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PrakeerNa Paddhathi (PKP) : --Part 3

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Dear Devotees of Sri NammAzhwAr :


I will cover the Slokams 841-850 of RPS ( PKP : 11-20)

in this posting :


Slokam 841 of RPS/ Slokam 11 of PKP



sONOpalaisccharaNa rakshaNi ! samsrithEshu

chayAhtmanA maratakEshu tavAvagAta : I

anvathE sowrirabhitha : palapankthisobhini

aatmAnamEva sayitham vatapatramadhyE II


In the 717th slokam of RPS , Swami Desikan described

the beautiful image of the Lord reflected on the paadhukhAs

as vatapatra saayee or the child lying on a pupil leave and

floating on the waters of praLayam . Here , he takes the

analogy one step further and presents us the augmented

image , where the rubies of the paadhukhAs join with the

emerald gems . He says : " Oh , PaadhukhE ! Your red

rubies surrounded by your emeralds give the appearance

of your Lord resting as a child on the green leaf of a pupil

tree demarcated by the rows of red fruits of pupil on all

His four sides .


Slokam 842 of RPS/ Slokam 12 of PKP



speetham padAvani ! tava snapanArdhra murhtE :

aasgaram tathamabhooth maNirasmi jaalam I

leelOchitham Raghusuthasya sakyamAsan

yAthooni yasya valayEna vivEshtithAni II


Swami Desikan describes the wide envelope of

the rays that emanated from the gems adorning the

paadhukhAs at the time of its coronation in AyodhyA .

He visualizes them as an expansive wet net in which

the RakshasAs were caught so that RamachandrA can

hunt them down easily .


He says : " Oh PaadhukhE ! Your wet form after your sacred

bath created a spreading envelope of bright rays arising from

your gems . That appears like a vast and round fish net to

catch the evil RakshasAs of LankhA , the target of your Lord's hunt " .


Slokam 843 of RPS/ Slokam 13 of PKP



rathnAmsubhistava tadhA maNipaadarakshE !

samrajyamAna vapushAm rajaneemukhEshu I

aakasmikAgatham adarsi mahoushidhitvam

sAkEtapattana sameeparuhAm dhrumANAm II


Swami Desikan refers to special trees in the forest

known as Mahoushadhis ( Yerivalli trees in Tamil ) .

They light up in darkness due to the fluorescent

properties of their leaves , branches and trunks .

Swami compares the trees in and around AyOdhyA ,

which lit up in the night like the Mahoushadhi trees

as a result of the red rays of the rubies from

the paadhukhAs falling on them .


Swami Desikan says : " Oh , MaNi PaadhukhE ! During the

evening time after your sacred bath, your rubies send out

brilliant red rays all around . Some of them fall on the trees

of AyOdhyA and its suburbs . Those trees in turn absorb

your red rays and take the appearance of the flourescent

Mahoushadhi trees of the forest " .


The inner meaning is that that even a foolish and uncaring

person becomes a JnAni as a result of the mercy and

compassionate upadesam of AzhwAr and the AchAryAs .


Slokma 844 of RPS/ Slokam 14 of PKP



RaamE vanam DasarathE cha divam prayAthE

nirdhoothavisva timirA sahasA bhaboova I

bhooyishtarathnakiraNA bhavathi RaghooNAm

bhooya: prathApathanOdhaya poorvasandhyA II


Swami Desikan states here that the world was engulfed

in darkness and sorrow , when RamA was in exile and

king DasarathA shook off his mortal coils . At that time ,

the red rays originating from the rubies on the PaadhukhAs

served as the rays of the rising Sun at dawn and dispelled

the enveloping darkness . He says : " Oh , PaadhukhE !

When your Lord was roaming the forest during His exile and

His father DasarathA reached heaven , the kingdom of AyodhyA

was plunged in deep sorrow and darkness. At that time , BharathA

performed your coronation ceremony . The red rays of rubies

adorning you shone forth during that occasion and served as

the rays of rising Sun at dawn to dispell the gloom and darkness " .


The inner meaning is that at the beginning of Kali Yugam ,

Sri KrishNa ParamAthmA ascended to Sri Vaikuntam as a

result of completion of His avathAra Kaaryam . The world

was steeped in darkness , when He departed for His abode.

