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Names of leaves (patram) used in pUjAs

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Here are the names of leaves I compiled. Not exhaustive, but many are

commonly employed in pUjAs. Posters pls feel to add/correct.


Names of leaves (patra)



1. nAgavallI - the leaves of betel-nut tree(veRRilai)

2. tuLasI - Ocimum sanctum/basilicum or commonly known as the Hindu

basil or vishNupriyA

- There seem to be varieties - vanatuLasi, surasA, varvara to refer

to different varieties i.e. French basil, sweet basil, Spanish

basil, etc.

3. apAmArga - (nAyuruvi) ???

4. dADimapatra - leaves of the pomegranate tree (also known as mAta


5. mAShI patra - (mAShipaccai) ???

6.bR.hatI - Bhatkatiya

7. vENu patra - leaves of the bamboo plant(hence the name for the

flute made out of it)

8. vaTapatra - (alilai)leaf of the banyan tree (commonly found in

iconography/drawings of kR.shNa sleeping on it - hence another name

for vishNu/kR.shNa - vaTapatraShAyi)

9. bilva/vilva - (bael-aegle marmelos???) the bilva tree considered

sacred among Shaivites.

10. nAga/(liMga) - leaf from the cannon ball tree - the name owed to

the shape of the leaf itself.

11. Amalaki - (nellikAy maram/emblica officianalis) leaf from the

Indian gooseberry tree

12. Shami - leaf from the Indian mesquit tree, considered to be an

incarnation of dEvI(sometimes also known as vahni)

13. badarI - leaf of the jujupe tree

14. Ashvatta - (araSha maram) does this refer to the peepal or the

fig tree?

15. arjuna - (nIrmarut/marudam) - is this the henna tree from which

the paste is made for use of decorations on hands and feet???

16. cUta - (mAvilai) leaves from the mango tree

17. durdhUra - (Umattai) leaf from the Dhattura tree

18. jAtI - (picchaka)leaf of the plant/tree of a specific jasmine

19. karavIra - (arali/aRali) leaf of the tree that bears the karavIra

flowers (laurels???)

20. arkapatra - (erukku) leaf of the madar plant/swallow wort???)

21. pUga - leaf of the areca-nut tree

22. vishNukranti - Evolvulus alsinoides (w/ somewhat bluish flowers)

23. dEvadAru - Himalayan cedar

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