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Visvam & Rg Vedam

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Dear Friends :


As I mentioned in my earlier posting , the word

Visvam is saluted NINETY times in the Rg Veda

Rks . I will present examples from each of

the Khandams ., such references are illustrative

rather than being exhaustive and are intended

to encourage you to get closer to the Veda manthrams

of our Vaidhika Matham . The ten manthraas

from each of the ten Khandams are :


1. Visvasya hi prANanam ---1.48.10


2. Visvam satyam magavAnA -- 2. 24.12


3. VisvadhEthE janimA -- 3.54 .8


4 . VisvA rhOdhAmsi pravathasccha -- 4. 22.4


5. visvasya hi prachEthasA -- 5. 71.2


6. VisvE yaddhAm mamhanA --6.67.5


7. Visvam pratheechee saprathA --7.77.2


8. Visvam pasyanthO bibhruthA --8.20.26


9. Visvasya rAjA pavathE --9.76.4


10. VisvakarmA vimanA --10. 82.2


Some of the beautiful Rks( 1.48.8 ,10, 12 )

dealing with Dawn (Ushas ) also include referencs

to Visvam . The first Khandam -- the oldest section of

the oldest Vedam -- has the largest number of references

to "Visvam " ( 17 out of 90 salutations ) .


First KhAndam : Rk 1.100.19



visvAhEndrO adhivakthA nO asthva

parihvritA : sunuyAma vAjam I

tannO MithrO VaruNO mAmahanthAmadhithi:

sindhu: pruthvee utha dhyou : II


Here , the prayer is in Trishtubh Chandas .

It is addressed to the resplendent Lord of

the Universe ( Visvendra : ) . The Rishis offering

the prayer are six in number ( VaaRshAgirar,

Rujraswar, Ambareeshar , Sahadevar , Bhaya mAnar

and SurAdasar . IndrA is the DevathA .


The Lord pervading the Universe is requested to be our guide

each day . The prayer is for the benediction of total

surrender (SaraNAgathi ) to Him and for the enjoyment

of food in the manner recommended by the first manthram

of IsAvAsya Upanishad (tEna tyaktEna BhunjithA: --the renounced,

thou shouldst enjoy ) .


The prayer continues : " May the venerable , INDIVISIBLE ,

mighty God and the natural bounties of Ocean , Earth and

Heaven ( His visva Rupa manifestations ) grant us favours" .


Second KhAndam : Rk 2.13.10



visvedh anu rodhanA asya poumsyam

dhadhurasmai dadhirE krutnavE dhanam I

shalastabhnA vishtira: pancha samdrusa:

pari parO abhava: sAsyuthya : II


Sownaka and Gruthsamadha are the twin rishis

for this manthram ; Indra continues to be the DevathA

and the chandas is Truishtubh .


The omnipotence , the omnipresence of the Lord

is saluted here . The manthram acknowledges that

all the obstacles (for spiritual advancement ) yield

to His manly strength. It goes on to the Visva sAmrAt

aspect of the Lord this way : " All the virtuous people

lay before You , the emperor , ALL of their posessions " .

You are the door (entrance gate ) of mighty deeds (efforts)

and uphold(pervade ) the regions of the six extensions

or cardinal points and offer protection to the five classes

of men , who look upto you for spiritual guidance .

May all of our praises be to You and You alone !


Sayana intreprets the Six extensions or cardinal points

of the Lord as Heaven , Earth , Day, Night , Waters

and Oushadhis ( life giving and medicianal plants ) .

The five classes of people are considered to belong to

the four VarNAs and Nishadaas . These five classes of people

have also been associated with the five cognitive organs .


Third KhAndam : Rk 3.54.8


The Rishi for this manthram is PrajApathi ,

DevathA is VisvE devAs and the chandas is Trishtubh .


visvEdh yEthE janimA vivikthO mahO

dEvAn bibhrathi na vyaThEthE I

yejad dhruvam patyathE VISVAMEKAM

charath patathri VishuNam vi jAtham II


Here , the Rk salutes the ONE BASE on which

all entities rest (i.e) , the VisvAthman . This prayer

starts with the focus on the two entities ( Earth

and Heaven ) and states that these two keep

all born (created ) things discrete . It points out that

these two comprehending Nature's great bounties

are not themselves distressed (affected ) . The Rk

firmly states that all the moving (ChEthanAs ) and

stationary (AchEthanAs ) beings of HIs Universe

rest upon ONE BASE ( HIM ) , be they animals ,

birds , humans or creatures of various kinds.

His VisvAdharathvam is saluted throught this Rk .


Fourth KhAndam : Rk 4.22.4



The Rishis for this manthram are Goudhama and

VaamaDeva . Indra is the DevathA and Trishtubh is

the Chandas .


The Rk is :


visvA rhodhAmsi pravathasccha purvir

dhyaour rshvAj janimAn rEjatha kshA : I

aa mAtharA bharathi sukshmyA ghOr

nrivath parijman nOnuvantha vAthA : II


The pervasiness of the Lord in all the things

that He created as Visvarupi and VisvAthmA

and Visva Saakshi is slauted in this manthram .


It recognizes that His sankalpam (ordainment )

pulsates ALL of His creation with His presence and

Energy and make them vibrant with vigour . All the Hills ,

flooded (overflowing , bounteous ) rivers , Heaven

and Earth start oscillating with energy and power .


The Lord not only pervades them and ennergizes them

at the start , but , He as the mighty , caring and determined

parent of all of His creation sustains both Heaven , Earth

and all that is in between . The Cosmic winds ( VaathA : )

raise their voices in loud salutations like a crowd of men

in mid-region . The unity betwen the Creator, Created and

their resonances are being saluted by the two

Manthra DhrushTAs in this Rk .


Fifth KhAndam: Rk - 5.81.2


The Rishis ( Manthra DhrushTAs ) of this Rk are

AthrEya and SyAvana . Savitha is the DevathA and

the chandas is Jagadhi .


The Rk itself is :


visvA roopANi prathi munjathE kavi : prAsAveedh

bhadram dvipadEh chathushpadEh I

vi nAkam akhyath SavithA varENyOnu

prayANamushasO vi rAjathi II



( The all knowing , omniscient Creator as the supreme

Enlightenment pervades and presents Himself in ALL

forms of His creation .



( He blesses , brings forth the humans and the four-footed

all auspiciousness) .




( The celebrated , illustrious Creator illumines

the heaven's high vault and continues to illumine

even after the setting of Ushas ( the first awakening /

flashes of the inner conscience ) .


(To be continued)


Om Veda PurushAya Nama:

Om VisvAya Nama :


Oppiliappan Kovil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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