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Chapter 11 – DM – Forms of Devi – Part 5

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Chapter 11 – DM – Forms of Devi – Part 5

Nothing on this Earth is as Unwanted or feared as the Dead Body of a human – So

are we in reality the Body? Or, are we other than THAT. “ That “ is upasana



At the time of Birth every human wakes up and begins His spiritual Journey from

where He had left .The quest and progress of it depends partly on the Spiritual

Maturity acquired from previous births and partly, the ENERGY with which the

individual presses forward for the highest goal.


The latent tendencies of our mind from previous births can be attributed to a

certain attraction of a Devi’s form without valid reasons, when we see that

particular form of Ambaji , our Heart Melts and we Cry for no reason, when we

hear some miracles of that form.


I have also met few Sadhaks in Pujya Rajam mami’s house, who are totally

strangers to Upasana, but got interested, as they have been initiated to Sri

Vidya Mantras in a strange way of a “Dream” by unknown individuals or Known

Mahans. Such individuals suddenly realize the earlier tendencies, approach a

Guru and get initiated to continue the Journey all too suddenly and seriously.

Are these not the proof of the one Atman taking different bodies?


Yet there may be still certain individuals, who wanted to approach a GURU in the

earlier lives but falling short of it, getting the Sudden Grace of Guru and they

strive to do the upasana with full energy at their command.


There may be certain sadhaks also who were initiated in earlier births, but did

not take advantage of the Benefit of initiation, Guru and frittered away their

energy in pursuing Negative tendencies and as a result in this birth on account

of their accumulated negative tendencies face numerous obstructions in sadhana,


Therefore it is important that an aspirant has to think hundred times before one

takes to a serious Sadhana . He has to weigh whether he would be able to live up

to the rigors of it. The upasana is a definite and secondary means of

Realisation of “ AMBA OM CONSCIOUSNESS “ by constantly identifying with the only

– CIT – That ONE manifests in Cosmos and its Contents. Thus the worshipper is

absorbed with the Worshipped—by Amba’s grace. Even if the sadhak falls short of

Moksha, the definite possibilities of reaching the Brahma lokha is a pre drawn

conclusion and thus remain free of births. Our scriptures proclaim that a human

birth is rare and one should not squander the opportunity.


In this respect the DM Scripture is highly occult, drawing even the orthodox

Vaidics with mystical reverence. It is also suited for a pasu (persons with

animal tendencies) who can look forward to become a Vira and Divya which

corresponds to physical, mental and higher mental faculties of a human being.

Puja Bhaskararaya has aptly named his bhasya on DM as GUPTAVATHI meaning Occult.

Therefore DM is an important scripture for Chandi Sadhana to realize the purpose

of Human Birth.


The Next Form of Ambaaji which is being discussed is :


She has the head of Boar and below the neck she is that of a woman with a

complexion of Molten Gold. She has 3 eyes and 8 arms holding divine weapons. Her

Vahana or the vehicle is Garuda . She is the Chief Commander of Lalitha

Parameshwari’s forces and known also as Dhandini. She has Anga- Upanga

–Prathyanga Devathas known as Lagu Vaarthaali, Swapna vaarahi and Thiraskarini.


Is the One who displays the power of Varaha , the great Boar . She is one of the

seven emanations of Kaushik Durga who fought the demon Raktha Bhija the asura

who could produce asuras of his nature from every drop his own blood shed.. This

connotes that Vaarahi is all the consuming power of assimilation.


The Devi bhagwath in the 8th Skanda – describes Vaarahi as the underlying power

of Mahavishnu when he incarnated as Varaha or Boar to lift the earth to its

original place as it had earlier sliding into water.


The Uma Sahasram of Kavya Kanda Ganapathy Muni speaks of Vaarahi , as by her

sheer force , Devas get their Kavyam,oblations and pitrus get their Kavyam or

their offerings.


She is all consuming power of Universe.


The Bhavanopanishad also extols Vaarahi as father and Kurukulla as mother and a

post on this was made on this, in this group sometime back and hence the points

not repeated.


She is a deity who would devour the ignorance and darkness of a Sadhak not

interested in worldly things.


LS 70 and LS 76, deals with Vaarahi .

Meaning of LS 70– kiri chakra ratha ruda Dhandanatha puraskrutha

Kiri or Kidi means a Boar and Chakra , her Ratha is also boar shaped. Devi out

of the five Pushpa Bhanas created Dhandanatha or Vaarahi.


This vehicle kiri chakra Ratham has five dimensions with the respective yoginies

seated on it and Navavarana Puja there is a Namvali on her As Panchamyay . she

is worshipped on panchamy specially on the Nights for divine favours.


She has Dhandayutham a type of weapon and the strength of a Jungle Boar.


She is also referred to as “ Sanketha “ as She can mentally read Devi’s wishes.


She is the principal deity of Agnya Chakram of the human body. Kiri also means

kiranas – Shrusti, Sthithi, Layam – and ( Chakra ) She sits on this kiranas

and it is said that those who mediate on Her even the Yama would dare to go near

the sadhak.


LS 76 -- Vishukra Pranaharana Vaarahi virya Nandita


Vishukra was the Chief Commander of the Demon Bhanda and Vaarahi is the Chief

Commander of Devi and Devi was very happy that Vaarahi slain the Vishukra the



Philosophically it means – Vishukra is the anti divine forces of the Atman and a

person who uses this brutal force is bound to be saddened by the Atma Shakthi –

the Vaarahi by her sheer Kriya Shakthi which She possess.


In fact it is all the one Supreme Shakthi of lalitha as Bala – would destroy the

three Malas (three malas -- meaning which was posted in last mail) to make the

Sadhak realize the Self – she as Manthrini would give strength of the Mind And

intellect to turn the devotee from attractions of externalities inwards to the

Heart and Devi as Vaarahi assures the sadhak to do the Karmas as per Vedas and

dedicate those to Devi and the final outcome is the Vairagyam or the power of

discrimination by which Sadhak merges with AMBA OM CONSCIOUSNESS.


Vaarahi Navrathri is celebrated all over Tamil Nadu during the Month of Aadi

(katakam) and as per the Tamil almanac it is from 18th July 04. Those who visit

Kaamakshi temple at Kaanchi can meditate on Vaarahi and she is next to

Arupalaxmi in Gayathri Mandapam.

Jai Vaarahi






















Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani "







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