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Just o change the topic, I want to introduce for discussion

Briguvalli form the Upanishads(?). I went to Vivekananda College

in Madras in the late 40's and the principal was D.S.Sharma who authored

several books on Hinduism, including a primer ( reccommending it ).

We had morning prayer, chanting selections from Rig Veda and

Upanishads ( I am sure many of you are against school prayer here ).

I never gorget this piece starting with

Saha Na-vvathu etc.

In Bhruguvalli, Varuna asks his father "Teach me Brahman ", rather what is

Brahman ( knowledg ? ).

Brigu, the father answers

"Ann-am, Pranam, Chakshuh, srotram, manoh, vachamiti "

Brahman is responsible for their creation, life and demise.

Meditate and know Brahman.

The son meditates and solves th mystery slowly

, to claimone after another, matter(annam ) is Brhaman, then breadth

(prana), then thought ( manas ), then intellect ( Gyana ) and

finally Ananda ( i prefer contentment to bliss ).

" Anand-o brahmeti vyajanath. Anandena kalvimani bhoothani jaa-yanthe.


In the beginning, Brighu claims that one has the tools and thru tapas

( meditation or thought ) find the answer and it is ananda

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Krish wrote:

* Just o change the topic, I want to introduce for discussion

* Briguvalli form the Upanishads(?).


The Bhriguvalli is part of the Taittiriya Upanishad and

contains the very heart of Vedanta philosophy.


Varuna poses the question to Bhrigu as to what is Brahman --

what is the Supreme?


The passage then attempts to define Brahman, as far as words

can do so.


yato vA imAni bhUtAni jAyante | yena jAtAni jIvantI |

yam prayanty abhisamviSanti iti |


That from which all these beings are born, by which

those that are born live, and to which they go back.


Can any more fundamental description of the Supreme as It

relates to us be given?


* Brigu, the father answers

* "Ann-am, Pranam, Chakshuh, srotram, manoh, vachamiti "

* Brahman is responsible for their creation, life and demise.

* Meditate and know Brahman.


Each of these -- anna (food), praaNa (vital air), etc.,

surely is Brahman, but in an incomplete and unsatisfying

way. After meditating and realizing this, the aspirant

is urged to move on.


Is there no limit to this discursive meditation? Yes --

the meditation on Brahman as Ananda - Bliss is the ultimate,

because Brahman is the source of all Joy, all happiness.

Meditating on this Blissful Inner Self, the aspirant

also becomes blissful. Need we ask for more?


I should also point out that this Upanishad is explicit

about the nature of Brahman, the Highest Self. It is

described as "SarIra Atma", the Embodied Self. This is

the distinctive principle of Vedanta that only Ramanuja

has appreciated and elucidated, it seems. Brahman is

literally the Self of our self, related to us like life

is to a body, inseperably linked to us and always with

us. His pervasiveness is not only an ontological verity

but also represents an incredible bond -- the finite is

fundamentally part of the Infinite and is ensouled by

Him. We only need realize His blissful presence within us

to experience that very same bliss.



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