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Mandukya Upanishad & fourth state (Was Avataarams)

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I would like to slightly deviate from Mani's interpretation. The fourth state

is also called kaivalya or atma avalokana. It is no doubt a state of bliss.

But according to our sampradayam this leads to solipsism. Self-realisation (or

atma avalokana) is only a step towards God-realization (Bhagavat-Anubhavam).

Therefore we should reject even the bliss of kaivalya to reach the highest goal

which is the abode of Sriman Narayana.



Vijayaraghavan Srinivasan .

prapatti @ srirangam.esd.sgi.com @ Internet

cc: (bcc: Vijay Srinivasan)

mani @ srirangam.esd.sgi.com ("Mani Varadarajan") @ Internet

01/04/96 04:19:29 PM

Mandukya Upanishad & fourth state (Was Re: Avataarams)




I wanted to clarify what the Mandukya Upanishad says

about the fourth or ``turiya'' state of consciousness.

This is interpreted by all acharyas as the state of

moksha. Of course, according to Advaita it means

that the unity of Brahman has been achieved, and all

distinctions due to ajnaana have disappeared.


According to our acharyas, the fourth state consists

of the complete and immediate apprehension of Brahman

by the individual self, and it consists of absolute

freedom and bliss. Sri Kooranaarayana Muni (not

Kooratthaazhvaan but a later acharya) has commented

on this Upanishad explaining it from a Visistadvaita



Therefore, the goal of Saranagati is this fourth

state of consciousness, the state of saayujyam

where the self comes face to face with God and

mingles with Him.



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I wanted to clarify what the Mandukya Upanishad says

about the fourth or ``turiya'' state of consciousness.

This is interpreted by all acharyas as the state of

moksha. Of course, according to Advaita it means

that the unity of Brahman has been achieved, and all

distinctions due to ajnaana have disappeared.


According to our acharyas, the fourth state consists

of the complete and immediate apprehension of Brahman

by the individual self, and it consists of absolute

freedom and bliss. Sri Kooranaarayana Muni (not

Kooratthaazhvaan but a later acharya) has commented

on this Upanishad explaining it from a Visistadvaita



Therefore, the goal of Saranagati is this fourth

state of consciousness, the state of saayujyam

where the self comes face to face with God and

mingles with Him.



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On Jan 4, 3:33pm, Vijay Srinivasan wrote:

> Re: Mandukya Upanishad & fourth state (Was Re: Avataarams)


> I would like to slightly deviate from Mani's interpretation. The fourth


> is also called kaivalya or atma avalokana. It is no doubt a state of bliss.

> But according to our sampradayam this leads to solipsism.


This is not the turiya or fourth state described in

the Upanishad. While there is an intermediate state

of consciousness in our philosophy, where the individual

self is free from all matter and has infinite jnaana,

this is not what the Upanishad is discussing when

describing the fourth state, which discusses the experience

of the all-pervading, non-dual Lord.


It is the paramaatma that is experienced in the fourth




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