NammAzhwAr ( SATARI SURI ) was born " on the 47th day "

after the advent of Kali Yugam. He served as the brilliant Sun

at that time of his birth and drove away the darkness of

the world and the AjnAnam of the people .


Slokam 845 of RPS / Slokam 15 of PKP



preethEna Devi ! vibhunA prathipaadhaneeyAm

paadhAvani ! prathipadhOdhitha manjunAdham I

vidhyAm vidhurbhagavatha: prathipAdhanArhAm

pArAyaNAgama payOnidhi pAragAstvAm II


In the previous verse, Swami Desikan described the PaadhukhAs

as the dispeller of darkness of the night ( ajnAnam ) . Here, he

describes them as the Upanishadic VidyA (i.e) , the clarity of

a bright day. He says : " Oh , PaadhukhE ! You are the VidhyA

that brings the Lord before us. You carry Him . During your

sanchArams with Him , you raise melliflous naadham at

each one of His steps. Those sacred sounds are like the

manthrAs associated with the VidhyA ( Upanishadic wisdom )

to bring your Lord closer to us . You help us immensely this

way . Through those manthrAs and the Bhakthi you stir in us ,

you become the Prapatthi VidhyA that helps us to secure

the boon of Moksham from your Lord.


Slokam 846 of RPS/ Slokam 16 of PKP



mukthAmsu kesaravathee sthira vajra damshtrA

PrahlAdha sampath anuroopa HiraNya BedhA I

moorthi: SriyO bhavasi Maadhava PaadharakshE !

naathasya noonamuchithA Narasimha MoorthE : II


Here Swami Desikan compares the PaadhukhAs

to be the avatharam of MahA Lkashmi during Her Lord's

appearance in HiraNyakasipu's palace pillar as

Narasimha BhagavAn . Swami thinks about the

pearl , adamantine stones ( a form of diamond )

and the gold housing them in the PaadhukhAs

and his thoughts lead him then to NarasimhAvathAram .

He considers the PaadhukhAs as MahA Lakshmi ,

who always appears with Her Lord in every one

of His incarnations . In this context , Swami Desikan

considers the PaadhukhAs as the Devi Of NarasimhA .


He says : " Oh , Maadhava PaadhukhE ! Your rows of

pearls remind me of the mane (pidari hairs ) of Lord

NarasimhA . Your adamantine stones remind me of His

cannine teeth ( Tetthu paRkaL/ DamshtrA ) . Your gold

reminds me of the form cleaved by the outraged NarasimhA ,

when He tore apart HiraNyakasipu for mistreating the

BhagavathA child , PrahlAdhA . When I think about all these

similarities , You appear to me like MahA Lakshmi

(with Lord NarasimhA ) , who took the form of

a lioness to accompany Her Lord during

His avathAram as NarasimhA . " Swami Desikan says that

the PaadhukhA possesses the appropriate form of the

consort of BhagavAn NarasimhA ( Tvam Narasimha MoorhtE :

nAthasya uchithA Sriya : moorthi bhavasi ) .


Slokam 847 of RPS/ Slokam 17 of PKP



sambhAvayanthi kavaya: chathuraprachAram

manjusvanAm mahitha mowthika pathraLAngeem I

svAdheena sarvabhuvanAm maNipAdhukhE ! tvAm

RangAdhirAja padha pankaja rAjahamseem II


Swami Desikan compares the pair of PaadhukhAs

to a pair of king swans resting at the lotus feet of

the Lord of Srirangam. He points out that the beauty

of the gait and the sweet sound generated from the

sanchArams of the PaadhukhAs make them resemble

the king swans in these attributes. Further , both

the PaadhukhAs and the King Swans are lauded by poets;

they also have in common the capability to travel around

the world . PaadhukhAs of the Lord are celebrated for their

beauty and holiness. Similarly , the other water birds celebrate

the king swans resident on the lotus flowers for their

startlingly beautiful white color and majesty . Based on

these similarities , Swami Desikan concludes that

the PaadhukhAs are a pair of king swans residing on

the lotus feet of Lord RanganAthA .


Swami Desikan says in this context : " Oh , maNi paadhukhE !

