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A Dialogue on Hinduism




M.A. M.Sc., (Lond.) I.R.T.S. (Retd.)


















1. Vedas and Sastras


Vedas - Upanishads - Vedangas Smritis - Itihasas -

Puranas - Agamas - Mimamsa - Brahma Sutras -

Prasthana Traya - Systems of philosophy


2. Alwars and Acharyas


Alwars and their works - Guru parampara -

Acharyas and their works


3. The 'Doctrine Special' of Visishtadvaita


Pramanas - Senses of Knowledge and action -

Artha Panchaka - Body/Soul relationship -

Antaryami Brahmana


4. The Eternal Jivatma


Nature of the soul or jivatma Categories of the soul

(baddha, mukta, nitya)-Dharma bhutajnana


5. Matter and -Creation


Achetana and its categories - Prakriti and its

modifications - Gross and Subtle elements -

Process of creation Quintuplication (Panchi

karana) Tripartition (Trivrit karana) Samashti and

Vyashti Srishtis - Time (Kala) - Suddha Sattva


6. Iswara - The Lord and Master


Iswara - Upadana Karana (Material cause), -

Nimitta Karana (Instrumental cause), Sahakari

Karana (Supporting cause) - The Supreme Deity,

Narayana Purpose of Avataras - Para, Vyuha,

Vibhava, Antaryami, Archa Divyadesas



7. Advaita, Visishtadvaita and Dvaita


Bheda Sruti, Abheda Sruti, Ghataka Sruti - Maya

or Illusion Three types of reality of Advaitins

Reality of the world - Reality of dreams - Para

Brahman and Apara Brahman of Advaitins

Saguna Brahman and Nirguna Brahman - Mukti,-

Krama Mukti and Jivan Mukti of Advaitins - Maha

Vakyas of Advaitins - Essentials of Dvaita -system


8. Karma, Jnana, Bhakti Yogas


Ajna and Anujna Kainkaryas Karma Yoga - Jnana

Yoga - Bhakti - Bhakti vs. Prapatti - Types of

people worshipping the Lord - People worshipping

other deities - Types of food - Purity of body,

speech and mind - Types of gifts - Types of tyagas

-Types of persons - Salokya, Sarupya, Samipya



9. jivatma and Paramatma


Jivatma, the doer (of action) - Lord's role in

Jivatma's actions - Evolution of the world - Types

of pralaya - Various systems of philosophy - The

Saguna Brahman of Sankara - Validity of

Pancharatra Agamas - Purpose of creation of the



10. The Departure of the Soul


Process of departure of soul and elements from the

body - Path of light and path of smoke - The five

fires - Distribution of punya and papa of a

prapanna - Enjoyment of soul in Paramapada


11. Prapatti


Angas of prapatti - Destruction of karmas of

prapanna - Prayaschitta and punishment - Types of

Prapatti Prapatti and the-three samarpanas

Behaviour after Prapatti - Ramanuja's advice


12. The Three Secrets


Ashtakshara and meanings - Dvaya and meanings -

Charama Sloka and meanings - Siddhopaya and



13. Vadakalai and Tenkalai


Differences of opinion between the two seats -

Points of difference regarding Lakshmi, Kaivalya,

Bhakti as Upaya " Prapatti Markata nyaya and

Marjara nyaya - Significance and meaning of

Lord's compassion Antarvyapti and Bahirvyapti' -

Sins of devotees


14. Conclusion


Importance of Acharya and Bhagavatas Daily

Service to Lord - The four-sacred books.









Sri Visishtadvaita Research Centre has been promote to

nurture the Visishtadvaita philosophy that has bee handed

down to us from ancient times. The prima objectives of

the Centre are:


1. To support the Madurantakam Sanskrit

College and those other institutions which

have similar objectives;


2. To extend all practical service to Sri

Vaishnava Divya Kshetras and other leading

temples in that class;


3. To encourage the Vidwans in the study an

spread of Visishtadvaita philosophy;


4. To publish and make available the vas

reservoir of Visishtadvaita literature a

poured out by Maharishis, Alwars an



5. To promote continuing research into the

Visishtadvaita philosophy and to relate it

findings to modern scientific thinking. I

doing so, encourage the younger generation

to pursue this school of thought wit

veneration and a deep sense of commitment

to rational understanding of the subject.


"A dialogue on Hinduism" is the first publication coming

out of this Centre, in pursuance of these objectives, and

to serve as an outline of what the Visishtadvaita school of

thinking is.


The publication has been conceived to inform and

instruct the uninitiated as to what Hinduism is, and in

particular, what Ramanuja's school of philosophy is. We

do hope and trust that this book, published in English,

will serve the younger generation amongst us who are

curious to know the foundations of Hinduism and the

various philosophies that have been presented to us from

time to time by our Acharyas: notably, Adi Sankara,

Ramanuja and Madhva.


We have been particularly fortunate in persuading Sri V.

