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[rangaswamy@...: Introduction]

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Hello Mani,


Thanks again for your message. I come from a conservative Sri Vaishnava

family. Our acharyan is Andavan Swami of Srirangam. I had my early training

in our scriptures from my parents and later had the great benefit of Swami

Ranga Priya being my Guru. He has had a great influence on me and I

acknowledge with gratitude the time, effort and affection with which he

taught me Sanskrit and the Vedas.


I received the B.E. degree in Electronics Engineering from Bangalore

University in 1985 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering

from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY in December 1992. I am employed as a

senior research scientist at the ECE Department of Northeastern University

.. My professional interests are in the areas

of radar signal processing, array signal processing, communication theory,

and information theory.


I am actively involved with the Sri Lakshmi Temple, Ashland, MA.

where we are presently performing a 16 week Sri Suktha Homam (last Sunday,

4/23/95 was the 8th week).




Muralidhar Rangaswamy


P.S. Please post this message to the Bhakti mailing list. I am having some

problems in sending out mail to a group of users at a time from my system.

Thanks in advance.


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