Guest guest Posted February 24, 2006 Report Share Posted February 24, 2006 Priya mahAsayAh, “nArAyanam padmaBhuvam vasisTham Saktincha tatputra parASarancha | vyAsam Sukam gaudapadam mahAntam gOvinda yogiindram adhAsya SiShyam || Srii SankarAchArya maDhAsya padmapAdancha hastAmalakancha SiShyam | tam trOtakam vArtikakAram anyAnasmadgurUn santatamAnato2smi || This is our guru parampara. It mentions in it mainly of fourteen names of gurus. These fourteen names represent the forteen worlds we exist in. The gurupAduka mantra also contains only forteen mantras in it. That is why, Sri BhaskararAya in his book VarivsyArahasyam, just named it as “chAturdaSi”. This chAturdaSi is a continuous flow of parampara containing in three divisions as; divyauGha, siddHuGha and mAnavaugha. This flow is nothing else but the nectar flow of ganga which is flowing in all the three Bhuvanas (worlds) with three names as; MandAkini in swargaloka, BhAgiiraThi in BhUloka and as BhOgavati in the pAtAla lOka sanctifying all of the three lOkas with its sacred nectar in it. This stream is really the “saraswati” which emerged out from the face (mouth) of brahma (gnAna). It is flowing right from the mouth/feet of nArAyana upto the mouth of my own guru and pouring down upon my head (mind and intellect) as aBhiShEka. It is the “vAni” (word/speech) of the whole parampara. It is the effulgence of realization of my own self. That is why it is “Bharati”. “idam kaviBhyah pUrveBhyo namovAkam praSAsmahE | vandEmahi cha tam vAniimamritAm AtmanahkalAm || So says BhavaBhUti, that this vAni is Atmanah kalA – it means that it is a phase, belonging to the “self”. There are another two phases which emerged out from the “self”. They are , BhArati and Ida. “dEvIstisra tisrO dEvIh | saraswatyaSwinA BhAratIda” All these three are vAgdEvatAs. They always live together and never break apart from one another. This is the meaning of the reiteration of the word ‘tisra’ two times. These three vAgdEvatAs remain in the same stream in the speech flow in the names of “paSyanti”, “madHyama” and “vyKhari”. paSyanti always remains with the “parA”, which is the main originator of all these three vagdEvatAs. It has got another name as ‘idA’ in the vEdas and it belongs to the ‘agni mandala’, promoting the first cause of the nAda. The second one “saraswati”, which belongs to the ‘vAyu mandala (air), is acting as a transmitting force, and generally called as “madHyamA vAk” to push it upwards for an intelligible pronunciation. The third one “BhArati”, belonging to the sUrya mandala with another name as “vyKhari”, is audible to hear in distinct and clear language is situated in the ‘sUrya mandala’ (the sun). saraswati being the representative of the ‘air’ force, is actually the “prana Sakti” in all living beings, and is called as the “sUtratma”. “mahO arNah saraswatii prachEtayati kEtunA | dHiyO viSwA virAjati” || maHo arNah means the great ocean i.e., inestimable ignorance and deep sorrow. This indicates that it awakens and enlightens the ajnAni puruSha, endowing with the benefit of great wisdom and makes him a self realized soul. This saraswati is described as the saxAt prakriti chaturBhujA mahA saraswati, the creation of the “aShta BhujA turiiya mahAlaxmi”. This mahA saraswati is becoming the cause for the demolition of the “rudra grandhi” and also establishment of “Ananda pratiShTha”, by vanquishing SumBha and niSumBha. “gouriidEha samutpanna yaa satwaika gunASrayA | sAxAt saraswatii prOktA SumBhAsura nibarhiNii ||” In the durgA saptaSatii ten names were quoted as her names “mahAvidyA mahAvAnii BhAratii vAk saraswati | Arya brAhmii kAmadhEnur biijagarBhA cha dhiiSwarii ||” Now it is evident that saraswati is the proprietor of all the vocabulary and the sonority of sound phenominae and their resonances. “mahABhagyAddEvata yA Eka AtmA bahudha stUyate || The ‘self’ is so powerful, mastering all the siddhis like aNima, laGhima, mahima etc., She can display any number of forms at her will, and that is the meaning of the word “mahABhAgya”, although she is only one at all times and none else is there other than her. “EkamEvA advitiiyam brahma”, “mattah parataram nAsti kinchit”. This saraswati is said to be a stream which journeying upwards and flowing underneath (UrdhwavAhini and antarvAhini). The stream which has been pouring down from the face of brahma into the samudra (ocean) is in the avarOhana (descending) and again when it is lifting the ajnAni jeeva (samudra) upwards towards his