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LS 463 suranAyikA

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many pranams to all the group members


kindly accept my humble submission as below. kindly correct me if

there is any mistake in these.


LS – 463




1) Chief / leader of all the dEvAs

2) the good guNAs in us are called as dEvAs and she is the

chief of those guNAs and one who gives those guNAs to us.

3) in purAnAs also we find that all the special features of

dEvAs are combined and become the dEvi. Also she is the chief of

army of dEvas.

4) for each and every part of our body and the outside world, there

is a dEvathA. she is the lord for all. thus she is the chief of

all the worlds/ creations.


comparison : vandippavar unnai vAnavar dhAnavar AnavargL - abirAmi

bhattar (those who worship you are dEvAs and dhAnavAs)(here one

interesting word is AnavargaL - it means "those who became" - this

means the souls are either elevated to a post of dEvathA or degraded

to dhAnavAs. in purAnAs also we read that due to tapas souls are

getting the posts of indrA, brahmA and vishnu and lots of these

posts are there. they come in lot to have the darshan of ambA. the

souls understood this fact and they worship dEvi.

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