godesss. An interesting aspect of the

work is the names as strings in each verse also reveal Her in the

same manner. Just to give an example consider the string,


kliiN^kaarii kevalaa guhya kaivalyapadadaayiinii


To give a simple meaning from each name:


kLiiN^kaarii - one who has kLiim.h as HER biijam


kevalaa - one who shines all by herself and with no duality


guhyaa - one who is a secret (or one who abides the cave of the heart

called daharaakaasha)


kaivalyapadadaayiinii - one who bestows to liberation


Each of these names have many other shades of meaning and details.

Let for now postpone those details. Combing back to looking at them

as together, this string of names gives a (literally) mind blowing



In the biijaaxaara kliim.h, that which shines all by itself (kevalaa)

is iim.h and when one who mediates on this secret (guhya) kamakalaa

biijam (initiated by guru) secretly (again guhyaa, known only to Her)

and does nidhidhyaasana on the shiva-shakti saamarasyam SHE bestows

kaivalyam or ultimate liberation.



Isn't it amazing! I was thrilled with joy reading this. Authors say

that they had planned to include many such strings in the text, but

already the book is over 1000 pages long and it was simply beyond the

scope to include another few hundred pages.


Looking from all different points of view, one say that there is no

sahasranaama that can be equal to shrii lalitaa sahasaranaamaa. Even

that is an under statement, any other sahasranaama multiplied by a

million times would still not equal (vide phala shruti).



1) Family name of chidananda naatha is naDimiNTi (which in telugu

means middle of the house or middle of the sky depending on how you

split it). His ancestor hail from sapta-godavarii region. (I had a

typo and spelled it incorrectly as neDimiNTi)


2) As Sri Ganapathy pointed out, both the authors acknowledge and Sri

kOTaa vEN^kaTeshvara shAstriji himself mentions that the large

portion of the book is based on his lectures. However, authors also

mention that they used the excellent (and very accurate) translation

of R. Ananthakrishna Shastry. Coming back to kOTaa (as spelled in

Tamil) can someone correct the iTransliteration. I think it is also a

telugu house name (iNTi peru) kOTaa.


My kOTi pranamsa to the authors, shriimatii lOpAmudra raajammaL, and

shrii kOTa vEN^kaTeshvara shaastrigaL for this master piece. I hope

they will be able to bring out more such books for the welfare of





taaM padminiiM iim.h sharaNamahaM prapadye

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, "MSR" <miinalochanii> wrote:

> Looking from all different points of view, one say that there is no

> sahasranaama that can be equal to shrii lalitaa sahasaranaamaa.


> that is an under statement, any other sahasranaama multiplied by a

> million times would still not equal (vide phala shruti).





With all due respects to LS, I must say that Vishnu Saharanama (VS)

possesses similar attributes. It is a work on mantra shastra

of superior caliber. I cannot comment on LS as I have not

studied this work (rather my inner sadguru does not yet

permit me to study this work).

>From whatever little I understand about shrI vidyA, I may say

that VS is a text on anusaMdhAn of shrI vidyA.



Shrinivas Gadkari

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, om prakash seth <ops1933> wrote:

> i am of the opinion that there is no point in comparing two

> or more strotras

> all the deities are manifestation of one Supreme ( you may call

Bramhan ) how one stotra can be called less powerful than the other

> i think that it isw the devotion which may make a stotra most



The same thing is said to be true about mantras also, that it

depends more on the shraddha and bhakti of the sadhaka irrespective

of mantra. Everything we look around is also considered Brahman and

every being is also said to be a manifestation of Brahman. But

doesnt bowing to Yogis and Maharshis does more good than bowing to a

ordinary human?


Maybe in the same way some stotras are constructed in such a way

so as to bring quick results. LS is said to be authored by Vag-

devatas who reside in the Shri Chakra unlike other sahasranamas

which may be authored by sages. While all devatas are the

same "maybe" it(greatness-effectivity) also depends on who composed

the stotra(this is a guess). Like stotras of divine origin being

better than human compositions.Just like Trishati being greater than

LS coz it is composed by Lalita and MahaKameshvara themselves. In

the same way as VS being better than a Vishnu stotra composed by

some human bhakta.


Parashurama Kalpa Sutra says that Vishnu is a form of Devi and that

there is no difference between Devi and Vishnu. LS uttara pithika

says that LS is the best of all other sahasranamas of various forms

(Vishnu too being a form) of Devi. Probably this is better seen as

LS-VS rather than Lalita vs Vishnu. The above speculation is only

about stotras and not mantras. Please do correct if something sounds


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, "M. S. Ravisankar" <ravi@a...> wrote:

> I am greatly interested in knowing how VishhNu sahasranaama (VS) is


> anusandhaan of shrii vidya? Can you post more on it. I have seen

only the

> shankara bhaashhya on VS cursorily. What is the source of this

knowledge. If

> there are any pointers kindly tell me and your help will be greatly

> appreciated. [Or did you intend to say LS].





VS being an anusandhaan of shrI vidyA is based on my limited

understanding of both shrI vidyA and VS.


Here is a brief note on this topic:


1. vidyA as I understand, is a technique of tackling prakRti.

2. In particular, shrI vidyA is the vidyA of transforming

prakRti via destruction and creation. The act of preservation

is a balance between destruction and creation.

3. VS illustrates several applications (prayoga-s) of this

vidyA (brahma vidyA) of preservation undertaken by vishnu.




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, ganapathy = = vijaya

<srividya101> wrote:

>Both i must say are very knowledgeable Sishyas of Pujya Rajam Mami -

>- Mami is none other than Devi. I would like to share one personal



> Mami was given a sword by the trustees of Kaamakya temple after

>She had performed Nava varana puja there. When this sword was

>shown to me by Herself sometime back, I just felt that Chandi Devi

>was standing before me and i forgot myself and came to senses after

>thirty seconds.



Did she tell why did they give that sword? Is the sword used for

pashu bali? Am just curious why somebody would give a sword instead

of something like a ShivaLinga or ShriChakra? Is it a plain sword or

is it like inscribed with mantras or something?


> The Chandi Homa at Muscat was performed by GS Mama and i had sent

>you a photograph of Chandi appearing on the fire during the havan..

>(This impression was Also Confirmed by Tantries through Deva

>Prasnam ) You were also good enough to put this photograph in the

>official site of Ambaal group.For devotees who would like to

>view -- can still view this .



I saw the pictures and am unable to notice anything special in

them. Can you plz explain/describe a little bit more about this. I

cannot see any image of Chandi nor can imagine one in both pictures.



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