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A Sautation to NammAzhwAr : Sri Ranganatha PadhukhA Sahasram

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Dear BhakthAs :


one of the most appropriate topic for saluting

NammAzhwAr is the tribute paid by Swami Desikan to him

through the 1008 verses housed in his illustrious

work revered as PaadhukhA Sahasram . I had a number of

postings earlier on this subject with particular emphasis on Naada

Paddhathi , which was the 14th section among the 32 sections .

I will cover in future postings illustrative excerpts from the

sections that follow the beautiful Naada Paddathi . I will dwell

at length on the last four paddathis (viz)., PrakeerNa , Chitra , Nirveda

and Pala paddahthis. In these four sections , Swami Deesikan has

not only demonstrated his impressive skills as a poet , but

has also distilled the essence of VisishtAdvaitha doctrines. Let us

seek Lord RanganAthA's and Swami Desikan's blessings

to reenter into these discussions .


Swami Desikan's tribute to NammAzhwAr in Yathiraaja Sapthathi



Yasya Saarasvatham srOthO vagulAmOdhavaasitham I

srutheenAm visramAyAlam satArim tamupaasmahE II


(Meaning and comments ) : VishvaksEnar revealed the meanings of

the three rahasyAs and yOgam to SatakOpan and thus became

the Achaarya for the latter. SatakOpan was blessed to wear

the Mahizhampoo garland of the Lord of Thirukkuruhoor

and as a result the prabandhams that came out of his mouth

carry the never-fading fragrance of those flowers sanctified by

the Lord. The blessed prabandhams of the AzhwAr in Tamil

instruct one and all about the deep meanings of VedAntha

in an easy -to-understand manner. As a result of this unique

service by the AzhwAr to the Sanskritic VedAs , they take a much

needed rest . The flood of the paasurams form the AzhwAr's

lips flow and uplift us and bless us with all kinds of auspiciousness.

Thus as a paramAchaarya , SatakOpan thru his most merciful

service deserves our uninterrupted meditation on him and his

aruLiccheyalgaL .


The Paddhathis of Sri Ranganatha PaadhukhA Sahasram(RPS)

after Naada Paddhathi(NP) have been covered in the last posting

of mine on RPS . I will summarize them once again for ready

reference .


The one that immediately follows the NP is the Rathna SaamAnya

Paddhathi, which constitutes the 15th paddahti of RPS .

This paddhathi has 50 slokams.The ones after

the latter paddhathi are :


(16) Bahurathna Paddhathi -- 50 slokams

(17) Padmaraaga Paddhathi--30 slokams

(18) MukthA paddhathi --50 Slokams

(19) Marataka Paddhathi -- 20 Paasurams

(20 ) Indraneela Paddhathi --30 Slokams

(21) BimbhaPrathibimbha Paddhathi --20 Slokams

(22) Kanchana Paddhathi --20 Slokams

(23) Sesha Paddhathi -- 10 Slokams

(24) Dvandva Paddhathi --20 Slokams

(25) SannivEsa Paddhathi --20 Slokams

(26) YanthrikA paddhathi -- 10 Slokams

(27) RekA Paddhathi --10 Slokams

(28) Subhaashitha Paddhathi --10 Slokams

(29) PrakeerNa paddhathi --80 Slokams

(30 ) Chithra Paddhathi --40 Slokams

(31) Nirveda Paddhathi --20 Slokams

(32) Pala Paddhathi -- 47 Slokams


In my last posting , I have covered the topics of the individual

paddhathis starting from the Rathna SaamAnya paddhathi (15th)

to the Pala Paddhathi (32nd) . In the subsequent postings , I will

select illustrative slOkams from each of the Paddathis for comments

and focus particularly on the last four paddhathis .


Rathna SaamAnya Paddhathi (15th Paddhathi of RPS)


Sixth Slokam :


kasyApi pumsa: kanakApagAyA :

puNyE saleelam puLinE sayALo: I

sameepa vrutthir maNipAdhukE !

tvam samvAhayantheeva padam karai: tava II


(Meaning ) : O Ranganatha PaadhukhE ! The Lord is resting

under the Ranga VimAnam . You are resting under His lotus

feet. The effulgence from your rays fall on those sacred feet.

