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sub: vyakthaabyaktha swaroopini


Priya bandhujanaah,

As I understand about the Saktha Philosophyin a nutshell is as follows. After

reading some books and listening to some scholorly elders, I came to an

understanding that the form and name I am now having is not my original reality.

In this human birth only, I have changed innumerable forms from time to time

right from the time of my birth.till now, changing it every year, every month,

every day and every minute. My shape and form was different in my mother`s womb

and it was different in the spermetozova of my father. It was different in the

food my father ate to create that spermetozoa. It was different in the sky which

rained to cultivate that food. How small and subtle it was in the vacent skies

in the begining! The name I possess now is also not my own, but was fixed

according to the fancies of my parents.

Then the question arising is, What am I? Who am I? What is my name and my form?

I approached a Guru and asked these questions. In reply, he told me a Mantraa

containg some alphabetical letters and informed that it is one of my forms and

names. After sometime he told me another Mantraa and told me that it was my

another form and name in another birth of mine. He was telling me like that one

after another, a chain of seven crores of importent mantraas in the pursuite of

reminding me of my previous births where I alone was there in every one of my

births. That is why the Guru was called "Swaruupa Niruupana Hethuh". He was

guiding me towards the knowledge about my original real form and name. I could

see it perfectly well. Ofcourse, not with my eyes, not with my mind nor with my

intellect, but with my self (aham) I could recognize it. Actually It has no form

nor any name. But some kind of small sparkling light appearing and disappearing

momentarily and alternatively. I am sure that something is there when it

appeared, and I am also sure that it is there itself when it disappeared too (in

that unseen state also) which is appearing in the very next moment. It is

because I could understand that the same thing which is not visible is actually

glowing. I could know it only on the basis of its glowing visible state.

The form of that disappearence and unseen state is my real form; and that its

name is `Shiva`- or the most subtlest form. The other form which is visible was

named as `Sakthi`- the nature and form of the Purusha(Siva). In fact this

visibleness is only a mirage -Maaya. This Sakthi is the nature (Prakriti)of that

Purusha(Shiva), who does not appear to the naked eye , but can only be known by

assumption of mind or intellect, on the basis that, that is glowing and

appearing out.

In all these stages and forms a feeling was there that this is myself. This I

ness is there till the last subtle form ie., Shiva , the unseen, but appearing

to me in the form of the glowing light. The whole of this extension and

expantion in this present human form was named after as Brahma."Brimhayati

Vardhayati iti Brahma", and the expansion into the whole universe through the

Five Sense Organs maintaining or connecting with the Brahma and Shiva just like

the current in the electrical wires, is named as Vishnu. After a keen

observation, I could know that all these three stages are one and the same, but

appearing in three ways and forms of one Shiva only. To recognise this unseen

and unknown form there is one instrument, which is called as Shakthi,

(Gnaanasakthi) ie., knowledge. "Siva gnaana pradaayini). that Gnaana may not be

perfectly true and may it be only Maaya, which never was there at any time. But

it is exposing the real form and name of the formless and nameless Shiva to the

comman mind, Without that, we can not know about Shiva, our original and

subtlest form at all. That is why we are praying to that Shakti to unwaile my

original form and name. That Sakthi is helping me a lot to realise my self. I

could understand that I am not different from my subtlest form ie., Shiva. I am

Shiva myself. The whole of this universe is nothing but my extension and that

the whole of the universe is no where but within myself and I am in every

particle of this universe. "Antar bahischa tat sarvam vyaapya Naaraayanah

sthitah" . With this Sarvaatma Bhaavana I am a Saaktha the outcome of Sakthi. I

believe in Advita. I also accept the reality of the universe. I can recognise my

real self only with this body and mind. This existence of body and the world is

also true. Accordingly to my wishes and desires, I create my own God in

different forms and in different names, as my Guru has instructed me to do.

Every God is produced from my mother Gnaana Sakthi only. They are not at all

different from my Poornaahantha (my real self). I see god in every one and I am

the God for every one. This is all I know and I pray pardon, if there is

anything wrong in my expression.




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