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Sri Mathrey Namah,


Dear group members.


We have just completed the Vasantha Navarathras. However, we find some people

complete their Navarathra Dikshas by Paurnami. going into the annals of the

Navarathras, as discussed earlier in this forum, we have 4 Navarathras. Is there

any reason of having only Navarathras. Why only 9. why not any other No. of

Days. Is there any Sasthra Pramaana for this discipline. There should be one. I

have searched in Srautha and Gruhya Sutras. Their mention is made but not their

implicit reason for existence. Any other astrological or chronological

syllogisms available, I seek to know from learned group members. Devi

Bhagavatha mentions about Vasantha, and Sarat Navarathris, Sarada tilaka

mentions along with the prior 2, Ganesha and Moksha (Magha) Navarathris and

their worship disciplines, but not the reason why?


Can we discuss on the same?



Saravana Kumar




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  • 8 months later...

Om SrImAtrE namaH OM.


praNAmAni to the Only Lord present everywhere including in you.

my humble NAMASTE/namaskarams to you all.


I am wondering knowing 'why' part of navaratris/ nau(9)ratraS(even

ratris not divas) : -


why are you seeking this knowledge, anyway?


Do you think this specific knowledge matters to any significant extent

if not to any extent at all?


Let us get busy praying her as being reflected through srIGuru.


This is my 'native'/naive opinion though.


That's all.

I pray HER(present in everyone) to forgive me for any mistakes of mine.


SHE being present in all.


1. SamiShTi rUpa.

2. Andarilo puTTI ... aTu tAnai (lang:telugu) - AnnamAcArya(kRuti:

manujuDai puTTi)

3. SoundaryaLahari - Abhayavarada, tvamEkA - naivAsIt etc.

4. Ekam brhma advitiyam etc etc.

5. God revealed to Moses: I am who "I am".

6. LSN: AbAlagOpaviditA - like meeanings of numerous namas.

and... one esoteric meaning/lakshya of ALL the namas.


7. Literature - utpatti of sanskrit padam "aham" (i.e I) itself.

A to Z + pUrNam, 'a' to 'ha' and pUrNabindu.


Do I need to quote on like this, don't you know?

Who are you anyway?

let me find who am I, first, ofcourse with my SrInAthA's grace.

Who is the only competent authority to give me that prasAd.


Om SrIgurussarvakAraNabhUtA saktiH.

svarUpa nirUpaNa hEtavE svaguravE namaH.




, samvidaananda saktha

<samvidaananda> wrote:



> Sri Mathrey Namah,


> Dear group members.


> We have just completed the Vasantha Navarathras. However, we find

some people complete their Navarathra Dikshas by Paurnami. going into

the annals of the Navarathras, as discussed earlier in this forum, we

have 4 Navarathras. Is there any reason of having only Navarathras.

Why only 9. why not any other No. of Days. Is there any Sasthra

Pramaana for this discipline. There should be one. I have searched in

Srautha and Gruhya Sutras. Their mention is made but not their

implicit reason for existence. Any other astrological or chronological

syllogisms available, I seek to know from learned group members. Devi

Bhagavatha mentions about Vasantha, and Sarat Navarathris, Sarada

tilaka mentions along with the prior 2, Ganesha and Moksha (Magha)

Navarathris and their worship disciplines, but not the reason why?


> Can we discuss on the same?


> Regards,

> Saravana Kumar

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