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Apasthambha & other Kalpa Sutras

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Two of our members had asked for Information on these Sutras. I had written

about them earlier in a special issue of Tattvaloka Journal on the 40 Hindu


Here is an elaboration on that article focussing more on the Sutras as opposed

to the

Samskaras they deal with.


The Sixth limb (Anga ) of the Vedas is Known as Kalpam.

It is considered as the Hands of the Vedas, since it deals with

doing Karmas prescribed by the Vedas. Those Karmas and the fruits thereof

should be offered to the Supreme being at the end of their performance.


The Kalpams provide details on who should do what and at what stage of one's


They elaborate on the mantras to be recited, the Samagriyas to be assembled,the


to officiate at these rituals and prescribed functions.


The Kalpa Sutrams have been given to us by various Sages . In the south, Krishna


Yajur Vedam is dominant or popular. Six rishis -- Aapasthambhar, BodhAyanar,

VaigAnasar, SatyAshaadar,Bharadvajar and Agnivesar-- have written Sutras for the


practioners of Krishna Yajur Veda Saakhaa. These Rishis have written both the

Sroutha and Gruhya Sutrams for the Saakaas.


Two sages have written Sutras for Rg Vedam. The popular one is by Asvlaayanar.

The other not so prevalent is that by SaankAyanar.


Sage Kaatyayanar has written Sutras for Sukla Yajur Vedam


For Sama Veda Saakas, Laatyayanar has written for Kouthuma Saakaa.

For RaaNaaaneeya Saakaa , Diraahyayanar has written Sroutha Sutrams. The

Grihya Sutrams for this Saakaa has been written by Gopilar .

Sage Jaimini has written sutrams for the Talavakaara Saaka of Sama Vedam.


Atharva Vedam is not so prevalent. No Kalpa Sutram is available today.

>From Garbha Dhanam (placement of the seed) to Antimeshti (Ultimate Ishti or

Yaga , the cremation ceremony in which the body is offered as Havis in the

Sacred fire),

there are 40 Samskaras for a Hindu. There are a subset for women among the

40. For

instance, they do not have the Upanayanam ceremony. Either the Sroutha or the

Gruhya Sutra

covers these 40 ceremonies. Among the 21 Yajnas -- 7 Paka, 7 Soma, 7 Havir

Yajnas--, Sroutha

Sutras cover the 7 Soma and 7 Havir Yajnas. The Gruhya Sutras cover the 7 Paka

Yajnas and the

rest of the 19 Samskaraas.


Gruhya Yajnas/Samskaaraas are smaller in scope than the Sroutha Yajnas, which

need major

effort. The former are done at home mostly (Gruham).Theothers are done at

special sites

outside the home. When we say Abhivaadhanam, we referer to the Sroutha Sutram

associated with one's Veda Saakaa.Aapasthabhar has written Sroutha and Gruhya


Hence we recite Aapasthambha sutra: Yajussaakaadhyaayi, there is no

complication. In

contrast, One who belongs to RaaNaaneeya Saakaa of Sama Veda can not quote


in his Abhivaadhanam, but has to mention the sage Diraahyayanar alone. Latter


the Sroutha Sutram and Gopilar wrote only the Gruhya Sutrams for this Saakaa.


There is a subdivision of Sroutha Sutras known as Sulpa Sutras. These deal with


details on Yajnas. Kaatyayanar, Hiranyakesar and Bodhaayanar have given us


Sulpa Sutras.


In addition to the ways of conductance of the Samskaras and Yajnas, these

Kalpa Sutras also decribe the Sikhai (Urdhva Sikhaior Poorva Sikhai ) , Pundram

to be worn and other details on Karmaanushtaanam.


My father was an expert on Apasthambha Sutras and I have some moth eaten

remnants of Apaasthambha Prayogas that are interesting to say the least to

study. Kaanchi Periyavaal has commented extensively

on Kalpa Sutras in the chapters on Vedas and their Six Angaas.



Gruhya Sutras also cover the remaining 26

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