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Shakini - Ruler of MMuladhara Chakra

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Thanks to Shree Ravi for your mail on Dakini which has induced me to write on

Seven Yoginies and some information on the Chakras Yoga and its benefits.




The key to yoga is to awaken the kundalini and open the charkas, where these

yoginies reside. Bahgwan Sri Ramana confirms to a devotee in the book “ Talks

with Sri Ramana “ that these yoginies can be SEEN if one wishes to. With such an

assurance from a Jivan Muktha, let us progress.




Chakra means revolving and can signify a wheel. They are also called lotuses and

are shaped as flowers with petals. each chakra governs certain element, sense

organ, function of mind etc.




Tantrics speak of movement of the kundalini from the base of the spine up

through the 6 chakras when it connects us with our true nature as per maha





As the kundalini travels through each of chakra, it unfolds the powers of each

chakra. Opening the chakra gives the sadhak a deep knowledge, insight of the

respective element and its universal meaning.




This knowledge gives an insight to look away from plurality of the world into

consciousness of Self which eternally exists.




“ Shakini – Muladhara Chakra – Also called Earth or prithivi chakra “”




LS 514 to 520 describe her seated in the aforementioned chakra with 5 faces

having angusham with her anga devathas such as varadha.




The earth chakra located at the base of the spine known as muladhara has 4

petals the mantras being Vam, Sham, Sam, and Sam. It is the seat of the earth

element denoted by Bija mantra LAM and therefore for the upacharas to the

mantra devathas , we recall this mantra for ghandha during the mantra sadhana.




The Yogini – Shakini relates herself to the Bones and rules the sense organ of

smell and the organ of reproduction among the organ of action. In the mind it is

to do with EGO and also associated with the movement of vital energies. While

the LS doesn’t indicate the color of chakra She is believed to be as deep

crimson red.




Significance of opening this Chakra.




Ordinary mortals stick to duality and their EGO leads them to destruction and

continuous reincarnations.




A yogi whose earth chakra is open gets freed from the idea that solid matter is

real as he understands the cosmic earth which is the truth of all solid states

of matter. he gains control over the sense of smell and any smell whether

pleasant or unpleasant makes no difference -- owes to manifestations of the

cosmic principle of smell. ( I used to wonder why Maha Swamy used to tie Jasmine

garland over is wrist and smell it often. This curiosity ended when I read in a

book when He himself gives an explanation to Sri Kannan Aide, sitting near a

open gutter, that he has lost the sense of smell of everything and in order to

reconfirm this he does this frequently. Many devotees were so reluctant at that

time even to approach for a darshan, due the awful smell of the surrounding.)




on a lighter side I would like to recall through the Sales of perfumery and

allied Industries which runs to Billions of $ and the number of agnanies in this

universe can be anybody’s guess from this figure.




Such yogi also gains mastery over the dictates of the organ of reproduction and

appreciates the cosmic formula of procreation.




The yogi also makes his body and mind light at this stage by controlling apana

vayu .and there is no emission of unpleasant smell from the body. May be for

this reason the body of Paramahmsa Yogananda did not smell even in death after

20 days.




Jai Shakini Devi













Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani "







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