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DevakArya samudyatha -- L.S. 5

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Sub: DevakArya SamudyatA L.S.-5


Om devakArya SamudyatAyai namah


In human psychology – ‘Idd’, ‘Ego’ and ‘Super ego’ are

three categories of human behaviors mentioned. If one

secures any eatable substance, if he eagerly eats it

then and there, unmindful of cleaning it with water,

or unnoticing whether the surroundings are neat and

clean, just like an animal, he comes under the first

category ‘Idd’. The second one ‘ego’ is for those who

packs that article in a paper, take it to a neat


wash it with water, cut into pieces, sits in a neat

place and eats it slowly one after another, enjoying

its taste and aroma. The third category ‘super ego’

is for those who takes to his house, clean it, cut

into pieces in a clean plate, offers it to his god as

naivedyam, distribute a part of it as prasAdam to the

nearby persons and then eats the remaining for

himself. All this procedure is called “samskAra” in



Even in the sAdhana to enter into the “divya swaroopa”

(devine order). This kind of samskArA is the primary

need to start any japa, or other deva poojA etc., the

word ‘samudyatha’ itself is an indication as samyak

udyatha. The word samyak indicates that only after

completing all the preliminaries perfectly well, we

are entitled to start our journey towards the

nivrittiroopa destination. ‘udyatha means raising or

lifting up, and ‘samudyatha’ is lifting up of

kundalini with a perfect understanding of the “gnAna



‘Vasu’, ‘Rudra’, ‘Aditya’ are the three venerable

sects for all the human beings. In all of these the

Vasus are the pitru devatas, who are the

administrators of our forefathers. Their place is

believed to be in the region below the navel. The

Rudras are the controlling deities of our human beings

and their place is considered to be in the

sUryamandala,., in the heart region. Adityas are the

real devathas and their place is considered as above

the AjnA chakra in the chandramandala region.


If we wish to enter into the devine plane (Aditya

mandala) we have to fulfill the required preliminary

duties by performing the “Pitru kAryam” regularly

first of all. By doing this, we will be bestowed with

suitable bodies having medha, sraddha, ojas, thejas

and the required mental concentration to perform the

pooja etc., for the devatas (AdityAs). These are all

absolutely essential for the kundalini utthApana

(lifting the kundalini upwards).


In the same way, we have to fulfill our duties to

please the Rudras also by keeping our minds and bodies

clean by observing all the samskArAs mentioned in the

astAnga yoga of Pathanjali Yoga sutras.


Only after fulfilling all these preliminaries, we will

be eligible to enter into the Devine plane. The

journey towards the DEvakArya will be strictly in

accordance with the instructions of the sriguru only.



First of all you have to know about the secret of the

manthra and about the power of the manthra (manthra

veerya), only by hearing from the mouth of the guru.

(“Gurumukhaikaveidyam”). You must believe that the

face of the deity is absolutely the same as the guru`s

face. The manthra`s existence is located with in the

frame of your breath cycle (prAna sakthi) only. All

the letters of the manthra are arranged in a row one

above the other like the beads in a garland and

believe that that is the form of the deity you are

praying and also that it is the inverted image of your

own self, having another name as “pratyagAtma”. All

of this process is called as “Chathurvidha aikya



Now you should know that you are entering into the

mental plane leaving the physical plane behind, with

full of auspicious imaginations and illusions, just as

you are in a day dream i.e., swapnAvastha while you

are still wakefully counting on the number of manthra

japa. You cannot know when you are going to drift

into a deep sleep (sushupthi avastha), but the manthra

will take you into that “yoganidra” state at least for

a few moments. Now you are experiencing all the the

three avasthAs at the same time and you are witnessing

all the three of them. This state is called “tureeya

avastha” “avasthA traya bhAvAbhAva sAkshi chaithanyam”


The experience of thureeya avastha is indicated in

this name of our holy mother. “Samudyatha” is just

like a fully drawn string of a bow, with an arrow

inserted in it, and about to be left for striking the



“DhanurgrihEtwA aupanishadam mahAstram,

Saram hyupAsAniSitham sandadhEtha

Ayamya thad bhAvagatheina cheithasA

Lakshyam thadeyvAksharam sOmya viddhi ||”


“Pranavo dhanuh sarOhyAtma, brahma



“om aim hreem sreem sadAchAra pravarthikAyai namo

namah sreem”











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