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shrI-prajApataya UchuH :/


The prajApatis said:


deva-deva mahA-deva bhUtAtman bhUta-bhAvana/

trAhi naH sharaNApannAMs trailokya-dahanAd viShAt//


O god of the gods, the great god, the basis of the elements and

origin of the elements, we surrender at your lotus feet. Save us

from this poison, which is burning the three worlds.


tvam ekaH sarva-jagata Ishvaro bandha-mokShayoH/

taM tvAm archanti kushalAH prapannArti-haraM gurum//


You are the one lord of all worlds; isvarah, cause of bondage and

liberation. We worship you seeking good fortune, who is the

mitigator all the distresses of the votary, and the preceptor.


guNa-mayyA sva-shaktyAsya sarga-sthity-apyayAn vibho/

dhatse yadA sva-dRig bhUman brahma-viShNu-shivAbhidhAm//


By your own energy you set the guNas in action; oh god you cause the

emergence, maintenance and annihilation of this world when you oh

great one manifest as brahmA, viShNu and shiva.


tvaM brahma paramaM guhyaM sad-asad-bhAva-bhAvanam/

nAnA-shaktibhir AbhAtas tvam AtmA jagad-IshvaraH//


you are the brahman, the primal secret cause of the manifest and the

unmanifest [states of the universe] as well as cause and effect.

With diverse forms of energy you manifest; you are the consciousness

{atman}, the lord of the universe.



tvaM shabda-yonir jagad-Adir AtmA prANendriya-dravya-guNaH svabhAvaH/

kAlaH kratuH satyam RitaM cha dharmas tvayy akSharaM yat tri-vRid-



You are the source of sound, origin of the universe, consciouness,

living matter, sensory substances, the atoms, the guNas, propertied

of matter, time, action, and natural law (R^ita) comprised of satya

(inviolable laws) and dharma (the enforced laws). They say the

syllable, which comprises of the 3-fold form (a-u-m) is for you.


agnir mukhaM te .akhila-devatAtmA kShitiM vidur loka-bhavA~Nghri-

pankajaM /

kAlaM gatiM te .akhila-devatAtmAno dishash ca karNau rasanaM

jaleshaM //


Fire is your mouth, the breath of all gods; the earth is known to be

your lotus feet the source of the worlds; time is your change of

state, the sum-total of the gods your and the directions are your

ears and water is you taste.


nAbhir nabhas te shvasanaM nabhasvAn sUryash cha chakShUMShi jalaM

sma retaH/

parAvarAtmAshrayaNaM tavAtmA somo mano dyaur bhagavan shiras te//


The coulds are your navel, the atmosphere your breathing, the sun

your eyes and the [celestial] waters; verily your semen. Your self

is the shelter of all beings, primary and secondary, the moon your

mind and the heavens your head.


kukShiH samudrA girayo .asthi-sa~NghA romANi sarvauShadhi-vIrudhas


ChandAMsi sAkShAt tava sapta dhAtavas trayI-mayAtman hRidayaM sarva-



The oceans are your abdomen, the mountains your skeleton, and the

plants and trees are your hairs. The [Vedic] Meters are verily the

seven constituents of your body the three-fold vedic chants your

metabolism, and the laws your heart.


mukhAni pa~nchopaniShadas tavesha yais triMshad-aShTottara-mantra-


yat tach ChivAkhyaM paramAtma-tattvaM deva svayaM-jyotir avasthitis



Your [five] faces are the five mantras of the

[mahAnArAyaNopaniShat], oh lord, by which thirty-eight fold mantras*

have merged. You are the one renowned as shiva, the self luminous

one, by whom the state of knowledge of the paramAtman is attained.


ChAyA tv adharmormiShu yair visargo netra-trayaM sattva-rajas-


sA~NkhyAtmanaH shAstra-kRitas tavekShA Chandomayo deva RiShiH



Your shadow is the wave of adharma, by which emerge [many of its

manifestations]; your three eyes are [the three guNas],sattva, rajas

and tamas, you are the foundation of sAMkhya thought, the shastras

with metrical verses are made by your glance. You are the ancient

god and seer.



na te giri-trAkhila-loka-pAla-viri~ncha-vaikuNTha-surendra-gamyam/

jyotiH paraM yatra rajas tamash cha sattvaM na yad brahma nirasta-



Oh mountain-dweller, neither the lords of the world, nor brahmA, nor

viShNu, nor the lord of the of the gods (indra) can perceive, you

primal brilliance, which is the brahman, in which sattva, rajas and

tamas lose their distinction.



kAmAdhvara-tripura-kAlagarAdy-aneka-bhUta-druhaH kShapayataH stutaye

na tat te/

yas tv anta-kAla idam Atma-kRitaM sva-netra-vahni-sphuli~Nga-

shikhayA bhasitaM na veda//

kAma, the sacrifice [of dakSha], the tripuras, the poison of time

and many other molestors of beings have been slain by you. We do not

praise those acts, because do we not know [that] at the end of time,

by your acts the [whole universe itself] is burned by the flashes of

fire emerging from your eye.


ye tv Atma-rAma-gurubhir hRidi chintitA~Nghri-dvandvaM charantam

umayA tapasAbhitaptam/

katthanta ugra-paruShaM nirataM shmashAne te nUnam Utim avidaMs tava



Those gurus, who verily meditate on your two lotus feet within their

heart become self-realized; but those seeing you prancing with umA

and performing severe penances and deride you as being perpetually

in the graveyard, as being fierce and violent verily do not grasp

your [apparently] shameless ways.


tat tasya te sad-asatoH parataH parasya nA~njaH svarUpa-gamane

prabhavanti bhUmnaH/

brahmAdayaH kim uta saMstavane vayaM tu tat-sarga-sarga-viShayA api



There your primal form, beyond the manifest and unmanifest, is very

difficult [to perceive] nor is it possible to for even brahmA and

others to perceive your primal form; what to speak of others? Thus

we can offer worship to source of all existence only to best of our



etat paraM prapashyAmo na paraM te maheshvara/

mRiDanAya hi lokasya vyaktis te .avyakta-karmaNaH//


The primal state of yours that is beyond all this, oh great god, we

cannot see. For the mercy of the world you have manifested, you

whose [all] activities cannot be perceived by anyone.

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