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durgA dvAtriMshati mAlA stotraM

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durgA dvAtriMshati mAlA stotra vaibhavaM


This stotra can be found in the Mahatmya Khanda of Tripura Rahasya.


When asked by indrAdi devata-s after Chandi slayed Mahishasura, as

to how they can obtain Durga/Chandi's swift protection when one is

in difficulties(vipannaM tvaM kathaM shIghraM prasannA

rakShasIshvarI), Devi reveals the durgA dvAtriMshati nAma mAlA.


Devi says: This mAlA of 32 names is capable of destroying all

difficulties and there is no stuti in the three worlds which

can match this.


Stotra: http://ambaa.org/stotrams/durga32_itrans.htm


After relevation of the nAmAvali, comes the phalashruti.


One who recites these names will be free from all fears without

doubt. Even if one is being tortured by his enemies, or arrested

and kept in a fortress, he will be released. Even if one is about

to be executed by an angry king, or surrounded by enemies in a war,

when being attacked by wild animals like Tigers, one will be freed

from all these fears by reciting this 108 times.


There is no greater way of overcoming one's fears. No harm befalls

one who recites this. This stotra should not be given to those

devoid of Bhakti and to non-beleivers. This should be given to one

who is a Bhakta, who is of peaceful nature and one devoted to Guru.

The reciter of this stotra attains great heights. By reciting this

nAmAvali 1000,2000, or 100,00 times either through a Brahmana or by

reciting oneself, one is freed from all kinds of difficulties.


According to proper vidhis, if one does homa with a mixture of tila

and trimadhura and offer oblations 100,000 times, one will be

releived of all difficulties. Doing an aavritti 3000 times will be

called a Purascharana.


purashcaraNa pUrvantu sarvakAryAni sAdhayet.h.

manmUrtiM mR^imayIM kR^itvA shubrAmaShTabhujAnvitAM..107..


gadAkhaDga trishUleShucApA.abjakheTamudgarAn.h.

dadhAnAM candracUDAlAM trinetrAM lohitA.ambarAm.h..108..


siMhArUDhAM vinighnantIM shUlena mahiShA.asuram.h.

prapUjya tatra mAM bhaktyA vividhairupahArakaiH..109..


One should make an image of Devi who is eight handed,of white

complexion(?), holding gadA(mace), khadga(sword), trishUla(trident),

cApa(bow), bANa(arrow), kamala(lotus), kheta(shield),

mudgara(war/battle hammer), decked with the cresent moon, three

eyed,wearing red garments, seated on a Lion, and one who is about to

slay mahishasura with her trishula. Then the sadhaka should worship

this murti with bhakti, and by using various offerings and oblations



The text says that by following the above procedure for the period

of a maNDala, even the impossible can be made otherwise.



While the stotra can be recited without any restrictions, it comes

without saying that any actual vidhi should be learnt from a teacher.


I followed a Hindi translation.


Publication details:

Gurumandal Series No.XXVIII,

Tripura-Rahasyam (Mahatmya-Khandam)

5, Clive Row, Calcutta-1.

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Dear Satish,


Namaste and very interesting information. Just a couple of questions:


1. Are there any Nyasas for reciting this - especially when one

recites a mala or more?


2. Can this be used for Homa too? If yes, should the oblation be

after each stanza or the whole stuti?


Thanks & Regards,


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, "kmurali_sg" <kmurali_sg> wrote:

> 1. Are there any Nyasas for reciting this - especially when one

> recites a mala or more?


The text did not give any nyAsa details.


> 2. Can this be used for Homa too? If yes, should the oblation be

> after each stanza or the whole stuti?


Homa is mentioned in the text.


brAhmanairvA svayaM vA.api mucyate sakalA.aapadaH.



tilaiH shuklaistrimadhvaktairmucyate cA.aapadAMgaNaiH.

Ayutatrayametasya purashcaraNamucyate..106..


Text says that one should do homa using the names but I am not sure

if by "nAmabhiH" it means the entire stotra or the individual names.

It doesnt say anything more about doing homa with this stotra.


All this can be found in the 46th chapter.



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