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Bhavani Nama Sahastra Stutih - BS

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May I +++++ few more Baizas.


like LS , BS Namavali is a sum total of the power,qualities and potency of Ambaa


To chant the name is to invoke Her Very Prescence.


Each namavali can have multiple meanings and significance -- Mantric, Tantric,

spiritual, philosophical, reigious and mythylogical and is a Rahasya vidya. In

this rudra yamala tantra it is said that this Secret revealed to Nandkeshwar was

not even revealed to His dear son Skanda. So this is known as NANDI VIDYA also.


Kasmiri pandits since ancient times used to recite and conduct Havans of BS

..Unlike LS this BS has many Variants in some namavalies and due to this there

are Pata bedhams and one has to follow the Guru's or family traditions.


Archana of each namavali has to end by saying "SWAHA" which is peculiar to BS,

as done for a Homa.


After, EACH 100 namavalies there is a Dhyana shloka to begin with and in the

Each of

99 th Namavali , a common sthuthy has to be compulsorily chanted before doing

the Archana with the 100th one. So in effect there are Ten Dhyana shlokas.


BS - Bhasya of Pandit Sahib Kaul under the name Devi Nama Vilasa published by

Govt of Jammu and Kashmir in 1942 is widely popular and accepted.


Mother Bhawani is known also as Sharika Bhawani, Raajna Bhawani, Jwala Bhawani

and Sarada bhawani and the like. It is a miracle to see the spring at Sheer

Bhawani temple at Sri Nagar constantly Changes color and represnts different

Signal for each color.( as per information from a Kashmiri friend )


Vak Devies who Composed LS reveal to the devi devotees that Bhawani is None

Other than " Lalitha Parabhattarika "-- Herself , as the name Bhawani gets

repeated twice in the Dhyana Shloka and the third one in the main LS itself. if

one refers to the BS -- the 901 Namavaly is " Lalithayay Swaha" and the 1000th

one ends as "Sarva Mangala Mangalayay Swaha " signifies Bhawani is Lalitha Maha

Tripura sundari the one who is auspicious and bestows prosperity to all her








virendra qazi <virendraqazi wrote:

Nora Madasamy: omshakthi wrote:


Bhavani Nama Sahasrastutih is a revealed text of Shakti Sadhana in

Sanskrit, containing one thousand names of Bhavani, The Supreme



It is an index to the subject matter of the Sakti Doctrine, which is closely

related to the Trika System of Kashmir Saivism. The two Tantra based doctrines

are supplementary to each other. The Saktas school holds Advaita as the Ultimate

Reality, in the same strain as do the monistic Saiva of Kashmi and the Advaita

Vedanta propounded by Adi Sankara. In the Sakta Doctrine, however Divine

Motherhood predominates.


Bhavani Namasahasra is an important Sakta-stava which has as much

prominence for the Kashmiri Pandits as Lalitasahasranama has for the

Peninsula India. This eulogy for Bhavani comprises a thousand names

which depict the very nature, characteristic and causation of the

Primordial Mover. Its source is the ancient RudrayAmala-Tantra, which

is "amongst the eight numerically equal groups of the sixty-four

non dualistic Tantras"


Theme of the Book : In the prefatory statement of the

BhavAninAmasahasra itself the sceene is laid on the Mount KailAsa,

The abode of Shiva.


In that romantic scenery, one day, Shiva during his unwavered meditation, was

approached by His Attendant-in-chief,

Nandikesvara or simply called Nandi. Offering a hymn of

glorification, he implore Shiva to take him into confidence and

reveal to him the object of His deep contemplation.


Shiva got pleased and revealed the glory of his Consort Parvati, describing HER

form, foot to the crown, depicting Her Universal Glory in the manifestation of

HER Vidya and Avidya aspects. Thus the holy formula of the thousand gracious

names was given as a favour to Nandikesvara. Therefore this sAstra is also

called Nandi Vidya. The Names sung and recited with earnest devotion to the

Divine Mother, bring prosperity and proficiency towards emancipation.



My gratitude to Shri Virendra Qazi for this wonderful and

priceless gift. As promise, I will share this Divine revealed text

with the member of this group.




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sudhaasuuteshcandropalajalalavairarghyaracanaa .

svakiiyairambhobhiH salilanidhisauhityakaraNaM

tvadiiyaabhirvaagbhistava janani vaacaaM stutiriyam.h


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Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani "







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