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Forms for Upasana

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It is said “ Truth “ is Truth and it can not be explained. My earlier mails on

the subject was giving explanation and May be it has meant What I did not want

to Mean.




All that I wanted to say is briefly given as an Analogy. Let us assume that

there are two persons who have kept a Pet Cat solely for purposes of catching

the Rats and One happens to be Black and another White.




While both are doing it’s job perfectly, among the owners, one person says that

the Cat should be White for catching the rat and the other says it should be





The third person who arrives, seeing the dispute concludes so long as the Cat

catches the mice, it is immaterial whether the cat is white or black.




Here catching the rat can be equated to Moksha and colour of cat to a particular

type of form or upasana and the third person who also is also an upasaka is a

Sri Vidya Sadhak and for him All Forms are equally important.




In my earlier mail I would have given the impression that Ambaa form is more

superior and that I have given the judgment as a neutral or the fourth person

only for arguments sake.




In fact my Guru Dev used to say the forms as proclaimed even by other religions

also speak of One Supreme in different language.




This is the last mail on this topic and thank you for your patient reading.











vishwanthan Krishnamoorthy <krishvishy wrote:there is no dispute, our

thoughts are not at odds


as an upasaka of my ishta devatha all i need is

complete surrender to the devatha.

attributing superiority to one over the other is a

fallacy of the bhaktha's ego, however this ego is

essential at the early stages, how a sadhaka evolves

depends on prakriti


a staunch Iyengar friend asked me if i say that

"akashath pathitham thoyam...kesavam pratigachathi"

why do i bother with panchayatna puja when all i have

to do is narayana nama samkirtana, for me my outwardly

puja padathi with all the paraphernalia gives me a

mooring to anchor my spiritual journey, with devi

katakasham i hope that one day only nama samkirtana

suffices for me.


as for the importance of Gayathri, this is from the

Jeer of ahobila as said to his nephew who once

mentioned to me "if you are in the middle of

sandhyavandhanam and the nirmalya darshanam for

Perumal starts drop every thing and rush to see it as

everything is secondary to Him including Gayatri"


the respective sects maintain their superiority, the

veera shaivas aver that Shakti creates at the pleasure

of Siva.


the krisna sect, relegate Sakti in the form of Radha

to a secondary position, the Srimad bhagavatham has

ample stories such as reducing the ego of Radha,

Brahma, Indira, siva etc...


there are ample such quotations from sruthi and smriti

to prove a point to a fault


this reminds me of the eight blind men and the

elephant story


for me personally the nirguna brahman manifests in a

saguna form driven by my chita at that time.


by imposing the concept of sakti one robs the sadhaka

of other avenues which may be more apt for him. why

will any one worship Siva/Muruga or Ganpathi? if there

is a Sakthi who is more powerful then them?


the greatness of Adi Sankara and Appayya Diixita is

that they have at various times asserted this. Adi

Sankara, if he praised Ambal in SoundharyaLahari he

has said that Govinda is the only hope in Baja

Govindam and so on.


Appayya Diixita being a staunch saivaite has composed

Durga Chandrakalasthuthi on Devi.





--- ganapathy = = vijaya


> The edifice of our Dharma is built on Shruthy and

> Smriti . The vedas which is eternal gave to the

> prime mover the appellation Aditi, the primodial

> force which EXTENDS IN ALL and CONTAINS in ALL, the

> Supreme Shakthi, the Divine Mother who gives birth

> to the All Gods and Goddesses. The Shakthi is the

> origin and source of ALL. she is verily the cause of

> creation and nothing is there if she be not there.


> As said in earlier mail the Dwijas though they brand

> themselves as Shaivites or Vaishnavites they are all

> Shakthas for they ferverently worship Gayathry, the

> primodial Goddess from whom all the Brand equities

> arise. This cant be disputed.


> There could be dispute on the superiority between

> Shaivites and Vaishnavites on Shiva or Vishnu but

> when it comes to Mother the disputes are silenced.

> So.the worship of Shakthi is the life breath of our

> Dharma.


> Regards


> ganapathy


> vishwanthan Krishnamoorthy

> wrote:



> This is a personal choice and any debate will prove

> unfruitful, start with a presumption based on your

> feelings and proceed with the sadana,


> during yagyopavita dharanam we say during sankalpam

> "Sroutha smartha vihitha sadachara nithya

> karmaanushtanaa yogyatha sidhyartham..." i.e. for a

> smartha the code of conduct is as is in the smriti.

> once that is established upasana is a personal

> choice

> or as is in many cases the kula/ishta devatha or as

> followed in the family.


> to infer that smarthas are inclined to Siva may not

> be

> true and is a regional phenomenon. during sankalpa

> some say "sri parameswara preethyartham..." where as

> others say "vishnoragnaya pravarthamanasa etc..."


> regards

> vishwanathan







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> pradiipajvaalaabhirdivasakaraniiraajanavidhiH

> sudhaasuuteshcandropalajalalavairarghyaracanaa .

> svakiiyairambhobhiH salilanidhisauhityakaraNaM

> tvadiiyaabhirvaagbhistava janani vaacaaM

> stutiriyam.h


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> pApAni sarvajagatAM prashamaM nayAshu

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> Ganapathy --- Vijaya


> " Jai Bhavani "






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> Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]










Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web






Ganapathy --- Vijaya


" Jai Bhavani "






Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web



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