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Ananda rAmAyaNam - X

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Sri RAmajayam


Stories from ANANDA RAMAYANAM - Continued


This is the tenth posting in Ananda RAmAyaNam series:



Excerpts from yAga kANdam:


During the asvamedha yAgam conducted by SrI RAma, several kings visit

him and perform VishNu dhvajAropaNam - worshiping of the flag pole undertaking

to do some vratams and pUjAs and installing it in the VishNu temple.

During the course of this vratam the following VishNu slokam is chanted.



Slokam 1 seems to be a part of jitantA stotram.

Slokam 13 is a part of the phala sruti in VishNu sahasranAmam in

MahAbhAratam (the translation is from SrI ParASara Bhattar's bhAsyam).




VishNu stotram recited during VishNu dhvajArOpaNam



(as found in Ananda RAmAyaNam yAga kANdam sargam 7)


1. namaste puNdarIkAksha namaste visvabhAvana

namastestu hrshIkEsa mahApurushapUrvaja


(Oh lotus eyed one! One who makes this whole world bright! hrshIkEsa !

Adi mahApurusha ! Salutations to you!)


2. yEnEdamakhilam jAtam yasmin sarvam pratishThitam

layamEshyati yatraitattam prapannOsmi mAdhavam


(Salutations to mAdhava from whom the world was born, because of whom it

exists, and in whom it finally disappears!)


3. na jAnanti varam dEvam sarve brahmAdaya: surA:

yOginO yam praSamsanti tam vande j~nArUpiNam


(Salutations to the one who is not perceived even by devas including Brahma

as parabrahman, but is perceived only by mahAyogis as j~nAnasvarUpi!)


4. antariksham tu yannAbhirdyourmUrdhA yasya caiva hi

pAdAdabhUcca vai prtvI tam vande visvarUpiNam


(Salutations to the visvarUpi, whose head represents the heaven, navel

represents the sky and from whose feet, the earth was born! )


5. yasya srOtre diSa: sarvA yaccakshurdina kricchaSI

rksAmayajushO yEna tam vande brahmarUpiNam


(Salutations to the one for whom the directions are the ears, candra and

sUrya are the eyes, and one from whom rk, yajur, sAma vedams emanated!)


6. yanmukhAdbrAhmaNA jAtA yadbhAhvOrabhavan nrpA:

vaisYA yasyOrutO jAtA: padbhyAm sUdrastvajAyata


(From your face emerged the brAhmaNas, from your hands - the kings,

from your thighs - vaisyas and from your feet - sUdras!)


7. manasaScandramA jAto dinESaScakshushastathA

prANebhya: pavanO jAtO mukhAdagnirajAyata


(The moon emanated from your mind; the sun was created from your eyes;

the wind arose from your breath; the fire started from your face!)


8. pApasandAhamAtreNa vadanti purusham tu yam

svabhAvavimalam Suddham nirvikAram niranjanam


(You are called the mahApurusha, by your mere act of dissolving

all our sins; you are naturally pure, unchangeable, formless and detached!)


9. kshIrAbdhisAyinam devam anantam aparAjitam

sadbhaktavatsalam vishNum bhaktigamyam namAmyaham


(Salutations to Lord VishNu who is lying in the milk ocean, one who

has always existed and will exist, one who is invincible, who is a lover of

bhaktas and one who can be obtained by bhakti!)


10. prithivyAdIni bhUtAni tan mAtrANindriyANi ca

susUkshmANi ca yEnAsamstam vande sarvatOmukham


(Salutations to the one who created the 5 bhutAs like

the earth etc., tanmAtrAs, the indriyAs and sUkshumEndriyAs and one who

exists everywhere!)


11. yadbrahma paramam dhAma sarvalOkOttamOttamam

nirguNam paramam sUkshmam praNatOsmi puna: puna:


(Salutations again and again to the parabrahman,the best goal to be

attained, the greatest of all the uttamAs in all the worlds, nirguNa,

and the fundamental basis of all existence!)


12. nirvikAramajam Suddham sarvatO vahnimIsvaram

yamAmananti yogIndra: sarvakAraNa kAraNam


(Salutations to one who is nirvikAra, one who is unborn, the purest of all

forms, one who exists as agni everywhere, Isvara, primal cause of all causes,

and the one who is worshiped by all yogis!)


13. EkO vishNur mahatbhUtam prthagbhUtAnyanEkasa:

trImlOkAn vyApya bhUtAtma bhungte visvabhughavyaya:


( vishNu is the unique and unparallelled deity in that He pervades the great

elements of different kinds and the three worlds (of souls). He is their

Atma (the inner soul) and their protector. He stands far above all of them

and is not touched by their defects. Thus He enjoys supreme bliss!)



nirguNa: paramAnanda: sa mE vishNu: prasIdatu

hrdayasTHopi dUrasTHo mAyayA mOhitAtmanAm


j~nAninAm sarva dharmastu sa mE vishNu: prasIdatu

caturbhisca caturbhisca dvAbhyAm pancabhirEva ca


hUyatE ca punardhvAbhyAm sa mE vishNu: prasIdatu

j~nAninAm karmaNAm caiva tathA bhaktimatAm nrNAm


( He is nirguNa, paramAnanda svarUpi; even though He resides in all

hearts, He is distant for beings engulfed in mAyA, but is the svadharma

svarUpi for j~nAnis; Let that mahA vishNu bless me!


Let VishNu who is offered homam with mantrams of different meters, and who

is the savior of all j~nAnis, karmis and bhaktas shower His blessings on me! )



17. ghatidAtA visvabhughya: sa mE vishNu: prasIdatu

jagaddhitArtham yO dEham adadhAt lIlayA hari:


( Let the one who shows the righteous path to His devotees and one who

takes forms playfully for the good of the world endow His blessings on me! )


18. yamarcayanti vibudhA: sa mE vishNu: prasIdatu

yamAmananti vai santa: sarvadA'nanda vigraham


( All the learned people worship Him. He is Ananda mUrti; let Him

bless me! )


19. nirguNam ca ghuNadhAram sa mE vishNu: prasIdatu

parEsa: paramAnanda: parAtparatara: prabhu:


( Let the paramEsvara, paramAnanda, parAtpara, prabhu, VishNu bestow His

blessings on me! )




One who recites this slokam is relieved from all sins and attains




More to come,


Kalyani Krishnamachari

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