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Verses from Stotra-Ratna of Sri Yamunacharya

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In continuation to the trend of thought in Mani's posting from the

VaradarAja PancASat here are some verses from Sri Yamunacharya's

Stotra-ratna which echo similar sentiments.


The stotra-ratna or the Jewel of Hymns is a lyrical masterpiece of

devotion. Melody of diction and loftiness of devotion are hallmarks

of this hymn.


It seems to be written in the language of those who have travelled up

the mystical ladder. Each stanza presents outpourings of the poet's heart,

in his attempt to obtain union with the Supreme.


Unless the spirit of devotion and self-surrender enters the hearts

of the reader, it will not be possible to appreciate the esoteric

content of the hymn completely. But one thing strikes out nontheless

and that is the faith, conviction and freshness with which it reveals

the spiritual moods of the poet-saint.



with translation by Swami Adidevananda :


(please correct my transliteration if it seems awkward)



dhigshuchim vinItam nirbhayam mAmalajjam

paramapurusha ! yO-ham yogivaryA gragaNyai.h |

vidhi shiva sanakA dhai.rdhyAtum atyanta dUram

tav parijanbhAvam kAmaye kAmavrutta.h || 47 ||



"O Supreme Purusa, fie upon me, who am impure, immodest,

audacious, impudent and self willed, and who desires the

rank of Thy servant, which even those

worthy of being counted foremost among supreme yogins, such

as Brahma, Siva and Sanaka cannot conceive in their minds"





durantasyAnAder pariharNeeyasya mahtO

nihInAcArO-ham nrupashura shubhasyAspadamapi |

dayAsindhO ! bandhO ! nirvadhika vAtsalya jaldhE !

tav smAram smAram guNaguNa mithI'cHAmi gatabhI.h || 58 ||



"Even though I am a base-behaved beastly man and the abode of

great, inescapeable, beginningless and ominous sins, O ocean

of Mercy, O Parent, O sea of boundless affection, freed from

all fear by remembering Thy infinite attributes again and

again, I pray in the above manner"


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