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Yoni mudra / Guru / Diksha etc

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Dear Srinathji,



Your article on this subject is highly researched , very technical and frank,

and above all simply wonderful reflecting your intellectual ability to study ,

understand, assimilate internally and analyse the subject matter by the true

grace of Devi. My only reservation is , how many of us can really appreciate or

grasp or fully understand or retain the contents of the article in the true



What i would suggest you should keep researching and the articles should be

preserved to be suitably published for the benefit of all and i definitely see

the POTENTIAL in you.


The recent article on Guru, diksha and mantra is beyond my words to express

appreciation. In view of your article i am planning to drop writing the second

article on guru gita as most of it you have covered.


As i know your knowledge is backed by nishkamya sadhana and therfore you are

able to bring the truth in the right perspective. I am indeed blessed to have

met you at bangalore. you know well this is not a flattery.


I wish you should continue to post technical mails like this without anybody

even querying and that can cover the any topics on Srividya upasana which would

benefit eveybody.


regards and best wishes


keep up your good work.





Srinath Ram <srinath_atreya wrote:

Dear Sirs,


Please send me your views and opinions on the following:



, "Srinath Ram"



|| Jai Sadguru Dutta ||






Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani " - - - - " Jai Sri Lalitha Maha Maha Tripura Sundari "


" Sarvam Shakti Mayam Jagath "





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|| Jai Sadguru Dutta ||


Ganapathyji, namO namah.


Your kind words of appreciation has given me the strength of thousand

elephants. I humbly offer all praises to the holy feet of my gurus


gave "DhAra" of their "thapah shakthi" to this mortal body.


Sir, your words are well taken by me. By the kind grace of the Divine

Mother, I shall put my sincere effort in that direction. I am just a


born baby in this field, and I am only trying to learn a few things


sharing my views. It is the well wishes of sadhaks of your caliber


keeps my spirit up.



Please don't drop your article on Guru Gita. That would be a real

loss for

beginners like me. As your goodself is aware of, Knowledge is an


ocean and every soul has a different perspective/view of the same

Truth. Only when nectar collected from different flowers are mixed,

honey is formed. Hence please go ahead with that.



A million praNAms to this group's moderators who are knowlingly or

unknowingly doing a great service to this sacred land.



|| brahma rAjarShi rathnADhyAm vandhE BhAratha mAtharam ||



, ganapathy = = vijaya

<srividya101> wrote:

> Dear Srinathji,


> namaskars.

> Your article on this subject is highly researched , very technical


frank, and above all simply wonderful reflecting your intellectual


to study , understand, assimilate internally and analyse the subject

matter by the true grace of Devi. My only reservation is , how many


us can really appreciate or grasp or fully understand or retain the

contents of the article in the true sense.


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