Guest guest Posted July 18, 1997 Report Share Posted July 18, 1997 Sri RAmajayam Stories from ANANDA RAMAYANAM - Continued This is the eighth posting in Ananda RAmAyaNam series: Excerpts from YAtrA kANdam: [YAtrA kANdam is written in the form of a conversation between Lord Siva and PArvati. He explains how the original satakoti RAmAyanam was written and how in the future, many more RAmAyanams will come into existence and how they will all be called works of VAlmIki. He then proceeds to narrate the conversation between two bhaktas, RAmdAsa and VishNudAsa. This part covers the details about the yAtra undertaken by SrI RAma.] Lord Siva tells PArvati: " VAlmIki originally created the satakoti RAmAyanam and the name and fame spread to all the worlds; The devas, yakshas, gandharvas, nAgas, sages and others vied to keep the RAmAyanam for their own use. This resulted in total chaos and fight between them. Lord Vishnu intervened and divided the satakoti RAmAyanam into 3 parts of 33,33,33,333 granthams each (100 crore divided by 3). He took the remaining one mantra (32 aksharas with 4 quarters each with 8 aksharas - anushtup candas) and divided it into 3 parts with 10 aksharas per part. Two letters (rA and ma) were left out of the work after this; I received these 2 letters and I say them into the ears of those who die in KAsi (Benares). He gave 1 part of the satakoti RAmAyanam to the devas, 1 part to the sages of the earth and 1 part to the nagas of pAtAlalokam." "In order to spread the bhUloka part of the RAmAyanam in the 7 dvIpams, VishNu divided it into 7 parts with 4,76,19,047 granthams each. 4 slokams (posted in the bhakti list under posting 7) were left over - Lord Brahma learned them from VishNu; He then taught them to Sage Narada who taught them to Sage VyAsar. Out of the 7 divided parts, since Jambu DvIpam was is 9 divisions - each division got 52,91005 granthams. Finally, the letter SrI was left over - VishNu mixed the letter in all the 9 parts." "The RAmAyaNa stories will be forgotten over a period of time - Sage VyAsa will collect the remaining stories and form 24,000 slokams under 7 kandams and add mangala slokams in the beginning and end. Sage Agastya and other rishis will make different RAmAyaNams out of this collection and make them famous in bHarata kaNdam. Learned men will consider all these to be as made by Sage VAlmIki himself. The SAra kANdam related by me to you is the sAram (or juice) of VAlmIki's RAmAyanam." "RAmAyaNAnyanekAni prthagAgre munIsvarAh BhAghAdbhAratakhaNdAntargatAt kumbhodhdhavAdayah Karishyamtyatra satasastAni sarvANi PArvati VAlmIkIyAdvinA devi na jneyAni manIshibhih SArakANdam purA devi yaduktam ca mayA tava VAlmIkIyAchcha tachchApi sAramudrtya vai mayA" [ The total number of slokams including BAlakANdam, AyodhyAkANdam, AraNyakANdam, KishkindAkANdam, SundarakANdam and YuddhakANdam comes to 20,728. I am assuming the 7th kANdam - UttarakANdam has the rest, bringing the total to 24,000.] ========================================================================== Excerpts from YAga kANdam: YAga kANdam relates how Lord RAma did the Asvameda yAgham. Detailed reports are given about how the yAga horse is decorated and sent for BhU pradakshinam; when the horse comes back victoriously (with no one to challenge), RAma gets ready to do the Asvameda yAgham. Sage Kumbodhara pays a visit to RAma and offers his prayer in the form of RAma Ashtottaram (will be given in the next posting). All the kings who have come to witness the asvameda yAgam perform dwajArobhaNam ( worshiping of the dwaja or flag pole and installing it in VishNu temple); an excellent slokam in praise of VishNu is given in this context (will be posted subsequently); RAma proceeds to Sarayu river to do "avabhrta snAnam" (a snAnam done at the completion of a yAga or sacrifice) and completes the asvameda yAgam with pUrNAhuti. In the end, RAma tells LakshmaNa to take all the sages to the treasury place and asks him to order all the guards to leave the place, so the sages can take whatever pleases them. He also presents a lot of gifts to all the guests. He himself receives a golden throne from Kubera, a cool umbrella from VaruNa, a wonderful crown from Indira, a garland from Saraswati, bright swords from Siva and PArvati, horses from Candran (Moon), sandals from SUryadeva and a lot of blessings from the sags. Lord Siva pays another visit and offers a prayer in honor of RAma (will also be posted subsequently). More to come, Kalyani Krishnamachari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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