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 sub: Sreemaharaajni (L.S.2)


Adaraneeya mahaasayaah,


After remembering the sreeguru, we generally do praises to eulogise

the powers and the greatness of the guru. The power and the greatness and every

thing of the guru is laid in his mantra sakthi only. Sakthi means, one which

serves him with adoration and obedience like a wife. That is why the wife is

also called with this term as sakthi. This mantra sakthi always remains with the

guru and serves him like a mother, a sister and as a wife. (Maatrivat,

bhaginivat, bhaaryaavat). She provides all the comforts to him of this world

and also at the latter destination. (Bhoga mokshakaree vidya).


Generally, that mantra sakthi should be the shodasaakshari vidya

only, because this vidya is considered to be the minimal qualification to attain

the status of a guru and to initiate any mantra to others.


If we separate the alphabets in this name Sreemaharaajni, it

reads like sreem+aha+rajni. When Sreem is added to the Panchadasaakshari vidya,

it becomes the shodasaakshari. Shodasaakshari is said to be the extention of

Panchadasee vidya.


In the yoga saastra there are three types of praanaayaama

methods, one is Atisthoola praanaayaama - which is started with the Baala mantra

by observing the praana sakthi ( breath ), dragging from the naval region

upwards to the Chandra mandala, ie., the margin of the hair roots. Some time

after,the Panchadasaakshari is initiated, the praana sakthi is dragged from the

moolaadhaara padma right upto the Unmani in the brahmarandhra bindu charka.

This kind of breath expantion is called ‘Sthuula praanaayaama’. But when

Shodasaakshari is initiated, the breath is being dragged from the lowest tip of

the toe, right up to the maha bindu, which is situated two fingers above the

brahmarandhra bindu charka, where the aura of the person ending its radiation.


The above said Aura is nothing but the Visarga, which emenated

from the bindu charka and formed as thureeya kamakala, This Kaama kala is the

target of aspirations of all the sages and rishis of all times, to make it

perceptibly visualize. The shadow image of these three dots (bindu and viarga),

forming as a triangle ( “Mukham bindum kritwa kuchayuga madhasthasya thadadho

haraardham dhyaayedyo haramahishi thei manmadhakalaam”) is the gateway from

where the whole universe is emerged out and we all should pass through to reach

our real abode.


The two letters following the sreem are ‘a’ and ‘ha’,

representing to all the alphabets and also to the whole vocabulary. All of this

vocabulary is arising from the Meru, ie., “La Sa Ha Ee Eei Ra Ka” which is

appearing out as panchadasaakshari vidya and after prolonged practices reformed

as the Shodasaakshari.


For all this process the holy mother Mahaaraajni (raajayati

ranjayathi iti raajni) should shower mercy upon us by brightening and

illuminating the manthra swaroopa as it is.















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