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>From the lalitopakhyAna...


lalita's chariot i.e chakrarAja is known to have six charioteers who

were experts in holding the bridle and keeping the staff (whip)

raised. They are irA devI, tripura bhairavI, samhAra bhairava,

raktayoginI-vallabha, sArasa and chAmuNDA.


The charioteer for the geya chakra i.e rAja-mAta~NgI/rAja-shyAmalA's

chariot is hasantikA(hasantI shyAmalA?) while stambhinI is for

kirichakra which is vArAhi's chariot.


Is hasantikA same as hasantI shyAmalA - the laughing shyAmalA?


The following are the 24 names of lalitA.


siMhAsaneshyai namaH

shrI lalitAyai namaH

mahArAGYyai namaH

parA.nkushAyai namaH

chApinyai namaH

tripurAyai namaH

mahAtripurasundaryai namaH

sundaryai namaH

chakranAthAyai namaH

samrAGYyai namaH

chakriNyai namaH

chakreshvaryai namaH

mahAdevyai namaH

kAmeshyai namaH

parameshvaryai namaH

kAmarAjapriyAyai namaH

kAmakoTikAyai namaH

chakravartinyai namaH

mahAvidyAyai namaH

shivAna~Nga vallabhAyai namaH

sharvapATalAyai namaH

kulanAthAyai namaH

AmnAyanAthAyai namaH

sarvAmnAyavAsinyai namaH

shR^i~NgAra nAyikAyai namaH

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