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Dhanur Masa Pooja Aarambha Dhinam

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Dear Members of the Prapatti Group:


On this First Day of the Sacred month of Marghazi, It

is my pleasure to extend to you all my greetings.

Charanaagati Sastra or Veda was taught to us by

Sri Andaal for us this month..She woke up Sri Krishna from

His YogaNidra and reminded Him of His duty to protect erring

Chetanas, who want to save themselves through the act of Prapatti.


Swami Desikan says in Godha Stuti that Andaal has a special

influence over Her Lord and it comes from Her service of preparing

the flower garlands for His use by wearing them first . Swami

Desikan hints that her experience is superior to that of the

Azhwars based on the insightful Taniyan of Parasara Bhattar

for Andaal. The difference between the other Azhwars and

Aandaal is that "the other Azhwars ,who were slumbering in

Samsaaraa were awakened by God (Krishna) , but Godha

awakened the Lord, who was in slumber" and reminded Him

of His sworn duties . She not only reminded Him of her

utter subservience (as that all Jivas)to Him as stated

in all Upanishads; More than that , She reminded Him of His

duty to come to the rescue of erring souls seeking His protection.

Being Lord's consort, she had some special advantages

and she used that power over Him.


Swami Desikan composed Godha Stuti to pay homage to

the message of Aandal and pay his personal tribute to Her.

In one verse, he states that the Azhwars followed Godha Devi"s route

in experiencing Her Bhagavat Anubhavam, Preeti and Kainkaryam.

The Azhwars, especially Nammazhwar(Paraankusa Nayaki) and

Thirumangai (Parakaala Nayaki) , followed the route of Bridal Mysticism

of Aandaal and experienced the intense Sringara ways of hers to

relate to Sriman Narayana. Swami Desikan himself emulated Her

to become a bride of the Lord and became Venkata Nayaki and

used lilting ,mellifluos Prakratam(Mazhalai ) to express his love

for "her" Lord in Achyuta satakam.


Swami Desikan like other Vaishnava Acharyas was fascinated by the

relation between Sri and Sriya: Pathi . He ponders this question diplomatically

as he reminds himself of the Garland Exchange Paasuram in Varanamaaiyram

of Andaal"s Nacchiyar Thirumozhi. He says that there is a big debate among

the Rasikas ,who had the good fortune to witness the beautiful "Maalai Maarral "

between Rangamannaar and Andaal at Sri Villiputtur on Her wedding day.

Swami Desikan states that the rasikas are debating whether Ranganatha

is superior to Godha Devi , since She is in servitude to Him as a loving wife

or the other way around because of His Parama Preethi for Her

or whether they are equal to each other in every aspect..Swami

Desikan states that the din of the debate among Rasikas taking

different sides on this matter continues even today. That observation will

form a nice introduction to the planned postings on the role of Sri

in Sri Vaishanva Sampradhaayam.


In an excellent article entitled "Concept of Prapatti as expressed

by Andaal", Professor A.Srinivasa Raghavan commented on the place

of the Divya Dampathi (divine Couple) In Sri Vaishanavam. He points

out that Andaal uses two verses of Thiruppavai(Verses 19&20)

to refer to the three Prapatti aspects of this

Divine Couple: Seshi Dhampathi role,

Charanya Dhampathi role

and Purushakaara role of Sri(Nappinnai in Thiruppavai).


The first verse depicts the Upeyatva of the Divya Dhampathis.

They are Seshi Dhampathi and loving service to them is

the supreme goal of the Jivans.The second verse describes Their

Upaayatva in the role as Charanya Dhampathi , whose innate

grace is the highest means for the supreme goal. Both of them

are Upaaya and Upeya and Lakshmi has the additional quality

of being the Purushakaara (an Interceder; mediatrix of Grace).




The Vyaakayana Chakravarti Periya Vaachaan Pillan and other

scholars have written commentaries on Aandaal"s two compositions

to illustrate how she wove in the doctrines of Prapatti in them. They state that

she does not elaborate on Prapatti and Angas in great detail, but

staright away adopts it and points us the way to practise it.


Prapatti was kept as a secret by the Acharyas of early days. It was

Ramanuja, who proclaimed it to the World and Swami Desikan, Pillai

Lokaacharya and Manavala Maamuni carried on the services of Ramanuja

and that service continues even today by our Acharyas of different



Today is also known as the ThiruppaLLiyezucchi day according to

Sri Rangam Panchaangam. Perhaps it is so inview of the recollection

about another Devotee and "Ranganatha Pathivrata " revered as

Sri Thondaradipodi Azhwaar. He also woke up the Lord of Sri Rangam

with his early morning salutations. The Ushat Kaala Pooja known as

Dhanur Masa Aaraadhanam takes place at all the Sri Vaishanava

temples in their honor starting from today. The fragrance of VeN Pongal,

the Prasadam of the Lord chases its way towards Akkaravadisal.

All of these seasonal thoughts awaken our dormant spirit in the purest

Brahma Muhartam of this month special to Sri Krishna ( Maasaanaam

Marghaseersham) and to Andal , the other Azhwars and our Acharyaas.


May we be blessed with success in our efforts to bring out the CD ROM On

108 Divya Desas and incorporate the "Thondar Kuzhaam" soon to do other

Kainkaryas such as support to the Divya Desams and other activities

petinent to advance the cause of our Sampradhayam from here to the best of our

ability and means.


Sri Andaal Thiruvadigaleh Charanam..


Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan

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