When we experience this beautiful scene , it appears to us

that you are pressing His feet with your hands of rays emanating

from your gems to remove His fatigue arising from His wanderings

in the DandakA forest during RaamAvathAram .


27th Slokam of the Ratna SaamAnya Paddhathi



rathnOpalaprakara sambhava yesha dhoorAdh

RangadhirAja charaNAvani ! taavakeena: I

ardhrAparAdha parikinna dhiyAm prajAnAm

asvAsanArtha iva bhaathi karaprAsAra : II


O PaadhukhE that protect the sacred feet of the Lord of

Srirangam ! The effulgence from the rays originating

from the many gems embedded in you spread over long

distances . When we see these extended lustrous rays ,

it appears as though you have extended your hands and

have reached out to the suffering samsAris and comfort them

with your soothing touch . The inner meaning is that the AchAryas

out of their dayA svarupam comfort the people , who come to them

with repentance over the many apachArams that they have committed .


31st Slokam of the Rathna SaamAnya paddhathi



divishan makutEshu sancharanthyA:

prachurasthE maNi paadhukhE ! prakaasa : I

divi RangapathEr mahOthsavArtham

vitathA vandana maalikEva bhAthi II


O Gem studded PaadhukhE of the Lord! When the DevAs

carry you on their heads and move around in the celestial space ,

the trace of rays from your multi-colored gems appear like

a thoraNam ( colored banners strung on ropes ) set up

for the great festivals of the Lord of Srirangam .


The inner meanings is that the recitation of the Paasurams

of NammAzhwAr by Sri VaishNavAs on the streets of Srirangam

during the grest uthsavams of the Lord containing many sentiments,

(viz)., Joy , anger , sorrow , dejection , appear like the multi-toned

aural thoraNam . The arc of the rays are delightful to see and

the sound effect of the recitation of the paasurams is pleasing to hear.



33rd Slokam of the Ratna SaamAnya paddhathi



paripasyathi Devi ! RanganAthE rahasi tvam savidhE nivisya LakshmyA : I

paripushyasi ratnadhAmabhi: svai: anusuyEva manogyam angarAgam II


(meaning ) : O PaadhukhE !There are many colored gems

embedded on your surface . When the Lord is seated next to

His consort , the effulgence from those gems fall on Her.

That looks like the spreading of sandal paste by AnusooyA

on the limbs of SitA piratti during her visit to the asramam

of the husband of AnusooyA .


The inner meaning is that the pleasure experienced by the divya

Dampathis from hearing the Paasurams of the AzhwAr is exquisite.


50th Slokam of Rathna SaamAnya paddhathi



taapa trayam nirundhE pachathi kashAyAn visoshayathi pankam I

tejasthriyam idham thE sankhE RangEndrapaadhukE ! teja: II


(meaning ) : O Rangaantha PaadhukhE ! Your lustre banishes

the three kinds of afflictions (taapAs ) that the jeevan suffers in

this prakruthi mandalam . It cooks to perfection the paapAs . That

lustre dries up and drives away the sins like a functioning dessicator.

Therefore , I think that lustre of yours is made up of the three luminous

bodies (viz)., the Sun , the Moon and the Fire (Agni ) . The three effects

of the Tejas of the PaadhukhAs are : (1) Taapa Trayam nirundhE ;

KashAyAn pachathi ; pankam visoshayathi . The adhyaathmika ,

Aadhi daivika and Aadhi bowdhika taapams are banished.(2) The cruel

sins are cooked and lose their power .(3) It dries up the wet mud of sins

( pankham visOshayathi ) and the paapams are evaporated ..


The inner meaning is that t he AchAryAs are sarva vidha bhandhus .

Some times they will shout in anger over your trespasses of the sAstrAs .

Some times , they will speak to you with great compassion over those

trespasses and discourage you from them . That is why the SaastrAs

declare them as the forever caring sarva vidha bandhus to the jeevans .


Srimathe NigamAntha MahA DesikAya nama:

Sri NammAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

Sri RanganAtha ParabrahmaNE NamO Nama:


Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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