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Sudarsaashtakam Part 1 of 2

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Srimathe Nigamantha Maha Desikaaya Nama:

Srimaan Venkatanaathaarya: Kavitharkika Kesaree I

Vedanthaacharya Varyomeh Sannidatattaam Sada Hridi II


Verse 1: Pratibhatasreni Bhishana Varagunasthoma Bhushana

Janibhyasthana Taarana Jagadavasthaana

Karana I

Nikhiladushkarma Karsana Nigamasaddharma Darsana

Jaya Jaya Sri sudarsana Jaya Jya Jaya Sri

Sudarsana II


O Sri Sudarsana! All the enemies of your Lord's devotees run away fearing

your prowess. All auspicious attributes find their home in you. Those , Who

worship you cross the "shoreless" ocean of Samsara and free themselves from

their cycles of Births and Deaths. The entire Universe is stabilized by your

mighty power. You cut asunder all the sins of those , who approach you as their

refuge. You bless all of your devotees with the knowledge about the righteous

conduct prescribed by the Vedas. O Lord Sudarsana of these auspicious

attributes! Hail to Thee!Hail to Thee!


Verse 2: Subhajagadrupa Mandana Suraganathrasa Khandana

Satamakabrahma vandita Satapatabrahma Nandita I

Pratitavidvat Sapakshita Bhajata Ahirbudhnya


Jaya jaya Sri Sudarsana Jaya Jaya Jaya Sri

Sudarsana II


O Sri Sudarsana! You are resplendent as a precious decoration on the hand of

Sriman Narayana , who has the universes as His body.Through your grace, Devas

are freed from the fear caused by the Asuras. Indra and Brahma always worship

you. The Satapata Brahmana belonging to Sukla Yajur Veda hails your glories and

pays its tributes to you. The scholars of this universe seek your help to

overcome their contestants . Ahirbudhnya Samhita states that Ahirbudhnyan

(Sivan) worships you and sought the boon to see your beautiful form with His

own eyes.O Lord Sudarsana of illustrious attributes! Hail To Thee! Hail to



Verse 3: SphutataDijjaaala Pinjara Pruthutarajwaala Panjara

Parigata Pratnavigraha PaDutaraprajna

Durgraha I

Praharana Grama Manditha Parijana Thraana


Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana Jaya Jaya Sri

Sudarsana II


O Lord Sudarsana! You shine like the resplendent assembly of lightnings. The

bright tongues of flames surrounding you appear like a cage (home) for you. The

forms of Vasudava, Sankarshana and other rVyuha Murthys find their positions

around your geometric form (Yantra). Even the scholars with sharp intellects

stumble, when they try to understand the full extent of your glory. It is a

beautiful sight to see the sixteen weapons of yours resting on your hands to

serve you.

You are dedicated to come to the rescue of those ,who seek your protection . O

Sri Sudarsana of such auspicious a ttributes! Hail to Thee! Hail to Thee!


Verse 4: Nijapatapreetha saddgana Nirupathispeetha Shad Guna

Nigama NirvyuDa Vaibhava Nijapara Vyuha Vaibhava


Hari Haya Dweshi Daarana Hara Pura Plosha Kaarana

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana



O Lord Sudarsana! The Righteous people have firm attachment to your holy feet.

The Six Kalyana Gunaas --- Knowledge, Power, Strength, Wealth, Heroism, and

effulgence-- find their natural home in You. The Vedas have firmly established

Your glory in their many sections .Like your Lord , You have the forms of Param

and Vyuham. You cut asunder the fear caused by the foes of Indra, the foremost

among your devotees. You were responsible for the burning down Kasi, the city

of Siva to ashes. You stood at the tip of Siva"s arrow, when He was engaged in

the campaign to destroy Tripuraasura. O Sri Sudarsana Of such Kalyana Gunas!

Hail to Thee! Hail to Thee!



Verses 5 to 8 and Pala Sruthi will follow in the next posting.


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