N. Gopala Desikan to write this book. He is eminently

qualified to do so, not only by virtue of his own academic

qualification but also because he has been uniquely

privileged to learn the subject in depth from his father

Navanitam Srirama Desikacharya Swami. His

grandfather, Navanitam Krishnamacharya Swami had

edited many rare Sanskrit books including Mahabharata,

Upanishad Bhashya of Ranga Ramanuja Swami and

Naya Mayukha Malika of Appayya Dikshitar.


Navanitam Srirama Desikacharya Swami was an has

done yeoman service in Desika's works in Sanskrit and

lucid commentaries on them in Desika Darsanam is

unparalleled in recent times.


Sri V.N. Gopala Desikan is currently Member, Railway

Claims Tribunal. It is a dream fulfilled for him, because

he has always wanted to share his knowledge with the

younger generation both as a duty and a service in the

cause of our religion and philosophy. Nothing will make

him happier than to see a large number of our children

benefit from this work. Equally, nothing else would have

been greater contribution from Visishtadvaita Research

Centre than this first publication from its fold.


We dedicate this publication to the younger generation of

this country whose ability to read and understand our

ancient value system in their own mother tongue has

become less and less convenient.



S.V.S. Raghavan





There is a long-felt need to have a simple, elementary

book in English, explaining the fundamentals a)f our

great philosophy and religion. In the modern age, people

- including the younger generation - have, the desire to

know about our religion and philosophy, but do not have

the time and facility to study in the conventional way,

under an Acharya.


The Visishtadvaita Research Centre, therefore, entrusted

me with the task of writing a simple book in English on

Sanatana Dharma, as handed to us by the Acharyas of the

Visishtadvaita School.


I consider it a great privilege and honour to have been

entrusted with this noble task. I am fully aware of my

shortcomings in this regard, but I have faithfully obeyed

the elders and written the book in a most elementary

manner. To make the points very clear and easy to

understand, I have purposely repeated some ideas. I

request the reader's indulgence for my purposeful

repetitions, my sole objective being to make the subject

as simple and clear as possible.


Sri R.K. Swamy, President of the Research Centre

deserves all the credit for this venture. He was a source

of inspiration to me; he enthused and encouraged me to

write this book and gave, me all assistance. My grateful

thanks are due to him in no small measure.


I am deeply indebted to Sri Ubha Ve - Agnihotram

Ramanuja -Thathachariar Swami; Sri Ubha Ve

Pudukkottai Prof. A. Srinivasa Raghaa,acharya Swami;

and Sri Ubha Ve - Dr. V Varadachariar Swami of French

Institute of Indology, Pondicherry, for very kindly going

through the manuscript and offering valuable



I am grateful to Sri. N.V. Ramanan, Creative Chief and, R. K. Swamy Advertising Associates Private

Ltd. for patiently going through the manuscripts and

offering valuable suggestions.


I am thankful to Sri R. Subramanian and Sri N.

Padmanaban of R.K. Swamy Advertising Associates

Private Ltd., for the excellent secretarial assistance



This book covers only the basic essentials of our

Siddhanta and is intended for beginners. It is hoped this

book will kindle further interest to delve deep in the

ocean of our Sastras.



November 1989


V. N. Gopala Desikan




(A beautiful picture of Sri Ramanuja with his hands folded in anjali)




(Back of back cover)


Sri V. N. Gopala Desikan, the Author


Sri. Gopala Desikan hails from an illustrious family of

erudite scholars. His grandfather, Sri. Navanitam

Krishnamachariar Swami, edited and published many

rare Sanskrit works and was one of the greatest

Vaishnavite scholars of his times. His father, Sri. V.N.

Srirama Desikachariar Swami had edited and written

commentaries on many works of Vedanta Desika and

was the recipient of the President's Award for Sanskrit.


Besides a brilliant academic career, in India and abroad,

Sri Gopala Desikan also studied the sacred works in the

traditional way, under his illustrious father. having held

very senior positions in the Indian Railways, Sri Gopala

Desikan is presently Member, Railway Claims Tribunal,





Note: When a dash (-) is put above an alphabet, the

alphabet has to be pronounced long. Rama, like Ball,

Jiva like Keep, Purva like Crude.



Abhava - Non-existence

Abheda - Non-difference

Acharya - Teacher

Achetana - Non-sentient

Achit - See Achetana

Adhara - Support

Adheya - The supported

Advaita - Non-dualism (Not two)

Advitiya - Without a second

Agama - Religious Treatise

Ahankara - Egoism; A stage of prakriti in evolution

Aikya - Identity

Ajnana - Ignorance

Akasa - Ether

Akshara - Imperishable

Alwar - Vaishnavite Saints

Amnaya - Veda

Amsa - Part

Ananta - Infinite; Adisesha

Antaryami - Immanent one

Anu - Atom

Anumana - Inference

Apavarga - Release from Samsara

Arthavada - Passage in praise, (not to

be taken literally always)

Arthapanchaka - Five truths

Asat - The changeable

Atma - Self, Soul

Avatara - Incarnation

Baddha - The bound (soul in samsara)