abode in the brahmalOka, it appears like ascending (Arohana). If you draw a round circle and start from the top point, we have to travel downwards till we reach the bottom point and from there the circle appears like going upwards until it reaches the top point. The same mahAkAli who remains as the last lone remain after the total dissolution of the universe, is becoming the first and lone remain to start creation again in the name of saraswati. “iiSwarAnugrahAdEva pumsAm advaita vAsanA” Please forgive me if I have exceeded any limits, while interpreting the subject. sriparasukhanandanadha krishnarao.lanka sriparasukhanandanadha) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 28, 2006 Report Share Posted February 28, 2006 Respected devotee of Sri Saraswati Devi ! Your beautiful words are like the great streAm of Ganga devi flowing from the matted locks of Lord Shiva aka as Gangadharan! When one reads messages like these in this great group devcoted to Sree Mata , it is a 'spiritually' uplifting experience. >From Childhood, i used to love to pray to Devi Saraswati in our mother's puja room. We used to have a beautiful picture of Devi Saraswati in a white saree and holding a 'Veena' in her two hands - the painting was done by a Kerala artist, sri Ravi Verma. I remember how i used to pray with folded hands the famous Saraswati vandana Ya Kundendu Tushaara Haara Dhavalaa Ya Shubhra Vastraavrita Ya Veena Vara Danda Manditakara Ya Shveta Padmaasana Ya Brahma Achyutaha Shankara Prabrithibhih Devai Sadaa Poojitha Saa Maam Paatu Sarasvathi Bhagavati Nishyesha Jyaadyaapaha Oh Goddess Sarasvathi, who is fair as a jasmine flower, the moon or a snow flake, who is dressed in white and whose hands are adorned by a veena, who is seated in a white lotus, to whom Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshvara pray, please protect us. There is something very 'pure' and 'sublime' about the four -armed Saraswati Devi. She radiates 'peace' and Divine Energy. At that time, i was too young to know the full significance of her Vahana 'swan' or the symbolism of the 'lotus' in her hand. After growing up , i have come to know that both the 'swan' and the 'lotus' stand for purity and detached knowledge and 'discrimination' or viveka! Adi Shankara Bhagvadapada describes the glowing image of Devi Saraswati beautifully in verse 15 of Saundarya Lahari "s'araj jyotsnaa s'uddhaam s'as'iyuta-jataajoota-makutaam vara-traasa-traaNa-spatika-ghatikaa-pustaka-karaam | sakrunna tvaa natvaa kathamiva sataam sanniDaDhe madhu-ksira-draakshaa-madhurima-dhureeNaah phaNitayah || O Tripurasundari! Thy appearance is like the unblemished autumnal moon.Thou hast the moon as crown on Thy head.Thou hast the abhayamudra offering protection from one hand and granting boons from another , holding the crystal beads in a third hand and the Book of Knowledge in yet another.Who shall not receive poetic competence as if their tongue contains milk, honey and grapes all at once , once they have worshipped you once? Is this not a beautiful represntation of DIVINE MOTHER TRIPURASUNDARI as Devi Saraswati? sHE IS BAVA-BHAYA HARINI ?( ONE WHO REMOVES FEAR - THAT IS HER ABHAYAMUDRA) and she is 'DAYINI' ( THAT IS BOON GIVING GESTURE- SHE GRANTS ALL THE FOUR PURUSHARTHAS -ARTHA, KAMA, DHRAMA AND MOKSHA) . Saraswati Devi is hlding 'crystal' beads in her third hand which signifies she is 'Dhyanasaraswati' and her holding the book of knowledge ( vedas) in her hand suggests that she is 'Jnanasaraswati' and also 'Vedavalli' . one of the names of Sri Saraswati devi is ''catushshaShTikalAmayI'in Sri Lalita Sahasaranama .Saraswati devi is well versed in all the arts and fine arts . In fact , she knows the 64 arts from Linguistics to Music to great yogic powers! However, all this knowledge is 'bhoutika' vidya (material knowledge) but Sri Saraswati devi is also one who guides us on the path of 'atma' vidya .( spiritual knowledge) Adi Shankara bhagvadapada sings in verse 31 of Saundarya lahari catuShShaShTyaa tantraiH sakalamatisaMdhaaya bhuvanaM sthitas tattatsiddhiprasavaparatantraiH pashupatiH . punastvannirbandhaadakhilapuruShaarthaikaghaTanaa svatantraM te tantraM kShititalamavaatiitaradidam.h .. 