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Namasthe to all

May I add the following in connection with the above



The Guru if he is wise,very seldom, if ever, initiates

the disciple into his own form of worship.A disciple

is initiated into that form alone for which he is

competent.He is not even initiated into the form which

was that of his ancestors.


Shiva in its two-fold aspect of Nirguna

(Attributeless) and Saguna (Endowed

with attributes) and of the manifestation of Shakthi,

Nada and Bindu, and of the emanation of Bindu, Nada

and Bija from the first Bindu. from the second bindu

originated Raudri and from Nada originated Jyeshta and

from Bija originated Vama and from these three

emanated Rudra,Brahma and Vishnu. They are

respectively Jnaa(wisdom),Ichcha(will),Kriya(action)

and correspond with

Vahni(Fire),Indu(Moon),Arka(sun).When the first bindu

bursts and divides itself into two, there arises a

volume of sound in which the letters of the alphabet

are indiscernable.This sound is Shabda Brahman.(as per

some upasakas) Some define this to mean mere external

spoken sound; others speak of it as inner sound

(Antara shabda).Both these interpretations are

erroneous; for shabda brahman is not something

inert(Jada) but is the Chaitanya in all beings, i.e.it

is the stress towards articulate sound. This is the

Para stage of sound. This shabdha brahman assumes the

form of Kundali and manifests itself iin the form of

letters in all animate creatures.



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