Bhagavad Gita -

Bhagavan - Paramatma

Bhagavata - Devotee of God

Bhagavata Kainkarya - Service to devotees of God

Bhakti - Devotion to God; Bhakti Yoga

Bhava - Feeling

Bheda - Difference

Bhogya - Object of experience or enjoyment

Bhrama - Error

Brahman - The Supreme

Brahma - the four-faced Deva

Chetana - Sentient

Chit - See Chetana

Darsana - System of philosophy

Dasa - Servant

Dharaka - Sustenance, Supporter

Dhayana - Meditation

Divya Prabandha - Outpourings of Alwars

Dvaita - Dualism

Gita - Bhagavat Gita

Guru Prampara - The line of teachers

Indriyas - Senses

Iswara, Isvara - God

Jiva, Jivatma - Individual Souls or Self

Jnana - Knowledge

Kainkarya - Service

Kaivalya - Realisation of Self

Kalyana Guna - Auspicious quality

Kama - Desire

Kamya Karma - Action prompted by desire

Karma - Action; Result on the

Self of its previous actions

Karta - Doer

Kinkara - Servant

Lakshana - Definition

Lila - Sport

Loka - World

Mahabharata -

Manas - Mind

Maya - Illusion

Moksha - Release from samsara (Attaining Paramapada)

Mukta - Released Soul

Mukti - See Moksha

Mula prakriti - Primordial Matter

Mumukshu - Seeker of Moksha

Nama - Name

Nara - Man

Narayana - Maha Vishnu

Neti - Not thus

Nigama - Veda

Niravayava - Partless

Nirguna - Without qualities

Nirhetuka - Unconditioned (without cause)

Nirveda - Regret, Repentance

Nityasuri - The eternally free

Niyanta - Ruler, Controller

Pancharatra - Vaishnava Agamas

Papa - Sin

Para - Great

Parama - Supreme

Paramapada - Sri Vaikunta

Paramatma - Supreme Self

Paratantrya - Dependence on God, others

Parinama - Change

Pradhana - See prakriti

Prakara - Mode

Prakari - The substance which has modes, Brahman

Prakriti - Nature, Modification of

Matter, Also called

Mulaprakriti, pradana,

akshara, avyakta

Pramana - Source of valid

knowledge, authority

Prapanna - One who has surrendered his Self to God

Prapatti - Self-surrender to God

Prapti - Attainment

Prarabdha Karma - Past Karma that has begun to bear fruit

Purushartha - Ends of human endeavour, Ultimate objective

Purvapaksha - Prima facie view

Raga - Desire

Rajas - The quality of prakriti, producing

restless activity

Ramanuja - Vaishnavite Acharya

Sabda - Verbal testimony,

Scriptural authority

Sadhyopaya - The means to moksha, which has to be

effected by the aspirant

Saguna - Possessing attributes

Samashti - Aggregate

Samsara - Cycle of births and deaths, Bondage

Samsaya - Doubt

Samslesha - union

Sanchita Karma - Past Karma which has not yet commenced to

yield fruit

Sankalpa - Will

Sankocha - Contradiction

Sariri - Owner of the body, Atma

Sat - Sentient being

Sattva - The quality of prakriti,

leading to happiness and harmony

Sesha - one who exists for the

purpose of another (Seshi)

Sesi - One who utilises the Sesha for his purpose

Siddhanta - The final view, philosophy

Siddhopaya - The means which is self existent and

readily available, i.e. God

Sivam - Auspicious

Srishti - Creation

Sruti - Vedas

Sunya - Non-existent

Svadhyaya - Study of Vedas

Tamas - The quality of prakriti resulting in

indolence and inertia

Tanmatra - Subtle element

Tattva - Truth, reality

Upadhi - Limiting adjunct, limitation

Upaya - Means to an end

Upeya - End to be attained

Vada - Argument, theory

Vaikunta - Sri Vaikunta

Vedanta - Upanishad; Philosophy

Vibhu - All pervasive

Vichara - Enquiry

Vidheyatva - The quality of being controlled

Vijnana - Knowledge

Vikara - Change

Vikasa - Expansion

Viparyaya - Wrong notion

Viseshana - Attribute of an object

Vislesha - Separation

Visishtadvaita - Pan - Organismal monism







1. Sri Bhashya of Ramanuja

2. Gita Bhashya of Ramanuja

3. Vedartha Sangraha of Ramanuja

4. Rahasya Traya Sara of Vedanta Desika

5. Mumukshuppadi, Tattvatraya and Sri Vachana

Bhushana of Pillai Lokacharya

6. Yatindramata Dipika of Srinivasacharya

7. Vedanta Karikavali of Venkatacharya

8. Siddhanta traya sangraha of Kapisthalam


9. The Philosophy of Visishtadvaita by P.N.


10. Visishtadvaita Vijaya by Ranganathacharya and S.

Krishnaswamy Iyengar

11. Vishnuchitta Vijaya by S. Krishnaswamy Iyengar

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