31.. in the above sloka , the word 'tattatsiddhiprasavaparatantraiH' is important - that is the ultimate siddhi of knowing one's true nature. i request any learned learned member here to provide the exact meaning of this sloka and also its metaphysical meaning. But for our purposes , it is enough to know that devi Saraswati PROVIDES BOTH MATERIAL AND SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE . She is well versed in 64 tantras too ! SALUTATIONS TO SREE Saradambika , the presiding deity of sringeri mutt! -- In , "sri parasukhananda nadha" <sriparasukhanandanadha wrote: > > Priya mahAsayAh, > > "nArAyanam padmaBhuvam vasisTham > Saktincha tatputra parASarancha | > vyAsam Sukam gaudapadam mahAntam > gOvinda yogiindram adhAsya SiShyam || > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 1, 2006 Report Share Posted March 1, 2006 Giving explanation on verse 31 of saundarya lahari: in english by Sir John George Woodroffe, Sanskrit commentary by kaivalyASrama. Orignal kRuti by Adi Sa~gkarAcArya. following trasliteration method of baraha catuShShaShTyA tantraiH sakalamaBisaMdhAya BuvanaM sthitastattatsiddhiprasaBaparatantraH paSupatiH punastvannirbandhAdaKilapuruShArthaikaGaTanA- svatantraM tE tantraM kShititalamavAtItaradidam || 31 || paSupati having known all things in the Universe by means of Sixty-four tantrAs, was proficient in the Siddhis with which each of these TantrAs deal. But again on being pressed by Thee, he took down to earth this Tantra of Thine, which is Svatantra and in which are brought together all the four aims of human existence. (PurushArtha). Commentary. The Gloss of 'acyutAnanda' adds that according to tradition Siva speaks the Tantra to dEvi in kailAsa and gaNESa records it and when complete communicates to maharShi or siddha on earth. This is being done to the present day. The so-called "historic" attack on some tantrAs as being without authority, because they are alleged to be modern is according to orthodox views of no validity. The tantra is eternal (nitya). The commentator sighting a saying: purANAgamasiddhAntaM nityaM Ahur manIShinaH. (the teachings of purANa and Agama are by the wise said to be ever-existent). The tantrAs however appear and disappear according to as they are revealed or withdrawn. Their authority does not depend on the fact that they were published to men on a particular date, but on the siddhi towhich they lead; that is, the actual result flowing from them. This result proves the authority of the tantra even though it were revealed yeterday. Siva or paSupati, Lord of the paSus or animal world or the senses, became all-knowing by His knowledge of the 64 tantrAs. Which are nitya and which were promulgated for each of the three krAntAs(please see Arthur Avalon's introduction to "Principle of Tantra" to see what is 'krAntA'). He at first, remained engrossed in the teachings(~jjAna) of the 64 by reason of their greatness. there after (punaH) on 'Thy(the dEvi's) insistence' (tvan-nirBandhAt) "He brought down(avAtItarat); to this world(kShititalaM). 'Thy tantra' (tE tantraM) in which are brought together all four human aims (puruShArtha) or all the siddhis, which is called "svatantra". Which here may mean independent - that is, independent of all TantrAs or that where by the aims of human existence are attained (aKilapuruShArthaGaTanAt svatantraM) According to BAskararAya in the introduction to his commentary on the 'nityASODaSikArNava", the tantra here spoken of is the 'vAmakESvara'. others say it is the '~jjAnArNava' and others again take it to be the 'tantrarAja'. The commentator lakShmIdhara, who is oposed to the Uttara Kaula school, says that these 64 tantrAs or AgamAs as also a portion of the 'miSra vAmAcAra' (please see A.Avalon's Introduction to 'Serpent Power') are intended for people who seek the attainment of selfish objects through kAma and artha and are follwoed only by SUdrAs,anulOmAs and pratilOmAs (people of crossed and mixed parentage). The twice-born who follow them should be ex-communicated for they as also SUdrAs of good habits, shuold follow the eight AgamAs, which are SAstrAs of liberation(mOkShadharma). The sanat-kumAra-saMhita, one of the five AgamAs(A.Avalon: which I have not seen) is cited by paNDiT anantakRuShNa SAstri as saying that outer worship(bAhya pUja) is performed by kaulAs, kShapaNakAs, kApAlikAs, and digambarAs and they are the followers of the itihAsAs and such AgamAs as 'Bairava yAmala'. lakShmIdhara says that " One will incur sin even if one thinks of such men". The inner worship(antar pUja) practitioners are brahmavAdins, followers of the five AgamAs of the good tradition (subhaga pa~jcaka) and become jIvanmuktAs. In this view, the SAstrAs alleged to be concerned with kAma and artha were