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Names of flowers & grass

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I was curious about the names of flowers and grass used in pUjA and I

compiled the following list for other members of this board to offer

their comments/corrections etc. Obviously this list is not exhaustive

and I have a few questions on some as typed.


I am also compiling names of leaves(patra) and naivEdyams and will


them on the board in a few days.


Thank you.




1. kalhAra - white esculent water-lily (cengazhunIrmalar)

2. utpala - water-lily (kuvalip pU) - sometimes also known as

alli/Ambal pU, all referring to the white lily

- the blue water-lily (karungkuvalai) is called 'nIlOtpala'

- Another interpretation is the blossom of the blue lotus (Nymphaca


3. maruvaka - ?? (marukkozhundu) - Apte dic. mentions this as a

fragranted southern wood plant

- from the sanskrit lexicon dictionary - a kind of Ocimum vanguieria

Spinosa/Clerodendrum Phlomoides

- the translation of the mantra mAtrukA pushpamAlA stava on SVBF's

site cites this as the hibiscus flower

4. vakula/bakula - (magizham pU) Apte mentions this just as the

Bakula flower(???)

5. kunda - luecas?? (tumbaip pU) - some pUjA texts cite prohibition

of use of this flower to worship dEvI

- apparently also refers to mallikaippU

- sometimes referred to as drONa pushpa

6. ketakI - fragrant screwpine (tAzham pU)

7. karavIra - oleander?? (alarip pU)/fetid tree???

8. mallikA, jAtI(mullai) - refers to jasmine in general (prob. the

one with a green stem and bulbous white flowers which women wear on

their hair)

9. navamallikA - a kind of jasmine

10. pArijAta - refers to a specific jasmine (pavaLamalli) w/ orange

stem and small white-petalled and extremely fragranted flower

11. japA, arkapriya, arka, cakrabAlA, padmAhvA - hibiscus???

(cemparutti) (c.f. Apte dic. mentions japA as the China rose) This

flower is also known as the shoe-flower in the West, reason for which

is mentioned at this site:


12. pATala - trumpet flower(prob. attributed to its shape)

13. rAgapushpa, shatadalA(100-petaled), vR^ittapushpa(round flower),

shatapatra - China rose

14. vanda - orchid

15. sumana - chrysanthemum indicum

16. ghanasAra - (kungkumap pU) - saffron flower

17. campaka - the Hindu campak tree bearing yellow, fragrant flowers

18. ShvEtapadma - the White lotus

19.amarantha/amaranth - chrysanthemum in general

20. sthUla/sanah/ganduka pushpa - marigold

21. dIrghapushpa - ebony

22. dADimIpushpa(mAtalappU) - flowers from the pomegranate tree

23. amRNAla (vaTTivEr) - fragrant cuscus grass??

24. dUrdadhUra - (Umatta) - flowers from the Dhattura tree

25. rasAla - (mAvinpU) - flowers from the mango tree

26. ShamyAka (konRaippU) - Indian laburnum

27. Arka (erukku) - madar plant??

28. sEvantikA - (javantippU) ????

29. vishNukrAnti - ???

30. sthUlapushpa - marigold

31. nIla - lilac


What is the name for the kanakAmbaram flower (has sort of a

vermillion color and also worn by women as hair decoration), as well

as the daisy flower?


Names of grass



1. dUrvA - Paricum Dactylon (is this what we call arugam pul, used in

worship of gaNESha?) is this the same as darbha grass used in pUjA

and hOma karmAs?


2. what is the grass known as mUnja? It is used in the worship of


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