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Sri RAmajayam


Stories from ANANDA RAMAYANAM - Continued


This is the eleventh posting in Ananda rAmAyaNam series:


Excerpts from vilAsa kANdam:


VilAsa kANdam deals with the happy, married life of Lord RAma and SItA.

Detailed descriptions about their palaces and gardens, their daily

life and their generosities are given.


One of the most striking features in the 9 sargams of vilAsa kAndam is

rAmanAmam as it came from the mouths of birds.


Sita gets a lot of gifts in the form of colorful, talking birds kept in

beautiful cages. The birds have picked up a lot of rAma nAmam from the

maharishis who live in the forest with great austerities and meditate on

srI rAma. The following slokam is attributed to these birds while they

were living happily in the palace.



pakshiNa oocu:


1. jayatu rAghavO jAnakIyutO jayatvakhilarAjarAjakeSvara:

daSarathAtmajo lakshmaNAgrajo jayatu mApatistATikAntaka:


(Victory to jAnakI samEta srI rAghava! Victory to the ISvara of all the

rAjAdirAjAs, daSaratha's son, lakshmaNa's elder brother, lakshmIpati

and the slayer of tATaka.)


2. jayatu kouSikasyAdhvaram gatO jayatu rakshasAm marakO mahAn

jayatu goutamAhalyayA stuto jayatu janakItAtamAnita:


(Victory to srI rAma who destroyed rAkshasAs when he went to protect

visvAmitra's yAgam, transformed ahalyA from a stone to a woman and got

praised by her and her husband gautama and was welcomed by janaka mahAraja.)


3. jayatu na: patiscApakhaNdanO janakajAvarOnmuktamAlaya

nrpasabhAngaNE kouSikAnuga: paramaSobhitaScAtiharshita:


(Victory to srIrAma who followed visvAmitra to the praise of all the kings,

who broke Siva's bow and got garlanded by sItA.)


4. jayatu bhUmijAnghrayOstadA mudA nijakarOtpalE sthApya rAghava:

kamalahastakEnAkarOnnatim sa raghunandana: pAtu na: sukham


(Let rAghava who placed his hands on sItA's lotus like feet and did

anjalibandhanam - (held hands) with his lotus like hands, protect us.

I believe this refers to the seven steps - sapta pati - during the

sItA rAma kalyANam.)


5. jayatu bhUmijAlingitO mahAn janamanOharaScAtiSobhana:

paraSurAmadam dhrtya vai dhanurnijapitustadA'darSayad balam


(Victory to srIrAma, who is sItA's beautiful nAyaka, who is all bright,

and who displayed his strength to his father by bending paraSurAma's bow.)


6. jayatu sItayA bhOgakrcciram jayatu kaikayIprErito vanam

jayatu parvatE vAsakrcciram jayati yOtriNA pUjitO vanE


(Victory to srIrAma, who lived with sItA happily for some time,

who went to the forest on kaikEyi's order and lived in the mountains

and who was worshipped by atri maharishi.)


7. jayatu sa virAdhasya ghAtakrjjayatu dUshaNAdipramardana:

jayatu yO mrgam mOcayadbhavAjjayatu ya: kabandham kshaNAjjahau


(Victory to the lord who killed virAdhan, dhUshaNan, mArIcan who came

disguised as a deer and kabandan who was killed in a split second.)


8. jayatu vAlihA sEtukArakO jayatu rAvaNAdimardaka:

jayatu svam padam prApa sItayA mangalasnAnakrnmudA


(Victory to srI rAmacandramUrti who killed vAli, built the bridge across

the ocean, destroyed rAvaNa and other wicked rAkshasas, reached ayodhyA and

is living happily after the auspicious coronation.)


9. jayatu vAkyatO bhUsurasya ya: sakalabhUtalam paryaTan ciram

jayatu yAgakrllokaSikshayA jayatu ranjayan sthita:


(Victory to srI rAmacandramUrti who is living a long life according to

brahmA's words, performing yAgams for the good of the world and living a

happy life with sItAdEvi.)


raghuvarasya yat pakshibhi: krtam navamuttamam ya: paTishyati

tapananirgamE bhaktitatparO nijamanOrthitam samgamishyati


One who reads with bhakti, these 9 uttama slokams about sri rAghava as told

by the birds, will have all the mangalams in the world.


More to come,


Kalyani Krishnamachari


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