The all-knowing water birds see your rows of pearls and

conclude that they are the feathers of the white swans ; they hear

the sweet naadham you generate during your movements and

conclude that they are equivalent to the naadham raised by

the king swans , when they converse with each other. Putting

two and two together , they recognize you as a pair of king

swans( Parama Hamsa ParivrAjakAs) worshipped

by all the world and residing at the Lotus feet

of Lord RanganAthA at Srirangam.


The inner meaning is that the AchAryAs are never without

the thoughts about the Lord's lotus feet and through

their sweet and enlightening words, they endear

themselves to the whole world . AchAryAs are the

Parama Hamsams found at the Lotus feet of the Lord

with dhruva smruthi of those scred feet .


Slokam 848 of RPS / Slokam 18 of PKP



mukthA mayuka ruchirAm maNipaadharakshE !

manjusvanAm manibhirAhitha varNavargAm I

manyE Mukhundha Padha padma madhuvratheenAm

anyAmakrithrima girAm adhidevathAm tvAm II


Swami Desikan compares the PaadhukhAs in this

slokam to a pair of bees circling around the lotus feet of

the Lord as the empowering principle of the VedAs .

He suggests that the PaadhukhAs never leave the Lord's

lotus feet just as the bees never leave the lotus flowers .

He says : " Oh , maNi paadharakshE ! You are beautiful

with the white sheen arising from your pearls . You generate

a sweet sound, when you move . You have many hues due to

the different colored gems adorning you . With the combination

of all of the above features , you remind me of a pair of honey

bees circling the lotus feet of the Lord . You appear to me like

the adhidevathA of the VedAs ( i.e) ., the empowering devathA

of the VedAs . All the VedAs have taken their home in You " .


The inner meaning is that the AzhwAr and the AchAryAs

understand the true meanings of the VedAs and spend their

life time in unceasing thoughts ( dhruva smruthi )

about the lotus feet of the Lord and speak sweetly

about those experiences .


Slokam 849 of RPS/ Slokam 19 of PKP



aasAdhya KekayasuthA varadhAnamoolam

kAlam pradhosham anireekshya RamAsahAyam I

manjuprANAdha rahithA maNipaadharakshE !

mownavratham kimapi noonam avarthayasthvam II


Swami Desikan is reminded of MahA Pradhosham

time ( evening of TrayOdasi day ) , when one can not

worship the Lord and has to observe the vow of silence

(Mowna Vratham ) and strict immobility . He equates

the fourteen years of RamA's exile as the time

of MahA Pradhosham .


Swami Desikan says : " Oh , PaadhukhE ! As a

result of the boons given to Kaikeyi , Sri Rama was exiled

to the forest for fourteen years. At that time , you could

not have the darsanam of the Lord , since you had to

take up your residence at AyOdhyA at the behest of

of your Lord to help BharathA rule the land .


You were sorrow stricken during those fourteen

years of separation from your Lord and you were therefore

silent as though you were observing the rules in place

for MahA Pradhosham . This silence was in contrast to

the joyous times , when you raised sweet sounds during the

transport of your Lord on your back " .


Slokam 850 of RPS/ Slokam 20 of PKP



vaidDhoorya ramya salilA mahithA marudhbhi:

cchAyAvathi marathakOpala rasmi jAlai : I

asrAnthamoha pahavee paThikasya janthO;

visrAnthi bhoomiriva SowripadhAvani ! tvam II


Swami Desikan states here that the PaadhukhAs are

like a delightful resting place reputed for its cool shade,

gentle winds and abundant water supply . He says :

Oh, Lord's paadhukhE ! You serve as a delightful

place of rest for the people afflicted by the ills of

SamsArA . Your VaiDhooryA gems with their clarity

appear like a cool brook of thirst quenching water

at that resting place. Your emeralds appear like the

cool shade there. The DevAs ( maruths ) associated with

you serve as the equivalent of cool breeze . At such an

exquisitely comfortable resting place provided by you ,

the suffering human beings scorched by the fires of

worldly afflictions find their happiness " .


Sri RanganAtha maNi paadhukhE ! Thubhyam nama:

Swami Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

Oppiliappan Kovil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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