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Aditya Hrudhayam

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Dear Sri Ramanujam and the members of the Group:


I am happy to respond to the request of Sri Ramanujam. The Aditya Hrudhayam


is a part of the 105 Chapter of the Yuddha Khandam of the Adi Kavi"s Srimad

Ramayanam. I will forward you a Sanskrit Version by snail mail.Please let me


of your mailing address.


Meanwhile, here is the translation of the Canto containing Aditya Hrudhyam.


Seeing Sri Rama standing deeply absorbed in thought and exhausted from his


in the battle field, and seeing Ravana in front of Sri Rama ready for the

battle,the celebrated sage

Agasthya approached Sri Rama. The sage had come to witness the extraordinary


between Sri Rama and Ravana.The sage addressed Sri Rama as follows (verses



O, Rama! O Rama of mighty prowess (arm)! listen to the following ancient,

eternal, secret

sthuti in the form of a "holy, eternal, immortal and supremely blessed and


salutation to the Sun God known as Aditya Hrudhayam intended to propitiate


seated in the middle of the orb of the Sun. You my child are going to receive

the most

exalted blessings by recitation of this sthuthi and will vanquish once and

for all your enemies

in the battle field. The recitation will bring you victory ,destroy all sins

,eliminate all worries and sorrow

and give long life. (Verses 3-5)


please worship the Sun God(thru this stotra) , the king of all worlds, who is

bedecked with

splendid rays, who unfailingly dawns at the horizon every day , who is greeted

by Gods and

demons alike for illuminating the world and banishing darkness. (Verse 6)


Indeed He is the one who is the embodiment of ALL Gods and is full of glory. He


the Gods , Asuras and the humans and protects them and their worlds.( Verse



Indeed He is the one , who manifests as Brahma(the creator), as well as

Vishnu (the protector

of the Universe), Siva(the destroyer of the Worlds) ,Skanda( the son of Siva),

Prajapati (the Lord of

creation), the powerful Indra (the king of Gods), Kubera (the God of

wealth),Kala( the Time spirit),

Yama ( the dispenser of Justice), Soma (the moon God), Varuna (the lord of

waters), the Pitrus(the

manes), the eight Vasus , the two Aswini Devas(the physicians of Gods), the 49

Maruts (the wind Gods),Manu(the progenitor of the human race), Vayu (the

supreme wind God), and Agni (the God of Fire).

He is the Antaryami of all created beings , he is the life-breath (Praana:) of

the universe, the cause of all

seasons (Rutu Kartha), the storehouse of all effulgence (Prabhakara:), the son

Of Aditi (Aditya:), the

progenitor of all (Savita), the Sun God (Surya:), the traveller of the

heavens(Kaga:), the nourisher(Poosha)

of all, the possessor of all rays (Gabhasthimaan), the golden hued , the maker

of the day (Diwaakara:)

, the brilliant one with his effulgence and and the one , whose energy serves

as the seed of the Universe .

(Verses 8-10).


With seven green horses drawing his chariot, He is a multi-rayed resplendent

destroyer of darkness ,

the root cause of all happiness, the remover of the sufferings of His

devotees,the spark that brings

life to the lifeless cosmic egg, all-pervading and the cause of all creation,

sustenance and

destruction of theuniverse and its inhabitants.He is the Teacher (of Vyakarnam

to Hanuman),

the soverign of all, of blissful svabhava and the harbinger of the day,. He

is the son of

Aditi(the Deva Mata). He bears the fire of dissolution in his womb; He is bliss

embodied; he is

pervasive like Akasam and is the destroyer of cold (warmth giver). He is the

soverign of the heavens

and a master of the three Vedas(Rk,Yajur and Sama). He is the cause of thick


(Ghana Vrishti)and is the friend of water (Apaam Mitra: ).He moves majestically

and expeditiously

in his orbit (Vindhya veedhi Plavangama: ).His vow is to generate life in the

Universe and sustain it

and he is bedecked with a halo of rays. He is death (Mrtyu) itself, tawny in

color (Pingala:),

and the scorcher of all (Sarva Taapana: ). He is the poet (omniscient), the

form of the universe (viswa: ),

possessor of tremendous effulgence, reddish like metal copper, the base of all


He is the Lord of all the planets and stars , the father of all, the most

brilliant among the group of

brilliant entities. O, God manifesting in twelve individual forms (twelve month

sof the Year and

Dwasasa Adityas), Hail to thee! (Verses 11-15).


Salutations to you in the form of the eastern mountains (where you rise) and

Salutations to thee

in the form of Western mountains (where you set).Hail to thee, the soverign of

the assembly of

luminaries(Jyotir Ghanaanaam pathi) and to the Lord of the Day (Dinaadhipati).

(Verse 16).


Hail to thee , the giver of Victory (Jaya) and Hail to you , the Joy and safety

born of Victory(Jayabhadra)!

Hail to you , the Lord with the green horses yoked to Your Celestial chariot

(Haryasva:). Hail, Hail to you (Namoh Namama: ),the one with myriad rays. Hail,

Hail to you the child of Aditi! (Verse 17).


Hail to you , the fierce one! Hail to you , the valiant one(in the battle)! Hail

to you the controller

of the senses! Hail to you, the awakener of the Lotus(one who makes the Lotus


Prabhodan). Hail to you , the one represented by the Divya Aksharam (OM)!

(Verse 18).


Hail to You, the Lord of Trimurthys, Hail to you, the spiritual essence residing

inside the orb of the Sun!

Hail to you, the resplendent One, the consumer of all , appearing as

Rudra!(verse 19).


Hail to You, the banisher of gloom, the destroyer of Cold, the vanquisher of

enemies, the one , whose

magnitude is immeasurable, the eliminator of the ungrateful , and the Lord of

all lights! (Verse 20).


Hail to You the witness of the World (and the deeds of the Inhabitants), the

possessor of the golden

hue, the destroyer of Ignorance (the architect of the World, the destroyer of

Darkness (dark forces),

and beauty personified! (Verse 21).


I will post the translation of the remaining verses(22-31) tomorrow.




P.S: In answer to your other query, the Translation of Padhuka Sahasram is


thnaks to Swami Desiakn"s blessings. When it was done, It came to 323 Pages

(3+2+3 pages adding up to the total numbers of Ashtaakshari)........





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