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From Sridhar Srinivasan...

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> >Sri Mohan Sagar writes:


> >Dear Bhagavathas,


> >I spent part of my work day today exchanging some poignant E-mails

> >with a member of this forum who stated that I was overstepping my

> >bounds in discussing the issue of karma and prapatti with Mr.

> >Dileepan. While I was somewhat pained at first with what this

> >individual had to say, I now realize that this person's views of me

> >are very correct. Based on this, I present the following:


> let me make a few statuotory disclaimers at the outset, lest my mail

> box be inundated with poignant hate mail: whatever follows are

> opinions (which I hope we all have the rights to express) and not

> designed to denigrate anybody. All umbrage taken is the

> responsibility of the person doing so. That said,


> The exchanges visavis karma and prapatti over the last few days, bring

> to fore, an unpleasant yet real aspect of the bhakti digest that one

> has to come to grips with. Often, view points expressed in terms

> contrary to a certain position taken by some of our learned (and often

> strident) friends (to name a couple in this case, Sri Dileepan and

> Sri Kalale) engenders significant public (and even more, private)

> censure. I believe such an attitude is counter productive to healthy

> dialog to foster learning more about our sampradayam. The idea is, is

> it quite correct to assume ignorance on part of one person and

> correctness on part of another implicitly by identity or publicly

> expressed views? Sometimes the ones who are silent are so because

> they are evolved enough to realize that these are not things one

> learns by "poignant" exchanges.


> Both Sri Kalale and Sri Dileepan clearly have little inkling (at least

> going by their publicly expressed views and in my opinion, not their

> fault) about two fundamental aspects of Sri VaishNava siddhantham as

> laid down in Acharya hrudayam and Sri vachana bhushaNam:


> 1. Nirankusha swAnthryam of SrimannArAyaNA

> 2. Nirhethuka kripa of the lord


> the first states that our good lord is not bound by anything,

> including our karmas, to do anything. he is beyond all kArmic

> and every other causal notion. The second and an extremely

> profound notion, (one that has to be learnt at the feet of a learned

> Acharya, not merely hobnobbing with them, to use a wodehousian phrase)

> is that of who is it that allows us to have things happen to us? Can

> we take credit for our karmas? if we do (given the uncountable doshAs

> that we possess) can we ever (and will we ever qualify) go the next

> step, that of going beyond karma, gnyAna and bhakti? It is his

> infinite krupa that lets us go wherever; it is our infinite doshAs

> that allows us to wallow in our ignorance and ahankAra, taking credit

> for things that are not ours and not taking credit for the doshAs that

> we posess


> This aspect is the first thing taught by your Acharya,

> NaichyAnumsandhAnam, that one is inferior by nature and action, in

> comparison to the Anantha kalyANA guNangaL that the lord possess and

> the anantha doshAngaL that we do. What is the pramANa for this?

> Sri Azhagiya maNavaaLa perumaaL nAyanAr beautifully exposes the

> nature of things in his Acharya hrudayam as,


> samsaara mokshatthukku hethu gnyAthavya panchaka gnyana agnyaanangaL


> samsaaram - anantha klesham

> Moksham - nirathishaya Aanandam


> What are the artha panchaka gnyanam that form the basis for moksham?


> jeevathma paramAthma virOdhi upAya purushArtha swaroopangal


> sathvam comes from artha panchaka gnyAnam

> asathvam comes from artha panchaka agnyAnam


> sathvam asathvangaLukku nidhAnam janma jAyamAna kAla kaTAkshangaL


> from


> jAyamAnam cha purusham yam pashyeth madhusudhanaha

> sAthvikaha thad vigneyaha sa vai mOkshArtha chinthithaha

> vadanthe sakalAvedAha sEthihAsa puraNakAha

> munayaha cha mahAthmAnaha


> The important part here is yam pashyeth madhusudhanaha, one who is

> blessed by the lord - then he becomes a sAthvika - where does this

> blessing come from - nirhethuka krupa. When seen by the lord, the

> purusha wakes up, becomes a sAthvika and becomes a gnyAni (artha

> panchakam is the context here) and becomes mOkshartha chinthithaha.


> Examining this further, Sri NAyanAr says


> sathvam asathvangaLukku nidhAnam janma jAyamAna kAla kaTAkshangaL


> kaTAkshathAle sathvaguNam piRakkum (jAyamAna kAla kaTakshangaL)

> ****idarku hethu karmamum krupaiyum****


> janmam is the source of agnyAnam (bondage of samsAra). Source of

> janmam is karma. It is our karma that keeps up bound in samsAra. It

> is because of Lord's krupa that we become saathvikAs and wake up to

> reality, that he is the path and the goal.