supplemented by the mOkSha SAstrAs of the samayA school to which this commentator(prasada: kaivalyASrama paNDita) belonged, and in which according to him the Sakti kuNDali is raised to the sahasrAra for the attainment through this continued practice of mOkSha. I am not however aware of the authority for the statement, that kaula is not a mOkSha-SAstra or that kaula worship is in the mUlAdhAra only.Please see introduction to my (A.Avalon's) "Serpent Power". , "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16 wrote: > > Respected devotee of Sri Saraswati Devi ! Adi Shankara bhagvadapada > sings in verse 31 of Saundarya lahari > > catuShShaShTyaa tantraiH sakalamatisaMdhaaya bhuvanaM > sthitas tattatsiddhiprasavaparatantraiH pashupatiH . > punastvannirbandhaadakhilapuruShaarthaikaghaTanaa > svatantraM te tantraM kShititalamavaatiitaradidam.h .. 31.. > > in the above sloka , the word 'tattatsiddhiprasavaparatantraiH' is > important - that is the ultimate siddhi of knowing one's true nature. > i request any learned learned member here to provide the exact > meaning of this sloka and also its metaphysical meaning. > SALUTATIONS TO SREE Saradambika , the presiding deity of sringeri > mutt! > -- In , "sri parasukhananda nadha" > <sriparasukhanandanadha@> wrote: > > > > Priya mahAsayAh, > > > > "nArAyanam padmaBhuvam vasisTham > > Saktincha tatputra parASarancha | > > vyAsam Sukam gaudapadam mahAntam > > gOvinda yogiindram adhAsya SiShyam || > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 2, 2006 Report Share Posted March 2, 2006 OM SrIguruH sarva kAraNa BUtA SaktiH OM SrIman mahA gaNAdhipatayE namaH. I am only responding to this part- either/or to prof VK, SrI ravi Sankar or to the ever-present, ever-bestowing parama pUjya SrI candraSEkharEndra sarasvati, whoever quoted these: -------- It was our Acharya who established the pure vaidic pUjA and instilled life into it. It is true that even this pUjA contains some of the mantras which owe their origin to the tantra way. When he initiated the vaidic pUjA rituals in connection with the upAsanA following the Shri VidyA tantra, he followed only the samayAchAra discipline. --------- Are you comaping your/our AchArya with somebody else? Why should we do that? When one(may be 'AchArya') can establish 'something'. how volatile, that 'something' should be? Instilling life into it - at sometime got life to it. so after sometime what will happen? So you insist that samayAchAra is the only discipline to (follow/to accept/can give etc)? please read your sentence from all angles - "he/(your/our)Acharya followed only the samayAchAra discipline" How can one/you can quote on other disciplines, when not followed/tasted them to any extent? OR do you? That is why Sloka tells, indeed Siva brought/followed all 64 tantrAs, achieved this and that siddhis as well, no falsehood in those tantrAs, they do bestow their siddhis. but obviousely not the 'EkatvaM' oneness with the other half. That is why here is Siva again in the bodies of SrI ravi Sankar mAyavaraM, and in SrI prof VK, here in this body that is typing this post, and all the bodies that reading this post. So, now , the other half (vimarSa) tells us to follow her vidyA, as the goal is to realize unison with her only.Yourself as HER only. (artha-antara-nyAsa-ala~gkAraM) Like kAmasUtra written mAle audience always gives expositions on female body only. Nonetheless to say, Siva can be sporting male or female bodies. "The consciousness" is Siva. See the other way, I do not dragged towards money, because as one or the other body, I already did that tantra/business venture to get money, I got money, Am I happy? No, obviousely not. That is why here I am. Like this, negate time and space. negate different bodies in which the Lord is dwelling, then you see some more meaning of this SlokaM. Please forgive me for all my ignorances and arrogances with your ever-pervading pure kindness. OM aiM hrIM SrIM SrImAtrE namOnnamaH. prasAda. ps: Anyway, Arthur Avalon, himself TOO expresses some doubts about kailyASramA's commentary on Saundarya lahari. Please kindly use all commentaries with pinch of salt. