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Received the following from Sri Harsha.




... shrI Lalita chatuHShaShTyupachArasaMgrahaH ..


Five, ten, sixteen and twenty-four Upacharas are

generally offered to deities during Pooja or Archana.

However, sixty-four Upacharas are prescribed during

the Navavarana Pooja of Sri Lalita Mahatripurasundari

Rajarajeshwari Paraabhattaarikaa in the Srichakra.

These sixty-four Upacharas are detailed in

Vamakeshwara Tantra and in the Parashurama

Kalpasutras. Though it is not possible to physically

offer all these sixty-four Upacharas to Sridevi, by

mentioning these Upacharas and offering the same at

the lotus feet of Sridevi using one’s imagination, the

merit of actually offering these Upacharas to Sridevi

are obtained. The truth of this statement is confirmed

by Sri Bhaskararaya in his Setubandha and also by Sri

Rameshwara Suri in his commentary on the Parashurama


Sri Lalita Chatuhshashtyupachara Samgraha is a hymn,

which beautifully summarizes these sixty-four

Upacharas. This hymn, composed from a high state of

consciousness, is the masterpiece of Brahmasri K. P.

Narayana Shastrigal, the late Asthana Vidwan of Mysore

State and Dakshinamnaya Sringeri Sarada Peetham and

retired professor of Advaita Vedanta, Chamarajendra

Sanskrit College, Bangalore. A scholar par excellence

and a highly accomplished Upasaka of Sri

Mahatripurasundari and Sri Chandramoulishwara, Sri

Narayana Shastrigal was held in a very high regard by

the Shankaracharyas of the Amnaya mutts and by

scholars across the sub-continent. Most of his

disciples went on to become Mahamahopadhyayas and

scholars of great repute. He spent a greater part of

his life in the holy city of Varanasi and was

popularly referred to as ‘Kashivasi’ Narayana

Shastrigal. He was instrumental in editing and

publishing the first ever copy of Skandadeva’s Rudra

Bhashya. He accepted Turiyashrama towards the end of

his life. It is popularly remembered to this day in

Kashi that when the great man attained Siddhi, a Bana

Linga had materialized on his body. It is indeed due

to the limitless compassion of Sridevi that I was

fortunate to have as my Guru Brahmasri K. P. Shankara

Shastrigal, younger brother of Sri Narayana

Shastrigal, an equally brilliant scholar and an

equally accomplished Srividya Upasaka. It is recorded

that one afternoon, after performing Nirajana to

Sridevi, Narayana Shastrigal burst into a hymn and a

disciple noted it down. The then Shankaracharya

Mahaswamigal of Sringeri read the hymn and declared

that it was indeed Sridevi who had spoken through

Shastrigal. The following hymn, which is a composition

of Brahmasri Narayana Shastrigal, has been reproduced

over the ages in various books like the Srividya

Ratnakara of Karapatri Swamin, Saubhagya Ratnakara

Valli of Purnananda, Srividya Saparya of

Dattatreyanandanatha, by various Guhananda Mandali

books and many books dealing with Srichakra Pooja and

Devi Stotras in Sanskrit, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu,

Kannada, Bengali and Malayalam. One may estimate the

greatness of this hymn by simply considering the fact

that this hymn was included in their Saparya Paddhatis

by great men like Chidanandanatha and Karapatri

Swamin. It is unfortunate however that none of these

publications have given any credit to the author of

this supremely beautiful hymn by at least mentioning

his name.


OM hR^inmadhyanilaye devi lalite paradevate .

chatuShShaShTyupachaaraaMste bhaktyaa maataH samarpaye


kaameshotsa~Nganilaye paadyaM gR^ihNIShva saadaram .

bhUShaNaani samuttaarya gandhatailaM cha te.arpaye


snaanashaalaaM pravishyaa.atha tatrastha maNipiiThake


upavishya sukhena tvaM dehodvartanamaachara ..3..

uShNodakena lalite snaapayaamyatha bhaktitaH .

abhiShi~nchaami pashchaattvaaM sauvarNakalashodakaiH


dhautavastraprocChanaM chaaraktakShaumaambaraM tathaa


kuchottariiyamaruNamarpayaami maheshwari ..5..

tataH pravishya chaalepamaNTapaM parameshwari .

upavishya cha sauvarNapIThe gandhaanvilepaya ..6..

kaalagarujadhuupaishcha dhuupaye keshapaashakam .

arpayaami cha maalyaadi sarvartukusumasrajaH ..7..

bhuuShaamaNTapamaavishya sthitvaa sauvarNapiiThake .

maaNikyamukuTaM muurdhni dayayaa sthaapayaambike ..8..

sharatpaarvaNachandrasya shakalaM tatra shobhataam .

sinduureNa cha siimantamala~Nkuru dayaanidhe ..9..

bhaale cha tilakaM nyasya netrayora~njanaM shive .

vaaliiyugaLamapyamba bhaktyaa te vinivedaye ..10..

maNikuNDalamapyamba naasaabharaNameva cha .

taaTa~NkayugaLaM devi yaavaka~nchaadhare.arpaye ..11..

aadyabhuuShaNasauvarNachintaakapadakaani cha .

mahaapadakamuktaavalyekaavalyaadibhuuShaNam ..12..

ChannaviiraM gR^ihaaNaamba keyuurayugalaM tathaa .

valayaavalima~NgulyaabharaNaM lalitaambike ..13..

oDyaaNamatha kaTyante kaTisuutra~ncha sundari .

saubhaagyaabharaNaM paadakaTakaM nuupuradwayam ..14..

arpayaami jaganmaataH paadayoshchaa~Nguliiyakam .

paashaM vaamordhwahaste te dakShahaste tathaa~Nkusham


anyasminvaamahaste cha tathaa puMDrekShuchaapakam .

puShpabaaNaaMshcha dakShaadhaH paaNau dhaaraya sundari


arpayaami cha maaNikyapaaduke paadayoH shive .

aarohaavR^itideviibhiH chakraM parashive mudaa ..17..

samaanaveShabhuuShaabhiH saakaM tripurasundari .

tatra kaameshavaamaa~Nkaparya~Nkopaniveshiniim ..18..

amR^itaasavapaanena muditaaM tvaaM sadaa bhaje .

shuddhena gaa~Ngatoyena punaraachamanaM kuru ..19..

karpuuraviiTikaamaasye tato.amba viniveshaya .

aanandollaasahaasena vilasanmukhapa~Nkajaam .. 20..

bhaktimatkalpalitikaaM kR^itiisyaaM tvaaM smaran kadaa


ma~NgalaaraartikaM ChatraM chaamaraM darpaNaM tathaa .

taaLavR^iMtaM gandhapuShpadhuupadiipaaMshcha te.arpaye


shriikaameshwari taptahaaTakakR^itaiH


divyaannaM ghR^itasuupashaakabharitaM

chitraannabhedairyutam .

dugdhaannaM madhusharkaraadadhiyutaM


maaShaapuupakapuurikaadisahitaM naivedyamambaa.arpaye


saagraviMshatipadyoktachatuShShaShTyupachaarataH .

hR^inmadhyanilayaa maataa lalitaa parituShyatu ..23..

shriimukhaakhyasya varShasya tulaayaaM shuklapakShake


chaturthyaamaparaahNe cha lalitaarpitamaanasaH ..24..

saagraviMshatipadyaistu chatuShShaShTyupachaarakaan .

samagrahiitparaambaayaaH priityai naaraayaNo mudaa




vasankR^itii .


kaameshavaamaa~Nkagataa prasiidatu ..


... iti shivam ..







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