> so, what is the basis or kAraNa for karma/krupa?


> for karma, it is avidyA, for krupa, it is the Lord's sauhArdam


> where does the avidyA come from - achit sambandham

> sauhArdam - ayana sambandham


> In sequence, Sri NAyanAr lays down the steps as


> Anantha klesha bhAjanam -- agnyAnam - asathvam (rAjasa/thAmasa

> guNangal) - janmam - karmam - avidyA - achit sambandham


> In the other direction, the sequence is


> Nirathishaya Aanandam - artha panchaka gnyAnam - sathvam - jAyamAna

> kAla kaTAksham - krupa - sauhardam - ayana sambandham


> Lord krishna in Bhagavadgeetha says he sarvabhootha suhruth.


> The important idea is that when sathva raises its head in us, it is

> foolhardy to think that it is US who are responsible for it. It is

> his kripa, uninstigated (for he is the lord) and unbound (for he is

> nirankusha swathanthran), by saamsaarik notions of karma. In fact,

> when krishNa says


> thraiguNya vishayO vedaaha nisthraiguNyo bhavArjuna


> he is exhorting Arjuna to seek the lord as the upAya and the upEya,

> the path and purushartha. To think efforts laden with swAbhimAnam and

> ahankaram (the I in us) will lead to anything saathvik is contrary to

> both shastric wisdom and Sri VaishNava siddhAntha pramANangaL.


> Since I am writing this from work, and reproducing statements from

> memory, there might be many errors. I beg forgiveness of those

> whose sensibilities are offended by my incorrect reproductions of

> important concepts.


> The notion of nirhethuka kripa is an important and profound idea, one

> not easily absorbed if ego is prevalent in one's conceptions.

> However, if we think about how lowly we are by thought and deed, and

> realize the infinite kripA of the lord in giving opportunities to step

> out of this miasma to something as exalted as mOksham, it will become

> manifest that every aspect what we become (in a positive sense) is

> because of him.


> Now, coming to the recent tone of exchanges, I wish to make a couple

> of points. Reproducing isolated stanzas from Bhagavadgita to make a

> point without the appropriate context (and a clear exposition of

> karma, gnyana, bhakthi) is irrelevant. I can simply say that the lord

> has sanctioned devathAnthara aAradhanam by quoting


> yEpyanya devathA bhakthA bhajanthE shraddhayAnvitha

> thEpi mAmeva kaunthEya bhajanthi


> and saying that it does not matter whom you seek, it reaches our good

> lord any way. Because this statement does not provide the supporting

> context. Anyone familiar with Bharavadgita will know that our good

> lord talks about karma, gnyAna, bhakthi, karma phala thyAgam and then

> says


> SaRva dharmAn parithyajya........


> that he is the upAya and upeya. that he is the path and he is the

> purushArtham. that give up every other dharma and seek him as the

> ultimate dharma.


> The other aspect, one that I have often seen, is the not too subtle

> bullying just because our preset notions allow us to think that we are

> knowledgeable. As it is said in Sri vachana bhushaNam,


> prapathikku desha kAla adhikkari niyamangaL kidaiyAdhu

> vishaya niyamame unDu


> Sri Dileepan writes:


> >Sri Mohan Sagar:


> >I am afraid your explanation is seriously flawed. Please read the

> >RTS excerpt I had attached to my previous post and address the phrase

> >"stream of karma". Why is Swami Sri Desikan stating doubt after

> >doubt about the need for our effort and then destroying these doubts

> >with logic and pramana, if he considers karma to be irrelevant for

> >prapatti?

> ......................................................

> >first understand this basic distinction. Thus your task of showing

> >that Sri Krishna's statement was a misunderstanding of Swami Sri

> >Desikan still remains in tact.


> It would be equally foolhardy of me to demand of Mr. Kalale that he

> explain nirhethuka krupa as laid down in Acharya hridayam and

> mumukshuppadi. Because, without this awareness, Sri Kalale should not

> be talking about nirhethuka (and sahethuka ) krupa. As a matter of

> fact, Swami Desikan's dayA shatakam is an eloquent reinforcement of

> the lord's infinite, uninstigated kripa for us. If this is not

> pramANa for nirhethuka krupa, i would not know what is.


> So, what is the role nithya karmas in this context? I will, in my

> extensive ignorance, attempt to address this issue in later posts.

> Again, please understand that I would like to promote harmonious

> exchanges of view points, and if I have erred in any manner in

> presenting these thoughts, I beg the

> kind forgiveness of the learned prapannas in this forum.


> Aazhvaar Emberumaanaar Jeeyar thiruvadigaLe sharaNam


> sridhar





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