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 2, 2006 Report Share Posted March 2, 2006 Shri Gurubhyo Namah. Dear devotees: Gurur Ekah. I want to share a personal experience. On invitation, I recently went to a gathering of bhakthas who went to see their Guruji. They were all immersed in his glory, and I felt the emotion as well. At the end of all festivities, the host asked me what he thought of the proceedings of the paada puja. At this point, I somehow sensed that his love for his Guru flowed from himself, and he was keen to gather others into his group of people. I looked at him and said "If your bhakthi for your Guru is anywhere near what I feel for mine, then you are truly blessed". He looked at me, and understood that Guru Bhakthi is inherrent in all shishyas, and therefore should be respected and encouraged. There is a trend nowadays for people to decry the Guru of others, while praising their own. This is destructive for the Guru-Shishya sampradayam, and is not a good practice. My Guru always spoke/speaks good of others. I have never seen any Guru fighting with another, but Shishyas come almost to blows sometimes. I wonder why. Some people would do well to think about the nature of the Guru. As the Bhaavanopanishad says, Kaama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya are the six enemies of mankind. Let us try to remove these emotions from our being. Saadar Namaskaarams. Thanks and Regards. KR. , "Prasada Reddy" <prasada.reddy wrote: > > OM SrIguruH sarva kAraNa BUtA SaktiH Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 2, 2006 Report Share Posted March 2, 2006 OM SrIguruH sarva kAraNa BUtA SaktiH. OM SrIman mahA gaNAdhipatayE namaH. reply to the quote that you(SrI Ravi Sankar Mayavaram) quoted: "but He has also manouvred to distract the populace into the 64 tantras that give worldly benefits and retained the supreme Shri VidyA Tantra which could give the advaitic realisation to them." <end quote> With experience, I am telling Siva won't hide anything from you. He JUST can't. Think yourself, why? "The Consciousness" is SivaM. Same way, you can't hide anything from Siva as well. That is why when 'bhakta kanakadAsa' was given a fruit(banana) and being asked to eat that, without letting Lord Siva to know his eating. kanakadAsa could not able to eat it. He only gives prEraNa to ask HIM(Siva) , and replies back to you; as if he is telling something to you. Siva is COMPLETE. NOTHING flows in and out of Siva. But to realize it, we tread the path of <timebeing> flow. This <timebeing>, however time it takes, once it takes, it is just a faded memory, like an instant of time. Also at any given point of time, you are living in that minuscule instant of time. everything else is like a kshaNika memory, either acquired, or to acquire, which will not make ANY difference. So, Siva is only for a miniscule time treads the ~jjAna flow, as given in original post "saraswati". and forever Siva finds himself COMPLETE, as ever as he is. That is why nacikEta do not fall in to the lures of the Lord of mrityu.Thus he attained real mrityu. Permanent dissolvation of his body and not to born again. On outset, seems like, I am going against the vision that SrIparasukhAnanda nAtha presented in the saraswati post, by saying there is no 'REAL' flow. But it seems, when I tread through that vision, this is what I get, as of now. How playful and wonderful is the Lord!. Please forgive me. OM aiM hrIM SrIM SrImAtrE namOnnamaH SrIM. prasAda. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 2, 2006 Report Share Posted March 2, 2006 , "Kumar Ramachandran" <kramach wrote: > > Shri Gurubhyo Namah. > > Dear devotees: > > Gurur Ekah. > [ snip ] > As the Bhaavanopanishad says, Kaama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and > Matsarya are the six enemies of mankind. Let us try to remove these > emotions from our being. > > Saadar Namaskaarams. > Thanks and Regards. > KR. > , "Prasada Reddy" <prasada.reddy@> > wrote: > > > > OM SrIguruH sarva kAraNa BUtA SaktiH > EXACTLY, this is why I always quote SrIguruH sarva kAraNa BUtA Saktih. As SrIguruH is the only one, Lord Siva alone can teach. He is sporting in all diiferent bodies, ways etc. But it is the Lord Siva, or SrIGrurH, that is kAraNa BUtA SaktiH for everything. I am just reminding myself, to see Lord's presence everywhere, and to remain myself like a spectator. Even you see my fingers are typing something. Oh, this post. let me send it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vedicyogi Posted October 13, 2007 Report Share Posted October 13, 2007 Hi All, Anyone know an authentic powerful samaya or other tantra guru. Thanks. Look forward to hearing from you. Blessings, Cosmic Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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