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sRuShTi krama as given in SrIyOga-vASiShTaM

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OM SrIgurussarva kAraNa bhUtA SaktiH.


sarasvati speaks:


During the reign of the great sleep of MahA-praLaya,

Brahman alone remains as Endless Space and Peace Supreme.


And when it wakes again at the end thereof,

in the form of Chit(Consciousness),

It thinks unto Itself,'I am a speck of Light',

even as thou imaginest thyself of any form thou pleasest during dreams.

That speck of light again assumes unto Itself Extension,

'I am large'.

That mass, false in reality, becomes the Brahm-AnDa.


Within that Brahm-AnDa, Brahman thinks again: ' I am BrahmA'.

and BrahmA forthwith becomes the ruler of a vast mental empire which

is this world.


In that first creation, Consciousness took many forms;

and the root forms that Consciousness assumed in that Beginning -

they persist unchangeably throughout the Kalpa.That is the Destiny

which is

the Nature and Law of the things, while that Primal conscious shall last.

It makes what our space and time and basic elements.

It makes them what they are of asat.

That Destiny has also fixed the spans of human life, varying in various

yugAs, Ages, Epochs, with variations in the grades of sin and merit.


- as given by Dr. Annie Besant, Irland born, Indian freedom fighter,

President/Founder, Home Rule freedom movement. President/Founder(?),

Theosophical Society of India.

Which published lots of books on the Goddess and advaita.


I will post sRuShTi kramA that as I get understood with HER grace

taking cue from varivasyArahasya in my next post. -


(sA jayati mahAn prakASO, yasmin dRuShTE, na dRuSyatE kimapi

kathamiva tasmin JnAtO, sarvaM viJnAtumucyatE vEdE).

(I do not have varivasyA rahasya book infront of me. I memorize this

shlokam like that. So please forgive me if I went wrong in any padams.)


- So that we can see the beauty of how this yOgavASiShTam swings in synch

with varivasyArahasya, like all our different Hindu scriptures swing in

unison infront of the God,

though the same scriptures may seem swinging in all directions infront

of jIva/ mind.

As you dig deeper from whicher place on the mahat(like eath) everybody

reaches singleton-Core only.


Recently I came to know that,some believe, in India, Politics and

Religion 'never' got associated.


But, I see..

Dr. Annie Besant, Vinobha bhAve, MahAtmA Gandhi, rAjA rAm mohan Roy

-like these so many

personalities are both staunch politicians of India as well as strong

active followers

of Hinduism in their lives.


vArasa of ramaNa maharShi,SrI vaSiShTa gaNapati also thought of

uplifting India,

may be, by politics or through Social-welfare, but his Guru guided him

to realize

his inner God first, as that is what prevalent/assumes


Thus you see the beauty of the world as-it-is being enjoyed by the ONE

as mere 'lIlA' / play.


sakala bhuvana udaya+sthiti+laya maya lIla vinOdanOdyuktaH.

- naTanAnandanAtha.


So let us pray THAT to make us realize it via Guru as it's sadASiva



Kindly forgive me for all of my mistakes, along with all of my



OM SrImAtrE namaH OM.



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