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L S 606 / 44 2 / 77 - Part 1

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Part -1


many pranams to all


today (monday – 7/11/2005) is the skanda sashti day and hence i am

submitting to you all the following related with murugA in LS. if

there is any mistake kindly correct me please.



srI mAtA is praised several times as ammA (mother) in LS from the

first nAmA till 1000th nAmA and three nAmAs (which we are going to

see now) are dealing especially with ganapathy and subramanyA. the

interesting part of it is, 2 nAmAs dealing with them individually

and one combinedly.


LS 606 guhajanmabhU :


(please note the number of the nAmA) (six is coming twice for the

second son of ambA as he is shaNmukA)


1) mother of guhA (subramanyA)

one who resides inside (within) is guhA. our hearts which

are like caves filled with darkness (agnAnA) and poisonous creatures

(kAmAti guNAs). he destroys the agnAnA and other evils within us by

residing in our hearts as guhA.


Comparison :


a) saint aruNagirinAtar completes his stOtrA "kandar anubhUti"

(which is of 51 verses like akshara mAlA and fully loaded with

mantras) with the name guhA (aruLvAy guhanE)

b) he normally completes his tirupugazh songs with the

name "perumALEy" but very rarely, out of 1000 and odd songs, he

completes his tiruppugazh with the other names and more

particularly "guhanE" in only 2 or 3 songs (anbargal kindly correct

me if I make a mistake here).

c) in one of his tiruppugazh he says "guhanE guruparanE ena

nenjil pugazha aruL kodu" (bless me to praise you in my heart as

guhA and guruparA) (we can see lot of special features in

tiruppugazh related with guha nAmA)



please note that though mAtA is the mother of all (charAcharA)and

the skAnda purAnA says that when subramanya avatArA took place, she

was not nearby. murugA came from sivA. Here LS says that she is

the mother of guhA , more specifically LS gives the words

like "janma"(birth) and "bhU:" . why? there should be some more

very specific reasons for this.



L S 442




1) mother of kumAran (subramanyA) and gaNanAtA (vinayakA)


a) kutsitO mArah yEna kumArah – he excelled manmatA in beauty

that is why subramanyA is called as kumara.

b) he is always young (youth) (kumaran) that is why he is

called as kumara.


Comparison :

nakkIrar says "enRum iLayAy azhagiyAy" (ever youthful and beautiful)


c) he is the child of mAtA and hence he is called as kumAran


d) vinAyaka is called as gaNapathy since he is the chief of

siva gaNAs. Not only siva gaNAs but also the akshara gaNAs

(gaNAtipati). He is the combination of deva, manushya, mruga and

bhUta gaNAs. He is also the combination of male and female gaNAs.

e) though several leaders of siva gaNAs like nandi,

vIrabhadrA,chandIsa, kumbhOdharA, dhandi and others are there, he

only is called as gaNapati

f) though murugA is also a gaNanAtA and even sivA is called as

gaNEsA, vinAyakA only is called as gaNanAtA

g) subramanya is noted here as kumArA and vinAyakA as gaNanAtA

though they are having thousands of other names of their own.



h) the situation when muruga took this avatAr is like this:


before the marriage,

pArvati was doing tapas in himAlayA, sivA was in yoga (while

teaching sanakAti R^ishIs), dEvAs were doing tapas near mEru giri,

manmatA was burnt by sivA.


after the destruction of manmatA and bringing him back as anangA

(one who is without a body) at the marriage (pArvati kalyAnA) and

after the marriage as per the wishes of dEvAs, murugA was brought by

sivA when pArvati was not near by sivA.


As exactly asked by dEvAs, sivA gives a son very equivalent to him

and from him only. (kanda purANA says dEvAs asked sivA as "nI taral

vEndum ninnayE nikarkka" (you give one who is like/ equivalent to



sivA took his oldest form (with six heads) (purANA says "tanadu

tollait tirumugam ARum kondAn – he took his oldest form with six

heads) and from him six jyotis came out. it was so unbearable and

frightening that all the dEvAs , etc and pArvati also ran away from

that place. sivA called the jyotis and he handed over the six jyotis

came out of his six faces to god of air (vAyu). At last when the

jyotis reached charavanA, they become 6 children. So how the ambA

is called as the mother of murugA in this context?


i) kumArA came from sivA and gaNapati came from sakthi only.

he came out of the sarIrA of ambA as per purANA.

j) LS gives a different nAmA for gaNapati. (that is our next




thanks for going thru this lengthy mail.


with many pranams



pallathur vaidyanathan

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